Time flew by quickly, and soon five days were gone.
Only 24 hours were left until the first clear of the dungeon was announced in Lin Jie's previous life. Lin Jie's preparation job was finally complete, and all the members of Savage Blade wore flashy Blasphemer Sets. When standing side by side, they looked like magnificent, gold-lit saints. Owning the sets also allowed them to counter Venom Lei Zhika's attacks most effectively.
And Kid had finally gotten used to his role as a raid commander. The First Savage Blade team wasn't as friendly as Lin Jie's team. All of them were quick-tempered mercenaries who would curse and scold whenever Kid made any mistakes. Initially, Kid would cry when he was being scolded, but when he realized that tears were of no use, he vowed to show them his worth and eventually shut them up with his abilities.
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