"What's happening there?"
"It can also rain in Endless Volcanoes?"
Violent Fate listened to the comments of his subordinates and frowned. He looked at the unusual dark clouds from afar and sensed danger.
It was just so unusual!
"Be alert!" Violent Fate shouted and walked to the front of the team. The rest of the team quickly surrounded the gigantic egg. The sole reason why this Hundred Bandit Team existed was because of Eighteen Massacres!
Thick dark clouds seemed to crush the ground, while a thunderstorm was brewing in the clouds. A bolt of lightning struck the crater, sputtering magma that caused the players to tremble in fear.
"That volcano…" Violent Fate checked the map. He was assured that even if the volcano did erupt, they would be safe there.
But… the sound of thunder got louder and scarier! It was like the doom of Earth!
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