/ Fantasy / A Wizard's Secret

A Wizard's Secret

A Wizard's Secret

Fantasy Lengkap 1,063 Bab 8.3M Dilihat
Penulis: Shadow on the MoonPenerjemah: J_SquaredEditor: J_Squared
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Anyone who could construct a stable Spell Model could become a Wizard — that was the Wizards' ultimate secret! Having been given a new life as the son of an aristocrat and armed with a super quantum computer from his past life, Spell Models game as easily as breathing to Merlin. With this overwhelmingly huge advantage, would Merlin become the greatest Grand Wizard of all time?



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    This novel copies the overly used formula that most Reincarnated into a Wizard World stories do. And worst of all the touted "Super Computer" hasn't even appeared yet! If you'd like to read *Good* Wizard World stories I'd recommend: If you'd like some suggestions of my favorite Novels: Warlock of the Magus World (The OG reincarnation with a chip novel, one of the Best out there) Age of Adepts (Another Wizard chip story about a truly guileful MC) The Wizard World (Chip story that has very Fever Dream set pieces, like reading a vivid Lucid dream) When A Mage Revolts (A guy reincarnates with a system that trolls him, eventually becomes the Hero of all persecuted Mages) Advent of the Archmage (Guy reincarnates as God of Lights Chosen, gets skillbook shop and quests to save world) The Book Eating Magician (Guy's hand turns into a Grimoire that can eat books to learn magic)

    Lihat 157 balasan

    The "wizard" in the title makes me vote and expect a dark, intense, gore or etc scene. Much better if the main character is an apathy/anti-hero, experimenting body's or etc. 😏😏😏😏

    Lihat 145 balasan

    Website : qidian china Views : 3.95million Rating : 9.0(403) Chapters : 1085 Status : completed Word count : 3.18million author level : lv5 No of works : 12 Disscussion : 2883 Year started : 2013 Chinese title : 法师奥义

    Lihat 48 balasan

    Another really crappily written novel about magic. I'm very pissed, so if this review comes off as ranty, I apologize. First I'd like to point out that this novel is basically a carbon copy of Throne of Magical Arcana. If you read both of them back to back for 20 chapters, you'll be sold about this point. Both live in a world of magic, both worlds of magic have a religious background setting. Both religious background settings are hostile to any magic besides their own. In this way, Throne of Magical Arcana is head and shoulders above this paultry copycat. The only thing that separates these two novels, and I suspect the only reason there hasn't been a lawsuit filed against this plagiarizing piece of crap author is the fact that this story has no musical elements, which in Throne of Magical Arcana, is the major selling point for the first arc. Beyond that, the writing in itself is subpar in its execution, the synopsis mentions a "microchip" that allows the MC to use magic more easily than any other spell caster in the story. This isn't exactly new content and it certainly doesn't break any tropes. The problem with this is the fact that for the first twenty chapters this thing is completely absent. There's no mention of it, in fact, there's no mention of anything having to do with the previous world the MC lived in. Not a single sentence was used to describe anything but the most basic of basic tropes of how the MC died. There's no "want to go back" there's no "I miss my family" there's nothing in this story to show that the MC even came from another world besides the very most basic of basic analogies that the MC sometimes uses to describe things in his mind to us the reader. And even this is very lacking, it's so pathetic that my assessment of it is that the author found it horrendously difficult to come up with a plot that didn't make these analogies. It's not surprising to me really, he copied Throne of Magical Arcana's plot, so he clearly lacks imagination. It doesn't surprise me in the least that he couldn't come up with a nicer way to describe things in his story besides using analogies that fit our world. Getting back on topic, the "microchip" is completely absent for twenty whole chapters and when it finally does show up, it shows up in such a ridiculously plot armory way that I don't even know what to do with it. There's no clever execution, there's nothing to hide it. It's literally "Oh, this is how I'm supposed to do magic, oh damn that's really hard!" "I really wish I had !@$@%!" *Poof* "!@$@% Has been acquired.". LITERALLY. THAT IS LITERALLY WHAT HAPPENS. YOU CAN GO LOOK AT IT YOURSELF! Don't even get me started about more nonsense that happens in this novel. One thing I hate the most about novels is how they sometimes forget their own past plot. Like how something at the start of a story is really important but later on you stop and realize that the major plot point that the entire novel is built around isn't even being mentioned anymore. The mc makes choice to practice fire magic. "Ok." The mc decides to practice fire magic inside his house. "eh" The mc makes huge fire ball of death 3 times more powerful than all the other fireballs he released so far. Super-Fireball explodes shaking his entire basement and leaves a massive meter wide crater on the ground. Mc is unharmed and no1 in the house above him feels anything. ............................................________ ....................................,.-'"...................``~., .............................,.-"..................................."-., .........................,/...............................................":, .....................,?......................................................, .................../...........................................................,} ................./......................................................,:`^`..} .............../...................................................,:"........./ ..............?.....__.........................................:`.........../ ............./__.(....."~-,_..............................,:`........../ .........../(_...."~,_........"~,_....................,:`........_/ ..........{.._$;_......"=,_......."-,_.......,.-~-,},.~";/....} ...........((.....*~_......."=-._......";,,./`..../"............../ ...,,,___.`~,......"~.,....................`.....}............../ ............(....`=-,,.......`........................(......;_,,-" ............/.`~,......`-...................................../ .............`~.*-,.....................................|,./.....,__ ,,_..........}.>-._...................................|..............`=~-, .....`=~-,__......`,................................. ...................`=~-,,.,............................... ................................`:,,...........................`..............__ .....................................`=-,...................,%`>--==`` ........................................_..........._,-%.......` ...................................,

    Lihat 12 balasan

    Reading this novel is rage inducing, it keeps repeating the same basic facts and words over and over and over and over. The chapter where he learns magic is one of the worst offenders, the word Fireball is repeated so much i can still hear it echo around my skull. There is also the one where every phrase talks about "heavy armored knights", he almost uses those exact three words 20 times in a row. The author also has every single character talk as if every other person nearby is a clueless idiot with a memory span of 30 seconds. "Hello friend, it is me your fat friend. We've know each other for 14 years and i still have to introduce myself to you every time we meet. I also have to clearly explain my family background and the fact that i love visiting brothels. Have you heard about Mark? He's our classmate that clearly hates you. He hates you because you are going to marry Clarissa and he told you many times he loves Clarissa too! How incredibly interesting! Did you notice that today the sky was blue? It was the same yesterday and as far as memory goes the color hasn't changed, isn't it wonderful?". This is not an exact quote but if you read the novel you'll find very similar situations. Explanations about stuff is similarly repeated ad nauseam, for example when his computer thingy is introduced we get and explanation on how it will greatly speed up his learning new spells. Now every time the MC talks about new spells he has found he also reminds us about the computer that is going to help him, again. The author or translator doesn't even bother changing up the wording a little, it's like the explanation has been copy and pasted multiple times in different chapters. At this point i'm not even sure if the author is doing it because he thinks the people reading are unimaginably stupid or he's trying to beef up the word count. The story is nothing to write home about, incredibly generic and borrows a whole bunch of elements from other more "famous" novels in this particular genre. Church clearly bad, he has computer in the new body even though it was injected in his blood in the previous word???, he learns magic from a random bored guy and he becomes ruthless at the flip of a coin. I'm quite surprised he hasn't raped anyone yet due to yin and yang imbalance... Almost forgot, he has the computer in his head doing nothing the whole time instead of already calculating stuff he'll obviously need in the future. He'll wait till the last moment to turn it on and find the best combination for a spell he had for months. Why? Anyway i'm bored, i don't feel like writing about this novel anymore. This story is crap, the translator is crappy, he probably pops the raws in google translate and just changes a few words if he's feeling it. If he's doing more then that it sure doesn't show. Don't waste your time with this, eating handfuls of sawdust would be a more productive and fun way to spend your valuable time.

    Lihat 4 balasan

    WARNING ⚠️ :to anyone who isn’t authist and has a religion don’t even bother to read this book it’s meant for people who enjoy to cuss religion The writer clearly has some problems his authis so he doesn’t like religion that okay but to go out of his way just to cuss and insult other religions and calling them back ward that’s too much t

    Lihat 90 balasan

    I'll update this review after the English is fixed. I can't handle the oddities. The quality of novels has been going downhill lately, is it just me?

    Lihat 9 balasan

    Honestly, we came for the computer but so far nothing. The story is similar to many others like it. Once you've read one, you've pretty much read them all. They just different names and behave a little bit different from each other.

    Lihat 26 balasan

    Very slow and the synopsis says he has a super computer in his brain, but in the first 17 chapters hasn't been introduced. So far I find the story dull and the mc is incredibly boring.

    Lihat 4 balasan

    curious about the continuation of this novel? You can read the MTL version first on : novelraw.blogspot.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Lihat 2 balasan

    I really enjoy this story. It features all the typical elements of a fantasy setting: wizards, swordsman that follow their own power system, and the ever important religious nutbags. Despite it having many elements that come in typical fantasy stories, I found this to be enjoyable as the MC seems to be accepting the world like I would. BTW: this is from NoLoliNoLife. My main account was banned from commenting. THIS IS A REBELLION!!!!!!!!!!!! pls don't ban this one

    Lihat 16 balasan

    Dont expecting any intelligent mc like in warlock of magus world or wizard world here, this is purely xianxia novel that was disguised as fantasy magic novel. In the early 100 chapter you will not feel it, but after you read until chapter 400 you will know how much my statement was the truth. MC was dumb, incredibly stupid without any redeeming quality, he was only special merely because his AI cheat Matrix. Building spell model? Matrix, solve it for me! Concocting alchemy? Matrix, show me the steps properly! Constructing rune? Matrix, solve it for.., oh you cant do it? Oh well, i dont have talent for runes then... Aside from his dumb intelligent, his behavior is also moronic, it was the standard xianxia mc troupe. Strong opponent? Charge! Oh ****, I barely win. Lucky encounter? Easy, every step I got treasures. Trapped in deadly ruin? Haha, I got a new ancient magic instead. Well, thats all. I rate this novel 3 star based on those, but I refuced it by 1 star because I cant help it but to compared with magical fantasy masterpiece such as WMW and Wizard World.

    Lihat 6 balasan
    LV 10 Badge

    Can already tell from the synopsis and previous reviews that this novel is just a bland and plagiarized Novel copying The wizard world (and unsuccessfully unlike WMW). Only good thing about this novel is seeing all the butt hurt religion followers blowing a gasket because the novel refers to them as back-ward. Like imagining living in 2019 the era of information and science and still believing in something that has no evidence of it existing (except maybe a book written thousands of years ago). Anyways 1.6 stars only because Qidan usually hires pretty good translators and editors at least making the novel readable.

    Lihat 10 balasan

    The novel is very basic , just another carbon copy pf the ones already created also that poater image has been used by another novel already , this one is a little zoomed in and i checked and its from diff authors

    Lihat 10 balasan

    Even with the collapse of retail, A Wizard's Secret is a chain that remains a mall staple throughout America. It is, perhaps, the most notable American designer, manufacturer, and marketer of wizard's lingerie, robes, and beauty products, If you're looking for a CHA bonus for that special someone, you should shop here.

    Lihat 2 balasan

    Dont expecting any intelligent mc like in warlock of magus world or wizard world here, this is purely xianxia novel that was disguised as fantasy magic novel. In the early 100 chapter you will not feel it, but after you read until chapter 400 you will know how much my statement was the truth. MC was dumb, incredibly stupid without any redeeming quality, he was only special merely because his AI cheat Matrix. Building spell model? Matrix, solve it for me! Concocting alchemy? Matrix, show me the steps properly! Constructing rune? Matrix, solve it for.., oh you cant do it? Oh well, i dont have talent for runes then... Aside from his dumb intelligent, his behavior is also moronic, it was the standard xianxia mc troupe. Strong opponent? Charge! Oh ****, I barely win. Lucky encounter? Easy, every step I got treasures. Trapped in deadly ruin? Haha, I got a new ancient magic instead. ........ Around chapter 400, mc will stumble upon fragment of law as though he stumble upon rock when mc merely level 3 wizard. Just so you know this is division of power realm in this novel: - level 1-3 wizard: low level wizard - level 4-6 wizard: medium level wizard that able to build their own wizard tower - level 7-9 wizard: high level wizard, they need to personally create their own spell - archmage: the peak powerhouse in mortal realm before the realm of law. Even archmage will not be able to find fragment of law, but mc at this chapter 400 already possessed 2 fragment of law of fire and ice. Please author, mc plot armor is too strong. .............. MC is also too hotblooded, he doesnt had calm judgment and mind unlike WMW and WW mc. Just this alone already disqualify him as wizard since wizard or mage was being with intelligent and calm mind. When he saw his teacher killed he should endure it and silently take revenge in the future but no, mc dumbly charge at the enemy like idiot even though the enemy was much stronger. He gamble his life by attempting using 4th stage of dark eye even though he know this is the reason his teacher die. ......... In the late story around chapter 900, mc was already the peak powerhouse that able to to fight the whole consciousness of realm but eventually defeated and banished from the emptiness realm. MC then drift to other realm and occupied other people body, a bit like Leylin when he infiltrated realm of gods in wmw. Here because he lost his previous physical body, mc lose his AI cheat matrix. And you know the most rage inducing is MC was already became the peak powerhouse with dozens thousands of years, but in this mortal realm mc immediately became useless without his AI cheat. THEN WHATS THE POINT OF HAVING DOZENS THOUSANDS YEARS EXPERIENCE AS PEAK POWERHOUSE OF MULTIPLE WORLDS, IF MC BECOME USELESS IN MORTAL REALM JUST BECAUSE HE LOST AI CHEAT, JUST DIE!!!! ............... There are total of 1059 chapters in this novel, as for the ending? I'll not spoiled it but I'll give you my impressions: boring, dull, frustating, and rushed. Many said that WMW ending is kind of rushed, but this novel is on another level. It was like the novel was axed and the author was forced to end it in several chapters. Dude, it'll be much better if the ending was like this: 'mc explore myriad of planes and finally able to find his previous planet earth to find out the reason of his transmigration', but no! The ending was explaining nonsense about power of destruction and whatnot. You can try to read its mtl at: https://novelraw.blogspot.com/2019/03/a-wizards-secret-mtl-chapter-1059-end.html?m=1 It was readable, but you will feel that this last chapter didnt had any 'ending or epilogue kind of feeling'. If I guess correctly the publishing company (Qidian) most likely axed this novel and warn the author to finished it in several chapter. This novel pissed me off, but it deserved at least 3 star. However I give this novel 1 star coz the ending was super duper horrible, it was better if the author end it at 900 ch, since at that chapters the novel was still decent.

    Lihat 1 balasan
    LV 5 Badge

    Wow.....another Merlin character...... 5/5 Amazing originality in name making. Hopefully it turns out well. Havent read this novel yet as of this review.

    Lihat 8 balasan

    Completely mediocre, read until chapter 6 and couldn't be bothered anymore. Bland, typical wuxia plot except in "western setting". Plot hole where his friends talk to him as if he previously was also an amnesiac, stale characters including MC, plot so slow moving to the point of meaningless, info dumping instead of showing.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    I was fascinated by the potential of the spell system, and world but sadly the characters keep getting more and more disappointing. Maybe I'll come back to this story later, but honestly unless the characters gain some depth I'm afraid it won't be worth it. As of chapter 96 I'm dropping it from my library.

    Lihat 0 balasan
    LV 13 Badge

    Dropped this just now. Here is my spoiler-free review: The mc is the dumbest I ever saw, and he only uses the quantic computer for the only thing he can think of. While the author says he's cautious and not taking risk, it looks like he's doing everything to die, to the point of testing fireballs in a closed environnement. The reason of the quantic computer following him is even worse as it just proves it shouldn't have happened

    Lihat 1 balasan
    Terbaru dirilis:
    Chapter 1063: A Perfect World (Finale) 4 years ago

    Jilid 1

    1. 1
      Merlin 5 years ago
    2. 2
      A Backward World 5 years ago
    3. 3
      Supernatural Civilization 5 years ago
    4. 4
      Elemental Swordsman 5 years ago
    5. 5
      Antique I 5 years ago
    6. 6
      Antiques II 5 years ago
    7. 7
      Gia 5 years ago
    8. 8
      Relief Sculpture 5 years ago
    9. 9
      Illusion 5 years ago
    10. 10
      General Prat 5 years ago
    11. 11
      Change of the Body 5 years ago
    12. 12
      Old Man Etha 5 years ago
    13. 13
      Molta Language 5 years ago
    14. 14
      Heretic 5 years ago
    15. 15
      Spell Caster I 5 years ago
    16. 16
      Spell Caster II 5 years ago
    17. 17
      The Ring 5 years ago
    18. 18
      Interrogation 5 years ago
    19. 19
      Spell Manual 5 years ago
    20. 20
      Spell Model 5 years ago
    21. 21
      The Matrix 5 years ago
    22. 22
      Fireball Spell 5 years ago
    23. 23
      The Incident I 5 years ago
    24. 24
      The Incident II 5 years ago
    25. 25
      True Identity 5 years ago
    26. 26
      Whisper 5 years ago
    27. 27
      Fierce Battle I 5 years ago
    28. 28
      Fierce Battle II 5 years ago
    29. 29
      An Unexpected Gain 5 years ago
    30. 30
      A Distinguished Guest 5 years ago
    31. 31
      Territory I 5 years ago
    32. 32
      Territory II 5 years ago
    33. 33
      A Strange Wind 5 years ago
    34. 34
      Meeting 5 years ago
    35. 35
      Casting Tool I 5 years ago
    36. 36
      Casting Tool II 5 years ago
    37. 37
      Bandits I 5 years ago
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      Bandits II 5 years ago
    39. 39
      The Fight I 5 years ago
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      The Fight II 5 years ago
    41. 41
      Grand Operation 5 years ago
    42. 42
      Second Spell Model 5 years ago
    43. 43
      Ambition 5 years ago
    44. 44
      Danger at the Castle I 5 years ago
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      Danger at the Castle II 5 years ago
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      Fierce Battle at Blackwater City I 5 years ago
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      Fierce Battle at Blackwater City II 5 years ago
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      Fierce Battle at Blackwater City III 5 years ago
    49. 49
      Too Weak 5 years ago
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      Battle of Spell Casters I 5 years ago
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      Battle of Spell Casters II 5 years ago
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      Battle of Spell Casters III 5 years ago
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      Battle of Spell Casters IV 5 years ago
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      Departure I 5 years ago
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      Departure II 5 years ago
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      Departure III 5 years ago
    57. 57
      Members of the Royal Family I 5 years ago
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      Members of the Royal Family II 5 years ago
    59. 59
      Her Highness the Princess I 5 years ago
    60. 60
      Her Highness the Princess II 5 years ago
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      The Strange Bandits I 5 years ago
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      The Strange Bandits II 5 years ago
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      Big Boss I 5 years ago
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      Big Boss II 5 years ago
    65. 65
      Deal I 5 years ago
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      Deal II 5 years ago
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      Deal III 5 years ago
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      The Kingdom of Blackmoon I 5 years ago
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      The Kingdom of Blackmoon II 5 years ago
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      The Kingdom of Blackmoon III 5 years ago
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      Plans I 5 years ago
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      Plans II 5 years ago
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      Prakash City I 5 years ago
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      Prakash City II 5 years ago
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      Deep Trouble I 5 years ago
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      Deep Trouble II 5 years ago
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      Wizard Hill I 5 years ago
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      Wizard Hill II 5 years ago
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      Arrival I 5 years ago
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      Arrival II 5 years ago
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      Battle I 5 years ago
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      Battle II 5 years ago
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      No More Escape! 5 years ago
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      Reward I 5 years ago
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      Reward II 5 years ago
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      Disappointment I 5 years ago
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      Disappointment II 5 years ago
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      Title of Nobility I 5 years ago
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      Title of Nobility II 5 years ago
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      Banquet I 5 years ago
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      Banquet II 5 years ago
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      Meet Again I 5 years ago
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      Meet Again II 5 years ago
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      Token I 5 years ago
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      Token II 5 years ago
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      Solution I 5 years ago
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      Solution II 5 years ago
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      Solution III 5 years ago
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      Waiting I 5 years ago
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      Waiting II 5 years ago
    101. 101
      Forward I 5 years ago
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      Forward II 5 years ago
    103. 103
      The Dark Magic Region I 5 years ago
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      The Dark Magic Region II 5 years ago
    105. 105
      Newbie Wizard 5 years ago
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      Assigned 5 years ago
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      Wizard Leo I 5 years ago
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      Wizard Leo II 5 years ago
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      Choice I 5 years ago
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      Choice II 5 years ago
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      Peaceful Life I 5 years ago
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      Peaceful Life II 5 years ago
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      Options 5 years ago
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      Unforeseen Circumstance 5 years ago
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      Mission Hall 5 years ago
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      Mission I 5 years ago
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      Mission II 5 years ago
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      Donglin City I 5 years ago
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      Donglin City II 5 years ago
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      Dark Vampire Bats I 5 years ago
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      Dark Vampire Bats II 5 years ago
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      Shock and Disappointment 5 years ago
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      Pool of Blood 5 years ago
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      Elemental Being I 5 years ago
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      Elemental Being II 5 years ago
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      Shaman 5 years ago
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      Crisis 5 years ago
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      Tragic I 5 years ago
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      Tragic II 5 years ago

    Jilid 2

    1. 130
      The Return I 5 years ago
    2. 131
      The Return II 5 years ago
    3. 132
      The Attendant I 5 years ago
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      The Attendant II 5 years ago
    5. 134
      Temperature 5 years ago
    6. 135
      Compatibility 5 years ago
    7. 136
      The Eve 5 years ago
    8. 137
      Birds of A Feather Flock Together 5 years ago
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      The Conference 5 years ago
    10. 139
      Three Wins In A Row 5 years ago
    11. 140
      Irresistible Force I 5 years ago
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      Irresistible Force II 5 years ago
    13. 142
      The Final Round I 5 years ago
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      The Final Round II 5 years ago
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      The Final Round III 5 years ago
    16. 145
      Who Is Chosen? 5 years ago
    17. 146
      Seventh-level Spell Caster 5 years ago
    18. 147
      Advanced Meditation Spell 5 years ago
    19. 148
      First-level Spell 5 years ago
    20. 149
      Changes in Dark Magic Region 5 years ago
    21. 150
      Ozmu 5 years ago
    22. 151
      Dark Light Realm 5 years ago
    23. 152
      Attack! 5 years ago
    24. 153
      Two Sides of the Same Coin 5 years ago
    25. 154
      Tramp 5 years ago
    26. 155
      Dire Situation 5 years ago
    27. 156
      Reconstruction! 5 years ago
    28. 157
      Pandora Demon Ability 5 years ago
    29. 158
      Darkness Eye! 5 years ago
    30. 159
      Successfully Constructed 5 years ago
    31. 160
      It’s Been A Long Time 5 years ago
    32. 161
      The Warmth of Family 5 years ago
    33. 162
      Overpowering Blow 5 years ago
    34. 163
      Wizard Heghar 5 years ago
    35. 164
      Purple Stone Powder Potion 5 years ago
    36. 165
      Joy of Reunion 5 years ago
    37. 166
      A Great War Approaches 5 years ago
    38. 167
      Breaking through the Barrier! 5 years ago
    39. 168
      Heghar's Confidence 5 years ago
    40. 169
      Demon Ability, Glacial Finger! 5 years ago
    41. 170
      What is Demon Ability? 5 years ago
    42. 171
      Second First-level Spell! 5 years ago
    43. 172
      Scarce Resources 5 years ago
    44. 173
      Floating City 5 years ago
    45. 174
      Alchemist 5 years ago
    46. 175
      Alchemy Creature 5 years ago
    47. 176
      Wizard Vladi 5 years ago
    48. 177
      Terrifying Potion 5 years ago
    49. 178
      Transformation of the Bell Pendant 5 years ago
    50. 179
      Sterling House 5 years ago
    51. 180
      Enhancing Casting Tool 5 years ago
    52. 181
      Working Together 5 years ago
    53. 182
      Spying 5 years ago
    54. 183
      A Surprise Attack 5 years ago
    55. 184
      Already Arrived! 5 years ago
    56. 185
      Take You Seriously 5 years ago
    57. 186
      Complicated Potion 5 years ago
    58. 187
      Promise? 5 years ago
    59. 188
      Triple Construction 5 years ago
    60. 189
      Fearsome Demon Ability! 5 years ago
    61. 190
      An Ancient Monument 5 years ago
    62. 191
      One Strike 5 years ago
    63. 192
      Attack and Kill 5 years ago
    64. 193
      Another Pandora Demon Ability? 5 years ago
    65. 194
      The Spell Caster Clan 5 years ago
    66. 195
      Wizard Glen 5 years ago
    67. 196
      The Spread of Information 5 years ago
    68. 197
      Overbearing 5 years ago
    69. 198
      The Melee 5 years ago
    70. 199
      The Intimidating One! 5 years ago
    71. 200
      Mysterious Symbols 5 years ago
    72. 201
      Patterned Spiders! 5 years ago
    73. 202
      Secret Passage 5 years ago
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      Guardian Puppet 5 years ago
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      Intruder 5 years ago
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      Re-encounter 5 years ago
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      Fiery Collapse 5 years ago
    78. 207
      Fall Out 5 years ago
    79. 208
      A Blessing in Disguise 5 years ago
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      Reward 5 years ago
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      Going Through A Checkpoint 5 years ago
    82. 211
      First-level Spell Caster! 5 years ago
    83. 212
      Going Through the Checkpoint Again! 5 years ago
    84. 213
      The First Form! 5 years ago
    85. 214
      Bramble Mountain 5 years ago
    86. 215
      Return to the Dark Magic Region! 5 years ago
    87. 216
      Dragging Everyone In 5 years ago
    88. 217
      Signing the Contract 5 years ago
    89. 218
      Fatal Flaw 5 years ago
    90. 219
      Robe 5 years ago
    91. 220
      Abyss Fort 5 years ago
    92. 221
      Darkness Heart 5 years ago
    93. 222
      Darkness Void 5 years ago
    94. 223
      Illusion 5 years ago
    95. 224
      Skeletons 5 years ago
    96. 225
      The Seventh Day! 5 years ago
    97. 226
      The True Illusion 5 years ago
    98. 227
      Break Through the Void! 5 years ago
    99. 228
      Cultivate Darkness Heart 5 years ago
    100. 229
      Improved Strength 5 years ago
    101. 230
      The Ultimate Hallucinating Spell! 5 years ago
    102. 231
      Hurried Departure 5 years ago
    103. 232
      Resolution 1 5 years ago
    104. 233
      Resolution 2 5 years ago
    105. 234
      Resolution 3 5 years ago
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      Resolution 4 5 years ago
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      Resolution 5 5 years ago
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      Resolution 6 5 years ago
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      Resolution 7 5 years ago
    110. 239
      Resolution 8 5 years ago
    111. 240
      Resolution 9 5 years ago
    112. 241
      Transformation 5 years ago
    113. 242
      The Bell Space 5 years ago
    114. 243
      Simulation 5 years ago
    115. 244
      An Encounter 5 years ago
    116. 245
      Tolle City 5 years ago
    117. 246
      The Neverending Book 5 years ago
    118. 247
      Before The Chaos I 5 years ago
    119. 248
      Before The Chaos II 5 years ago
    120. 249
      Disclosure 5 years ago
    121. 250
      Chaos I 5 years ago
    122. 251
      Chaos II 5 years ago
    123. 252
      Bluebird 5 years ago
    124. 253
      Suppression 5 years ago
    125. 254
      Student? 5 years ago
    126. 255
      The Mysterious Light-type Spell 5 years ago
    127. 256
      The Limits of the Bell Space 5 years ago
    128. 257
      Didimoss, the Black Cat 5 years ago
    129. 258
      Clue I 5 years ago
    130. 259
      Clue II 5 years ago
    131. 260
      Dark Magic Space 5 years ago
    132. 261
      Guardian Wizard 5 years ago
    133. 262
      Lava Soil 5 years ago
    134. 263
      A Life-Saving Object 5 years ago
    135. 264
      What One Sees and Hears 5 years ago
    136. 265
      Two-headed Infant 5 years ago
    137. 266
      Disappointment 5 years ago
    138. 267
      Fort Udon 5 years ago
    139. 268
      Creating Greater Wonders 5 years ago
    140. 269
      Issuing a Challenge 5 years ago
    141. 270
      The Three Major Factions 5 years ago
    142. 271
      Defenseless and Dissatisfied 5 years ago
    143. 272
      Fort Udon’s Dominance I 5 years ago
    144. 273
      Fort Udon’s Dominance II 5 years ago
    145. 274
      Gold-lined Robe 5 years ago
    146. 275
      Sincerity 5 years ago
    147. 276
      Violet Flame Island 5 years ago
    148. 277
      Spell Casters on the Island 5 years ago
    149. 278
      Sea Beasts Incoming 5 years ago
    150. 279
      A Show of Strength on the Island! 5 years ago
    151. 280
      Idea 5 years ago
    152. 281
      Nameless Island 5 years ago
    153. 282
      Strange Whirlpool 5 years ago
    154. 283
      The Flame Being 5 years ago
    155. 284
      Mirror Image 5 years ago
    156. 285
      The Second Obstacle 5 years ago
    157. 286
      Pandora Demon Ability, Fuse Earth! 5 years ago
    158. 287
      Hitting a Snag 5 years ago
    159. 288
      Life-Saving Bracelet 5 years ago
    160. 289
      Maxim! 5 years ago
    161. 290
      The Legend Nikola! 5 years ago
    162. 291
      The Islands in a Crisis! 5 years ago
    163. 292
      This is Just the Beginning! 5 years ago
    164. 293
      Terminate the Contract! 5 years ago
    165. 294
      Ship of Nikola! 5 years ago
    166. 295
      The Power of a Legend I 5 years ago
    167. 296
      The Power of a Legend II 5 years ago
    168. 297
      Leveling Up and Gaining Loot! 5 years ago
    169. 298
      The Flame Prison 5 years ago
    170. 299
      A Slave Contract! 5 years ago
    171. 300
      A Hundred Years’ Time Limit 5 years ago
    172. 301
      A Special Pandora Demon Ability 5 years ago
    173. 302
      Flash Wind! 5 years ago
    174. 303
      Wizard Leo's Summoning I 5 years ago
    175. 304
      Summoned by Wizard Leo II 5 years ago
    176. 305
      Summoned by Wizard Leo III 5 years ago
    177. 306
      Deep Sleep 5 years ago
    178. 307
      Mass Exchange 5 years ago
    179. 308
      Changes in the Clan I 5 years ago
    180. 309
      Changes in the Clan II 5 years ago
    181. 310
      Snake Elder 5 years ago
    182. 311
      Eve I 5 years ago
    183. 312
      Eve II 5 years ago
    184. 313
      Eve III 5 years ago
    185. 314
      Vanquishing 1 5 years ago
    186. 315
      Vanquishing 2 5 years ago
    187. 316
      Vanquishing 3 5 years ago
    188. 317
      Vanquishing 4 5 years ago
    189. 318
      A Demonstration of Power 1 5 years ago
    190. 319
      A Demonstration of Power 2 5 years ago
    191. 320
      Conclusion and a Moment of Peace I 5 years ago
    192. 321
      Conclusion and a Moment of Peace II 5 years ago
    193. 322
      The Process of Data Integration I 5 years ago
    194. 323
      Data Integration Process II 5 years ago
    195. 324
      Visitors from the Imperial City 5 years ago
    196. 325
      The Departure I 5 years ago
    197. 326
      The Departure II 5 years ago
    198. 327
      The Departure III 5 years ago
    199. 328
      The Ninth Wizard 5 years ago
    200. 329
      Forced Retreat 5 years ago
    201. 330
      Blackmoon Tower 5 years ago
    202. 331
      The Eighth Prince 5 years ago
    203. 332
      Making Contact 5 years ago
    204. 333
      The Tear of God 5 years ago
    205. 334
      An Assassination Attempt on a Full Moon Night 5 years ago
    206. 335
      The Seventh Wizard! 5 years ago
    207. 336
      Tense Situation 5 years ago
    208. 337
      Successive Arrival! 5 years ago
    209. 338
      Perfect Armor 5 years ago
    210. 339
      Destiny! 5 years ago
    211. 340
      The Encounter I 5 years ago
    212. 341
      The Encounter II 5 years ago
    213. 342
      Battle I 5 years ago
    214. 343
      Battle II 5 years ago
    215. 344
      Battle III 5 years ago
    216. 345
      Battle IV 5 years ago
    217. 346
      Leo Explodes I 5 years ago
    218. 347
      Leo Explodes II 5 years ago
    219. 348
      The Fourth Form, Control! 5 years ago
    220. 349
      Fulfilling a Promise I 5 years ago
    221. 350
      Fulfilling a Promise II 5 years ago
    222. 351
      The Spell Library 5 years ago
    223. 352
      Deriving a New Spell! 5 years ago
    224. 353
      The Matrix and the Flame Maxim I 5 years ago
    225. 354
      The Matrix and the Flame Maxim II 5 years ago
    226. 355
      Level Up, Third-level Spell Caster! 5 years ago
    227. 356
      Hidden Danger I 5 years ago
    228. 357
      Hidden Danger II 5 years ago
    229. 358
      Emergency I 5 years ago
    230. 359
      Emergency II 5 years ago
    231. 360
      The Runic Tower 5 years ago
    232. 361
      Challenging the Tower I 5 years ago
    233. 362
      Challenging the Tower II 5 years ago
    234. 363
      The Fifth Floor 5 years ago
    235. 364
      Indirect Showdown 5 years ago
    236. 365
      Entering the Sixth Floor 5 years ago
    237. 366
      Overlapping Runic Magic Circles 5 years ago
    238. 367
      Ultimate Limit of the Sixth-Level! 5 years ago
    239. 368
      The Golden Relief Sculpture 5 years ago
    240. 369
      The Seventh Floor! 5 years ago
    241. 370
      The Golden Relief Sculpture 5 years ago
    242. 371
      A Peaceful Month I 5 years ago
    243. 372
      A Peaceful Month II 5 years ago
    244. 373
      A Peaceful Month III 5 years ago
    245. 374
      Blacksand Fort I 5 years ago
    246. 375
      Blacksand Fort II 5 years ago
    247. 376
      Summit I 5 years ago
    248. 377
      Summit II 5 years ago
    249. 378
      Summit III 5 years ago
    250. 379
      Summit 4 5 years ago
    251. 380
      Summit 5 5 years ago
    252. 381
      Summit 6 5 years ago
    253. 382
      Summit 7 5 years ago
    254. 383
      Summit 8 5 years ago
    255. 384
      Miracle Door 5 years ago
    256. 385
      Kleis and the Miracle Child! 5 years ago
    257. 386
      The Inevitable Battle I 5 years ago
    258. 387
      The Inevitable Battle II 5 years ago
    259. 388
      The Inevitable Battle III 5 years ago
    260. 389
      Bloodshed Beginnings I 5 years ago
    261. 390
      Bloodshed Beginnings II 5 years ago
    262. 391
      Battle Again I 5 years ago
    263. 392
      Battle Again II 5 years ago
    264. 393
      Attempting the Runic Tower Again I 5 years ago
    265. 394
      Attempting the Runic Tower Again II 5 years ago
    266. 395
      Runic Heartprint 5 years ago
    267. 396
      Runology 5 years ago
    268. 397
      Troubled Times 5 years ago
    269. 398
      Fourth-Level Spell! 5 years ago
    270. 399
      Derivation 5 years ago
    271. 400
      Returning to the Ancient Monument I 5 years ago
    272. 401
      Returning to the Ancient Monument II 5 years ago
    273. 402
      Pursuit 5 years ago
    274. 403
      Subzero Snowfield 5 years ago
    275. 404
      The Thousand Miles Snow Cave 5 years ago
    276. 405
      Dark Fire Incarnate I 5 years ago
    277. 406
      Dark Fire Incarnate II 5 years ago
    278. 407
      Dark Fire Incarnate III 5 years ago
    279. 408
      Dark Fire Incarnate IV 5 years ago
    280. 409
      Dark Fire Incarnate V 5 years ago
    281. 410
      Dark Fire Incarnate VI 5 years ago
    282. 411
      True and False Clues 5 years ago
    283. 412
      The Mysterious Frozen Lake 5 years ago
    284. 413
      The Ice Goddess! 5 years ago
    285. 414
      The Legend of Ice 5 years ago
    286. 415
      Seizing the Maxim 5 years ago
    287. 416
      The Frost Lord I 5 years ago
    288. 417
      The Frost Lord II 5 years ago
    289. 418
      The Frost Lord III 5 years ago
    290. 419
      The Frost Lord IV 5 years ago
    291. 420
      Level Up, Fourth-Level Spell Caster! 5 years ago
    292. 421
      Glacier Country 5 years ago
    293. 422
      Sorrow 5 years ago
    294. 423
      Wizard Blackmurk! 5 years ago
    295. 424
      Paolo I 5 years ago
    296. 425
      Paolo II 5 years ago
    297. 426
      Greed 5 years ago
    298. 427
      Where Did They Come From? 5 years ago
    299. 428
      The Guardian Puppets Awakened 5 years ago
    300. 429
      Dimension 5 years ago
    301. 430
      Divinity 5 years ago
    302. 431
      Sky-Piercing Peak 5 years ago
    303. 432
      Third Volume of the Neverending Book I 5 years ago
    304. 433
      Third Volume of the Neverending Book II 5 years ago
    305. 434
      The Thunder Maxim 5 years ago
    306. 435
      The Mill Clan 5 years ago
    307. 436
      Complicated Battle Lines 5 years ago
    308. 437
      Merlin from the Dark Magic Region! 5 years ago
    309. 438
      Hastening Back to the Dark Magic Region I 5 years ago
    310. 439
      Hastening Back to the Dark Magic Region II 5 years ago
    311. 440
      The Fourth Elder I 5 years ago
    312. 441
      The Fourth Elder II 5 years ago
    313. 442
      Meeting 5 years ago
    314. 443
      Inquiry I 5 years ago
    315. 444
      Inquiry II 5 years ago
    316. 445
      The Number One Wizard! 5 years ago
    317. 446
      A Massive Upheaval I 5 years ago
    318. 447
      The Massive Upheaval II 5 years ago
    319. 448
      The Void Zone 5 years ago
    320. 449
      A New Dimension I 5 years ago
    321. 450
      A New Dimension II 5 years ago
    322. 451
      The Situation in the New Dimension 5 years ago
    323. 452
      A Grand Gift 5 years ago
    324. 453
      Continuum of the Glorious Times! 5 years ago
    325. 454
      Resolution of Tagan City! 5 years ago
    326. 455
      Eternal Night Mountain 5 years ago
    327. 456
      Wizard Tambert 5 years ago
    328. 457
      The Arrival 5 years ago
    329. 458
      Evenly Matched 5 years ago
    330. 459
      The Huge Mine I 5 years ago
    331. 460
      The Huge Mine II 5 years ago
    332. 461
      The Whirlwind Lord 5 years ago
    333. 462
      The Thunder Stone 5 years ago
    334. 463
      Vying for the Hallucinatory Heart I 5 years ago
    335. 464
      Vying for the Hallucinatory Heart II 5 years ago
    336. 465
      The Memory Crystal 5 years ago
    337. 466
      A Sudden, Unexpected Development 5 years ago
    338. 467
      Killing the Whirlwind Lord 5 years ago
    339. 468
      Wizard Dara 5 years ago
    340. 469
      Spell Fusion I 5 years ago
    341. 470
      Spell Fusion II 5 years ago
    342. 471
      Wicked God’s Believers I 5 years ago
    343. 472
      Wicked God’s Believers II 5 years ago
    344. 473
      Black Crows 5 years ago
    345. 474
      The Wicked God I 5 years ago
    346. 475
      The Wicked God II 5 years ago
    347. 476
      The Final Blow 5 years ago
    348. 477
      The Glorious Palace I 5 years ago
    349. 478
      The Glorious Palace II 5 years ago
    350. 479
      Ambiance 5 years ago
    351. 480
      Unexpected Findings I 5 years ago
    352. 481
      Unexpected Findings II 5 years ago
    353. 482
      Legendary! 5 years ago
    354. 483
      Disciple! 5 years ago
    355. 484
      A Furor in the Glorious Palace! 5 years ago
    356. 485
      Challenging the Puppet I 5 years ago
    357. 486
      Challenging the Puppet II 5 years ago
    358. 487
      Fearsome Spell Fusion 5 years ago
    359. 488
      Plunderer I 5 years ago
    360. 489
      Plunderer II 5 years ago
    361. 490
      The Secret of Six-Elemental Wizards 5 years ago
    362. 491
      The Yatho Dimension I 5 years ago
    363. 492
      The Yatho Dimension II 5 years ago
    364. 493
      Swordpoint I 5 years ago
    365. 494
      Swordpoint II 5 years ago
    366. 495
      The Test 5 years ago
    367. 496
      The Fifth Form! 5 years ago
    368. 497
      The Arrival 5 years ago
    369. 498
      Mind Storm 5 years ago
    370. 499
      The Excitement Caused by Didimoss! 5 years ago
    371. 500
      The Sacred Place 5 years ago
    372. 501
      The Sky God I 5 years ago
    373. 502
      The Sky God II 5 years ago
    374. 503
      A God’s Pointing! 5 years ago
    375. 504
      The Mysterious Matrix 5 years ago
    376. 505
      Deep Slumber 5 years ago
    377. 506
      Occult Mind Spells I 5 years ago
    378. 507
      Occult Mind Spells II 5 years ago
    379. 508
      Nine Hit Strike 5 years ago
    380. 509
      An Opportunity Not To Be Missed! 5 years ago
    381. 510
      The Aurora Ship! 5 years ago
    382. 511
      The Legend with Four Maxims! 5 years ago
    383. 512
      The Assessment I 5 years ago
    384. 513
      The Assessment II 5 years ago
    385. 514
      Perfect-Grade Spells! 5 years ago
    386. 515
      A Major Event 5 years ago
    387. 516
      The Match I 5 years ago
    388. 517
      The Match II 5 years ago
    389. 518
      Honing Mind Power I 5 years ago
    390. 519
      Honing Mind Power II 5 years ago
    391. 520
      Profit 5 years ago
    392. 521
      The God-binding Disc 5 years ago
    393. 522
      The Strongest Team of Six! 5 years ago
    394. 523
      The Seely Dimension 5 years ago
    395. 524
      Princess Fleur 5 years ago
    396. 525
      In the Palace 5 years ago
    397. 526
      Identity Exposed 5 years ago
    398. 527
      The Ambush 5 years ago
    399. 528
      Rock Tribe Gustia I 5 years ago
    400. 529
      Rock Tribe Gustia II 5 years ago
    401. 530
      Is This Still A Cat? 5 years ago
    402. 531
      Casting Components in Hand 5 years ago
    403. 532
      The Bloodshed Universe 5 years ago
    404. 533
      The Dora Demon Tribe 5 years ago
    405. 534
      The Grand Alliance Wizards I 5 years ago
    406. 535
      The Grand Alliance Wizards II 5 years ago
    407. 536
      Tagging Along 5 years ago
    408. 537
      A Shift in Mindset 5 years ago
    409. 538
      Royal Demon Blood 5 years ago
    410. 539
      A Preeminent Great Wizard 5 years ago
    411. 540
      Options 5 years ago
    412. 541
      The Legend Zado 5 years ago
    413. 542
      Dire Straits 5 years ago
    414. 543
      Siphoning Off Frantically 5 years ago
    415. 544
      A Wild and Bold Idea 5 years ago
    416. 545
      Direction 5 years ago
    417. 546
      The Blackfire King 5 years ago
    418. 547
      Leaving 5 years ago
    419. 548
      Devouring Insect Tribe 5 years ago
    420. 549
      Pavilion of Rarities 5 years ago
    421. 550
      Advancing to the Seventh-Level! 5 years ago
    422. 551
      Legend Sith! 5 years ago
    423. 552
      Weak Civilizations 5 years ago
    424. 553
      A Huge Discovery 5 years ago
    425. 554
      Darkness Eye, Summon Demon Spirit! 5 years ago
    426. 555
      Blocking the Exit? 5 years ago
    427. 556
      Zado's Arrival 5 years ago
    428. 557
      Brothers 5 years ago
    429. 558
      The Difference of A Single Step! 5 years ago
    430. 559
      Arrival 5 years ago
    431. 560
      Suppression 5 years ago
    432. 561
      Something Is Wrong 5 years ago
    433. 562
      Slothful Beast 5 years ago
    434. 563
      In Trouble 5 years ago
    435. 564
      Eccentricities 5 years ago
    436. 565
      Tribe 5 years ago
    437. 566
      Slothful Beast World 5 years ago
    438. 567
      A Foreign Tribe’s Arrival 5 years ago
    439. 568
      Ancestor Bluerock 5 years ago
    440. 569
      Precious Elemental Crystal Stones! 5 years ago
    441. 570
      An Opportunity, Perhaps! 5 years ago
    442. 571
      Titus' Monument 5 years ago
    443. 572
      The Three Main Stages of Hallucinating Spells 5 years ago
    444. 573
      Didimoss Had Awakened 5 years ago
    445. 574
      Giant Tribe 5 years ago
    446. 575
      Swallowed! 5 years ago
    447. 576
      Setoh and the Blackfire Lord! 5 years ago
    448. 577
      Illusion? Reality? 5 years ago
    449. 578
      Illusory World I 5 years ago
    450. 579
      Illusory World II 5 years ago
    451. 580
      Controlling the Illusion Bead 5 years ago
    452. 581
      Tear Apart, Backdoor! 5 years ago
    453. 582
      Didimoss Leaves 5 years ago
    454. 583
      Back to the Pavilion of Rarities 5 years ago
    455. 584
      Setting Out 5 years ago
    456. 585
      Preparations Before Entering 5 years ago
    457. 586
      Barren Dimension? 5 years ago
    458. 587
      The Inceptive Dimension 5 years ago
    459. 588
      The Tree Folk Alcra 5 years ago
    460. 589
      The Dimension's Memory 5 years ago
    461. 590
      The Rock Tribe Intrudes 5 years ago
    462. 591
      Battling the Rock Tribe! 5 years ago
    463. 592
      A Tense Atmosphere 5 years ago
    464. 593
      Fighting for the Dimension I 5 years ago
    465. 594
      Fighting for the Dimension II 5 years ago
    466. 595
      Fighting for the Dimension III 5 years ago
    467. 596
      The Top Four Join Forces 5 years ago
    468. 597
      The Giant King Arrives! 5 years ago
    469. 598
      Searching for a Dimension 5 years ago
    470. 599
      Level Up, Eighth-level Wizard! 5 years ago
    471. 600
      Paul 5 years ago
    472. 601
      The Rebellion of Destiny! 5 years ago
    473. 602
      The God-Binding Disc’s Suppression! 5 years ago
    474. 603
      Honesty 5 years ago
    475. 604
      The Ninth-level Mind Heart! 5 years ago
    476. 605
      Snatching a Dimension 5 years ago
    477. 606
      The Firecloud Dimension 5 years ago
    478. 607
      An Acquaintance 5 years ago
    479. 608
      Fighting Two Mighty Legends I 5 years ago
    480. 609
      Fighting Two Mighty Legends II 5 years ago
    481. 610
      Ninth-level Spell Caster! 5 years ago
    482. 611
      Great Wizard Saturn 5 years ago
    483. 612
      A Team of Seven! 5 years ago
    484. 613
      Front Line 5 years ago
    485. 614
      First Battle 5 years ago
    486. 615
      Sweep Away I 5 years ago
    487. 616
      Sweep Away II 5 years ago
    488. 617
      Progenitor’s Body! 5 years ago
    489. 618
      Crisis I 4 years ago
    490. 619
      Crisis II 4 years ago
    491. 620
      Wizard Heart 4 years ago
    492. 621
      Shock! 4 years ago
    493. 622
      Summon 4 years ago
    494. 623
      The First Step 4 years ago
    495. 624
      The Six-Elemental Wizard Heart 4 years ago
    496. 625
      The Seventh Form 4 years ago
    497. 626
      Civilization-Level Prodigy! 4 years ago
    498. 627
      Extreme Danger! 4 years ago
    499. 628
      Willing to Try! 4 years ago
    500. 629
      Eve 4 years ago
    501. 630
      Merlin In Battle! 4 years ago
    502. 631
      Mind Avatar 4 years ago
    503. 632
      Reward 4 years ago
    504. 633
      Unlimited Possibilities 4 years ago
    505. 634
      The Avatar is Created! 4 years ago
    506. 635
      A Familiar Gaze! 4 years ago
    507. 636
      Civilization War Erupts! 4 years ago
    508. 637
      Dilemma 4 years ago
    509. 638
      Fusion Simulation 4 years ago
    510. 639
      Retreat 4 years ago
    511. 640
      First Try 4 years ago
    512. 641
      The Blackfire Lord’s Summon 4 years ago
    513. 642
      Back to the Front Line 4 years ago
    514. 643
      Support 4 years ago
    515. 644
      Defeat 4 years ago
    516. 645
      Direction Changer! 4 years ago
    517. 646
      An Avatar! 4 years ago
    518. 647
      The Most Powerful Prodigy! 4 years ago
    519. 648
      The War Resumes! 4 years ago
    520. 649
      Invisible Rock Attacks! 4 years ago
    521. 650
      The War Ends! 4 years ago
    522. 651
      Return I 4 years ago
    523. 652
      Return II 4 years ago
    524. 653
      Three-headed Monster 4 years ago
    525. 654
      Frost City! 4 years ago
    526. 655
      He Had Returned! 4 years ago
    527. 656
      The Situation of the Spell Caster World! 4 years ago
    528. 657
      Alone 4 years ago
    529. 658
      Unification I 4 years ago
    530. 659
      Unification II 4 years ago
    531. 660
      The South I 4 years ago
    532. 661
      Wiping Out the Strongholds I 4 years ago
    533. 662
      Wiping Out the Strongholds II 4 years ago
    534. 663
      A Past Acquaintance I 4 years ago
    535. 664
      A Past Acquaintance II 4 years ago
    536. 665
      Encounter 4 years ago
    537. 666
      Important Information 4 years ago
    538. 667
      Settled! 4 years ago
    539. 668
      The Northern Spell Caster World! 4 years ago
    540. 669
      Battle Preparations 4 years ago
    541. 670
      Here! 4 years ago
    542. 671
      Alchemy Puppet Kallius! 4 years ago
    543. 672
      Kleis’ Spatial Demon Ability 4 years ago
    544. 673
      Kleis’ Demise I* 4 years ago
    545. 674
      Kleis’ Demise II 4 years ago
    546. 675
      The Final Fortress! 4 years ago
    547. 676
      Ozmu Headquarters 4 years ago
    548. 677
      Inner Chamber I 4 years ago
    549. 678
      Inner Chamber II 4 years ago
    550. 679
      The Origin Lord! 4 years ago
    551. 680
      Five-Elemental Wizard Heart! 4 years ago
    552. 681
      The Second Challenge! 4 years ago
    553. 682
      Premature Enlightenment 4 years ago
    554. 683
      Entering the Warship I 4 years ago
    555. 684
      Entering the Warship II 4 years ago
    556. 685
      The Atlan Civilization! 4 years ago
    557. 686
      Activating the Warship! 4 years ago
    558. 687
      Leaving 4 years ago
    559. 688
      The Purple Gold Crown I 4 years ago
    560. 689
      The Purple Gold Crown II 4 years ago
    561. 690
      The Divine Believer! 4 years ago
    562. 691
      Shaking the Spell Caster World! 4 years ago
    563. 692
      Repairing the Warship I 4 years ago
    564. 693
      Repairing the Warship II 4 years ago
    565. 694
      Repairing the Warship III 4 years ago
    566. 695
      Soldiers at the City Walls I 4 years ago
    567. 696
      Soldiers at the City Walls II 4 years ago
    568. 697
      Purify 4 years ago
    569. 698
      Lord God of Light 4 years ago
    570. 699
      Six-Elemental Great Wizard! 4 years ago
    571. 700
      Return to Blackwater City I 4 years ago
    572. 701
      Return to Blackwater City II 4 years ago
    573. 702
      Fat Old Gutt 4 years ago
    574. 703
      Come Out 4 years ago
    575. 704
      Will Descends! 4 years ago
    576. 705
      The Will Avatar! 4 years ago
    577. 706
      Light City 4 years ago
    578. 707
      The Fall of Theocracy 4 years ago
    579. 708
      The Secret of the Purple Gold Crown 4 years ago
    580. 709
      The Place Hidden for a Thousand Years 4 years ago
    581. 710
      The Monumental Stone Carvings 4 years ago
    582. 711
      Sacred Golden Armor 4 years ago
    583. 712
      Mobata World 4 years ago
    584. 713
      The Savage Raptor 4 years ago
    585. 714
      Sanctuary Contender? 4 years ago
    586. 715
      Relief Sculpture and Training Drills 4 years ago
    587. 716
      Barbarians 4 years ago
    588. 717
      Count Mandela 4 years ago
    589. 718
      History 4 years ago
    590. 719
      Special Force Field 4 years ago
    591. 720
      Ruba’s Monument I 4 years ago
    592. 721
      Ruba’s Monument II 4 years ago
    593. 722
      Secret of Origin I 4 years ago
    594. 723
      Secret of Origin II 4 years ago
    595. 724
      Master of the Dimension! 4 years ago
    596. 725
      The Real Lord God of Light! 4 years ago
    597. 726
      Resurrection through the Soul Medallion 4 years ago
    598. 727
      The Matrix Vanishes 4 years ago
    599. 728
      Return to Arcane City 4 years ago
    600. 729
      Capability I 4 years ago
    601. 730
      Capability II 4 years ago
    602. 731
      Employment 4 years ago
    603. 732
      The Might of a Hallucinating Spell 4 years ago
    604. 733
      Seizing I 4 years ago
    605. 734
      Seizing II 4 years ago
    606. 735
      Terror! 4 years ago
    607. 736
      Force I 4 years ago
    608. 737
      Force II 4 years ago
    609. 738
      Maya 4 years ago
    610. 739
      Ultimate Maxim I 4 years ago
    611. 740
      Ultimate Maxim II 4 years ago
    612. 741
      The Purple Dimension! 4 years ago
    613. 742
      The Purple Tribe 4 years ago
    614. 743
      Mind Suppression? 4 years ago
    615. 744
      The Purple Emperor! 4 years ago
    616. 745
      The Vestigial Tribe 4 years ago
    617. 746
      The Purple Emperor’s Inheritance! 4 years ago
    618. 747
      Tentatively Refining the Mind Power System 4 years ago
    619. 748
      Summoned by the Arcane Wizard 4 years ago
    620. 749
      Meeting Oflas Again! 4 years ago
    621. 750
      Crisis I 4 years ago
    622. 751
      Crisis II 4 years ago
    623. 752
      Arrival 4 years ago
    624. 753
      Two Progenitors! 4 years ago
    625. 754
      Augustus! 4 years ago
    626. 755
      Breaking the Seal! 4 years ago
    627. 756
      The War of Destiny! 4 years ago
    628. 757
      Confrontation 4 years ago
    629. 758
      War Begins 4 years ago
    630. 759
      Break Through, Illusory Heart! 4 years ago
    631. 760
      Mind Control! 4 years ago
    632. 761
      The Birth of the Mind Power System! 4 years ago
    633. 762
      I Am Glory! 4 years ago
    634. 763
      Arrangements 4 years ago
    635. 764
      Titus Awakens 4 years ago
    636. 765
      The Matrix and the Warship's Brain 4 years ago
    637. 766
      Trump Card 4 years ago
    638. 767
      The Slothful Beast and the Sea of Fire! 4 years ago
    639. 768
      A Strange World! 4 years ago
    640. 769
      Encounter 4 years ago
    641. 770
      The Flare Nation 4 years ago
    642. 771
      The Flare Region World! 4 years ago
    643. 772
      The Sacred Land 4 years ago
    644. 773
      The Master of the Sacred Land! 4 years ago
    645. 774
      The Flare Emperor! 4 years ago
    646. 775
      Prison! 4 years ago
    647. 776
      The Limbo Prison! 4 years ago
    648. 777
      Becoming a Lord! 4 years ago
    649. 778
      Hope of Leaving 4 years ago
    650. 779
      Idea 4 years ago
    651. 780
      Escaping the Prison! 4 years ago
    652. 781
      The Secret of the Natural Order 4 years ago
    653. 782
      The Giant Tribe 4 years ago
    654. 783
      Titan Giant Chronos! 4 years ago
    655. 784
      The Ancestral Land! 4 years ago
    656. 785
      The Heritage Blood! 4 years ago
    657. 786
      Battlefield 4 years ago
    658. 787
      The Black Star Armor! 4 years ago
    659. 788
      Quiver! 4 years ago
    660. 789
      Brain of Life 4 years ago
    661. 790
      Controlling the Armor 4 years ago
    662. 791
      Leaving the Ancestral Land 4 years ago
    663. 792
      A Ceremony of Heritage 4 years ago
    664. 793
      A Bold Plan! 4 years ago
    665. 794
      The Gravitational Field 4 years ago
    666. 795
      Roman 4 years ago
    667. 796
      Golden Ray Armor Fragments 4 years ago
    668. 797
      Prelude 4 years ago
    669. 798
      Void-level Warship! 4 years ago
    670. 799
      Turn of the Tide 4 years ago
    671. 800
      Impatient 4 years ago
    672. 801
      Extermination Risk! 4 years ago
    673. 802
      Wrath of the Fat Cat! 4 years ago
    674. 803
      Marshall 4 years ago
    675. 804
      Void-Level Warship Versus the Slothful Beast! 4 years ago
    676. 805
      Roman’s Gift! 4 years ago
    677. 806
      The Avian Monarch and the Mother Tree! 4 years ago
    678. 807
      Action 4 years ago
    679. 808
      Scheme 4 years ago
    680. 809
      The Eight Lord Gods! 4 years ago
    681. 810
      Sealing the Atlan Dimension! 4 years ago
    682. 811
      Taking Things Seriously 4 years ago
    683. 812
      The Lord Gods Unite! 4 years ago
    684. 813
      Plans 4 years ago
    685. 814
      Victory or Failure Depends on This Step! 4 years ago
    686. 815
      A Brand New Path! 4 years ago
    687. 816
      Rudiment! 4 years ago
    688. 817
      Besiege! 4 years ago
    689. 818
      Out of Control 4 years ago
    690. 819
      Destroy the Void-level Warship! 4 years ago
    691. 820
      Temporary Calm 4 years ago
    692. 821
      Agreement 4 years ago
    693. 822
      Anticipation 4 years ago
    694. 823
      A Universe of Stars? 4 years ago
    695. 824
      The Senate and the Army 4 years ago
    696. 825
      Rescue 4 years ago
    697. 826
      The Rebellion Army 4 years ago
    698. 827
      The Three Battalions 4 years ago
    699. 828
      Open Fire I 4 years ago
    700. 829
      Open Fire II 4 years ago
    701. 830
      The First Battalion 4 years ago
    702. 831
      Hope 4 years ago
    703. 832
      Controlled! 4 years ago
    704. 833
      Illusory Tribe Civilization I 4 years ago
    705. 834
      Illusory Tribe Civilization II 4 years ago
    706. 835
      Target, Hopeship! 4 years ago
    707. 836
      War I 4 years ago
    708. 837
      War II 4 years ago
    709. 838
      War III 4 years ago
    710. 839
      War IV 4 years ago
    711. 840
      The Ultimate Weapon I 4 years ago
    712. 841
      The Ultimate Weapon ll 4 years ago
    713. 842
      Formidable! 4 years ago
    714. 843
      The Maxim, Devour l 4 years ago
    715. 844
      The Matrix, Devour II 4 years ago
    716. 845
      Lord God-level Divinity! 4 years ago
    717. 846
      Control I 4 years ago
    718. 847
      Control II 4 years ago
    719. 848
      Evolving 4 years ago
    720. 849
      Back to the Void Zone I 4 years ago
    721. 850
      Back to the Void Zone II 4 years ago
    722. 851
      Dominion 4 years ago
    723. 852
      The Mighty Annihilation Function! 4 years ago
    724. 853
      Glory City! 4 years ago
    725. 854
      Extinction! 4 years ago
    726. 855
      Mysterious Visitors 4 years ago
    727. 856
      Origin of the Natural Order! 4 years ago
    728. 857
      The Curved Horn Tribe! 4 years ago
    729. 858
      Understand I 4 years ago
    730. 859
      Understand II 4 years ago
    731. 860
      Unsealing the Glorious Land I 4 years ago
    732. 861
      Unsealing the Glorious Land II 4 years ago
    733. 862
      Surname! 4 years ago
    734. 863
      Predecessor l 4 years ago
    735. 864
      Predecessor ll 4 years ago
    736. 865
      Returned to Its Rightful Owner! 4 years ago
    737. 866
      Bhutto XVII! 4 years ago
    738. 867
      The Arrival! 4 years ago
    739. 868
      Conceited! 4 years ago
    740. 869
      Kill! 4 years ago
    741. 870
      Departure I 4 years ago
    742. 871
      Departure II 4 years ago
    743. 872
      Challenger on the Doorstep! 4 years ago
    744. 873
      Forced Hand! 4 years ago
    745. 874
      Great Light Honorable Lord 4 years ago
    746. 875
      An Encounter and A Vicious Battle! 4 years ago
    747. 876
      A Peek at the Void Zone’s Secret! 4 years ago
    748. 877
      The Vestigial Dimension! 4 years ago
    749. 878
      The Foundation of a Civilization! 4 years ago
    750. 879
      Return! 4 years ago
    751. 880
      Far-famed! 4 years ago
    752. 881
      Uninvited Guest I 4 years ago
    753. 882
      Uninvited Guest ll 4 years ago
    754. 883
      A Great Calamity! 4 years ago
    755. 884
      Realization! 4 years ago
    756. 885
      The Accomplished Illusory World! 4 years ago
    757. 886
      Rejected by the World! 4 years ago
    758. 887
      Going Away 4 years ago
    759. 888
      The Dark Territory 4 years ago
    760. 889
      The Watchman 4 years ago
    761. 890
      Breaking Free 4 years ago
    762. 891
      The Three Great Warriors I 4 years ago
    763. 892
      The Three Great Warriors II 4 years ago
    764. 893
      The Vestigial Tribe’s Secret! 4 years ago
    765. 894
      Prelude 4 years ago
    766. 895
      The Gateway of the Natural Order! 4 years ago
    767. 896
      Nine Emperors Versus the Vestigial Tribe! 4 years ago
    768. 897
      The Core of the Void Zone I 4 years ago
    769. 898
      The Core of the Void Zone II 4 years ago
    770. 899
      Vortex! 4 years ago
    771. 900
      Danger Approaches! 4 years ago
    772. 901
      Escape! 4 years ago
    773. 902
      Three Thousand Years! 4 years ago
    774. 903
      Parasitize! 4 years ago
    775. 904
      The Rise of Stedman! 4 years ago
    776. 905
      Traversing the Void Zone! 4 years ago
    777. 906
      Hurrying on a Long Journey 4 years ago
    778. 907
      Disciple! 4 years ago
    779. 908
      The Mind Power System! 4 years ago
    780. 909
      The Canaan Leaf 4 years ago
    781. 910
      Dead End! 4 years ago
    782. 911
      Reappearance! 4 years ago
    783. 912
      The Collision of Two Worlds I 4 years ago
    784. 913
      The Collision of Two Worlds II 4 years ago
    785. 914
      Sent Where? 4 years ago
    786. 915
      Almighty Beast World I 4 years ago

    Jilid 3

    1. 916
      Almighty Beast World II 4 years ago
    2. 917
      Engagement 4 years ago
    3. 918
      Facing Danger! 4 years ago
    4. 919
      Almighty Beast Bloodline 4 years ago
    5. 920
      Fossil Museum 4 years ago
    6. 921
      Almighty Beast Fossil! 4 years ago
    7. 922
      Parasite! 4 years ago
    8. 923
      Barbarians 4 years ago
    9. 924
      Restoring the Framework 4 years ago
    10. 925
      Heroult! 4 years ago
    11. 926
      The Two-headed Pterolycus I 4 years ago
    12. 927
      The Two-headed Pterolycus II 4 years ago
    13. 928
      Parasitism Successful! 4 years ago
    14. 929
      Sudden Changes 4 years ago
    15. 930
      Coming Clean 4 years ago
    16. 931
      Nourishment Pond Formula 4 years ago
    17. 932
      Deinosuchus Beast! 4 years ago
    18. 933
      Holy Dragon City 4 years ago
    19. 934
      Nourishment Pond I 4 years ago
    20. 935
      Nourishment Pond II 4 years ago
    21. 936
      Third-form Shifter! 4 years ago
    22. 937
      Visit 4 years ago
    23. 938
      Ambush 4 years ago
    24. 939
      Bead of Infamy I 4 years ago
    25. 940
      The Bead of Infamy II 4 years ago
    26. 941
      The Three-layered Subspace 4 years ago
    27. 942
      The Vipera Dragon Class 4 years ago
    28. 943
      Meeting Heroult Again 4 years ago
    29. 944
      The Mercenary Group 4 years ago
    30. 945
      Phantom! 4 years ago
    31. 946
      Headquarters 4 years ago
    32. 947
      Logistics Team 4 years ago
    33. 948
      Suppressing an Almighty Beast’s Will! 4 years ago
    34. 949
      The Gap Between Shifters! 4 years ago
    35. 950
      Death Notice I 4 years ago
    36. 951
      Death Notice II 4 years ago
    37. 952
      Behind the Calm 4 years ago
    38. 953
      Murderous Intentions 4 years ago
    39. 954
      Fighting the Golden Python I 4 years ago
    40. 955
      Fighting the Golden Python II 4 years ago
    41. 956
      Hunt 1 4 years ago
    42. 957
      Hunt 2 4 years ago
    43. 958
      An Almighty Beast Full-Shifter! 4 years ago
    44. 959
      Returning to the Manor 4 years ago
    45. 960
      The Secret Chamber 4 years ago
    46. 961
      Fourth-Form Shifter! 4 years ago
    47. 962
      Ambush 4 years ago
    48. 963
      Unsolicited Encounters 4 years ago
    49. 964
      Deputy Team Leader I 4 years ago
    50. 965
      Deputy Team Leader II 4 years ago
    51. 966
      The Royal Family’s Strength! 4 years ago
    52. 967
      The Ultimate Reward! 4 years ago
    53. 968
      Sheepskin Scroll 4 years ago
    54. 969
      The Princess Royal 4 years ago
    55. 970
      Bribe 4 years ago
    56. 971
      The White Rajah 1 4 years ago
    57. 972
      The White Rajah 2 4 years ago
    58. 973
      The White Rajah 3 4 years ago
    59. 974
      The White Rajah 4 4 years ago
    60. 975
      The White Rajah 5 4 years ago
    61. 976
      White Rajah 6 4 years ago
    62. 977
      Full-Shifter I 4 years ago
    63. 978
      Full-Shifter II 4 years ago
    64. 979
      Gold Key I 4 years ago
    65. 980
      Gold Key II 4 years ago
    66. 981
      The Strongest Form! 4 years ago
    67. 982
      Doomsday I 4 years ago
    68. 983
      Doomsday II 4 years ago
    69. 984
      Your Majesty! 4 years ago
    70. 985
      The Princess Royal’s Desire 4 years ago
    71. 986
      The Head of the Sacred Lion Beast 4 years ago
    72. 987
      Sacred Beasts and Supreme Talents! 4 years ago
    73. 988
      Merging the will of Almighty Beasts I 4 years ago
    74. 989
      Merging the will of Almighty Beasts II 4 years ago
    75. 990
      Information 4 years ago
    76. 991
      Defeat in a Single Blow! 4 years ago
    77. 992
      Assassination! 4 years ago
    78. 993
      A Royal Storm 1 4 years ago
    79. 994
      A Royal Storm 2 4 years ago
    80. 995
      A Royal Storm 3 4 years ago
    81. 996
      A Royal Storm 4 4 years ago
    82. 997
      A Royal Storm 5 4 years ago
    83. 998
      A Royal Storm 6 4 years ago
    84. 999
      Grand Wedding! 4 years ago
    85. 1000
      The Calm Before the Storm 4 years ago
    86. 1001
      Candora Trio-Lords! 4 years ago
    87. 1002
      Prelude 4 years ago
    88. 1003
      Tempest Stirring I 4 years ago
    89. 1004
      Tempest Stirring II 4 years ago
    90. 1005
      Tempest Stirring III 4 years ago
    91. 1006
      Tempest Stirring IV 4 years ago
    92. 1007
      Nine Lives I 4 years ago
    93. 1008
      Nine Lives II 4 years ago
    94. 1009
      Ripped Apart! 4 years ago
    95. 1010
      Magic Mirror! 4 years ago
    96. 1011
      The King's Decision 4 years ago
    97. 1012
      Real or Fake 4 years ago
    98. 1013
      The Truth of the Sacred Beast's Head 4 years ago
    99. 1014
      Royal Family's Treasure Vault 4 years ago
    100. 1015
      Chance 4 years ago
    101. 1016
      Clean Up I 4 years ago
    102. 1017
      Clean Up II 4 years ago
    103. 1018
      Clearing the Obstacles 4 years ago
    104. 1019
      Intrusion 4 years ago
    105. 1020
      Magic Mirror 4 years ago
    106. 1021
      Will of the World! 4 years ago
    107. 1022
      Ancestor Damon! 4 years ago
    108. 1023
      A Battle Between Sacred Beasts I 4 years ago
    109. 1024
      A Battle Between Sacred Beasts II 4 years ago
    110. 1025
      Fate! 4 years ago
    111. 1026
      The Flawed Will of the World 4 years ago
    112. 1027
      The Death of the World 4 years ago
    113. 1028
      Controllers and Free Beings 4 years ago

    Penulis Shadow on the Moon

    Penerjemah J_Squared

    Editor J_Squared