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3.7% Overlord Unleashed: A Reignited Era! / Chapter 2: The Old and The New

Bab 2: The Old and The New

Chapter 2: The Old and the New (Edited)

Sitting on a balcony in one of the great cities of the Sorceress Empire, Thomas Drabri marveled at how far he had come in life. No matter how many times he thought of it or how far he looked back, it all seemed unreal. How could he, a simple village hand, reach the place most will never reach in their lives?


Thomas used to be a farmer during the reign of the Re-Estize Kingdom. He is one of the best farmers in the region, not that it gave him any honor or benefits. Because of false honor, he had to work harder to make ends meet, with little compensation for his hard work.

If he had been paid well, would his family be starving?

Thomas, a middle-aged man, lived with his loving wife and daughter, leading a modest and frugal lifestyle.

Although they face their fair share of challenges and struggles, they find joy in the small things, such as spending time together as a family, tending to their crops and enjoying the fruits of their labor.

Even the struggles of farming- the long, grueling hours and the challenges of providing for his family seem insignificant when compared to the joy on Elize's, his daughter's face.

It is Elize's laughter and happiness that make all of his hard work worthwhile and every day he is grateful for the blessing she brings into his life.

She is only a small life without awareness of the world unaware of the kindness she brings into others life.

Thomas knew he did not have much, but as long as he had his family by his side, he was content and at peace.

Elize and his wife are his pride and joy, so Thomas wanted to ensure that they had everything they could want, including a good education.

When he is not farming, Thomas could be seen traveling between villages, trading and working as a handyman to earn enough to send Elize to school and to give his wife, Milka, a chance to be more than a housewife.

Thomas knows that education is the key to a better life and he is willing to do whatever it takes to give his Elize the opportunities that he never had. It is an exhausting and sometimes dangerous lifestyle, but Thomas is willing to make sacrifices for the sake of his beloved daughter.

Commoners, unlike nobles, do not have many opportunities to further their education. Even if he gathered enough money, Thomas knew that he would probably send her to the empire, but the journey was a long one and came with untold risk.

As much as he wanted to give Elize the best education possible, he could not bear the thought of sending her off into the world alone.

Bandits frequent the area, making travel even more dangerous and unpredictable. Thomas knew that venturing too far from home could put him and his family at risk, but he also knew that he had to keep working in order to provide for their future. It was a difficult balance to strike, but Thomas was determined to do whatever it took to keep his family safe while also achieving his dreams. He made sure to take extra precautions when traveling, keeping a close eye on his surroundings and avoiding any known trouble spots. Despite the risks, he refused to let fear keep him from pursuing a better life.

Even though Thomas is from the Re-Estize Kingdom, he did not have a sense of belonging to it. This is probably the same for those at the bottom of the society, he knew it is the case for everyone in Iri Village.

The Re-Estize Kingdom, like many kingdoms, did not show respect to those who have no worth yet they relies on them to exist.

The economy of Re-Estize comes from them, farmers, who are the backbones of the agricultural industry, providing the necessary food and raw materials for the kingdom's sustenance and growth. Without the farmers' hard work, the economy of the kingdom would have been severely affected.

Iri Village is located on the outskirts of the kingdom and as an frontier village, it's not usual for skirmishes to happen near the village.

Even at such a distance from the political center of the kingdom, Iri did not escape the fate of being like for all its worth.

Thomas and his fellow farmers plow their assigned fields, struggling to produce enough crops while giving 90% of their harvest to the regional lord.

Iri has been plagued by high taxes and limited resources for many years, but due to their status, they were unable to voice their concerns. Speaking out about anything is punishable by death, while remaining silent may prolong one's life, but it's debatable whether it's worth it.

Despite the Golden Princess's efforts, the stark contrast between the impoverished and opulent lifestyles of the nobles continued to widen, with no meaningful change in sight.

Countless times Thomas dreamt that King Ramposa III reformed the kingdom and offered a way out for the poor, only to wake up to the same nightmare. It felt wrong to entrust his fate to someone else's hands.

Although Gazef Stronoff, the kingdom's most skilled warrior, hailed from Iri, his unwavering loyalty to the Re-Estize and its laws prevented him from challenging the unjust status quo.

While it would be unfair to solely blame Gazef, who had valiantly protected the village on multiple occasions, the bitter truth remained that his efforts did not save the village but rather prolonged the suffering of all its inhabitants.

Sometimes even the most valiant efforts may not be enough to bring about significant change, and Gazef's actions can still be admired for the sacrifices he made to protect his people, even if it did not lead to complete liberation from their hardships.

Thomas was determined not to die of starvation and couldn't bear the thought of watching others perish before they had a chance to experience life.

In times like these, the thirst for knowledge and the goal of achieving something burst from his heart however reality is a cold bitch.

Despite Thomas's relentless pursuit of knowledge, he couldn't help but acknowledge that it wouldn't make a difference; even if he had a hundred times more knowledge, his lack of power meant he couldn't change anything - just one man, hailing from a simple village.

While it may appear that things would continue unchanged, reality is harsh and vehemently resists stagnation, often causing unexpected upheavals.

The declaration of war by Re-Estize against the Sorceress Kingdom - a realm of monsters, led by a malevolent undead - marks a critical turning point in the history of the realm, and the outcome of the conflict is expected to be of great significance for both sides.

Despite his lack of intelligence, Thomas pondered over several crucial factors, like the inexplicable silence of Slane Theocracy and the Empire's passive involvement, and concluded that engaging with Ainz Ooal Gown - a force to be reckoned with - would be foolish.

His decision to evade the draft was easy, having sustained an injury that spared him from being recruited. He held no allegiance to a nation that viewed him as nothing more than an expendable labor slave. His unwavering loyalty is reserved solely for his family, and he holds no allegiance to anyone else.

Exactly as he had anticipated, a short period after his injury, the Re-Estize initiated an order for every young and fit male to collect their 'weapons' for the draft.

The implementation of the draft had an immediate impact on the village, transforming it into a desolate place resembling a ghost town, as nearly a third of its population was conscripted to serve the kingdom.

While life carried on with customary mundanity, alarming news began to circulate throughout the realm, unsettling its inhabitants.

In a single, devastating spell, Ainz Ooal Gown obliterated a massive army, effortlessly slaying 70,000 soldiers and reducing the remaining forces to a frenzied state of madness.

Should Re-Estize triumph, Thomas would carry on farming as usual, submitting to the status quo. However, if Ainz Ooal Gown emerged victorious, he would be compelled to sacrifice his life for his loved ones, a thought that filled him with dread. The thought of his own demise prior to his family's prompted a disturbing question - would he be the one to end their lives?

Being aware of Ainz Ooal Gown's capabilities as an undead, he harbored no doubt that the latter had the ability to subject him to a fate worse than death. However, the image of his family succumbing to death filled him with apprehension, which was unmistakable in his agitated demeanor.

Even in Iri, an outskirts village, Thomas could sense the unrest throughout the kingdom and could guess what would happen next.

In contrast to the nobility, individuals like them lacked the resources to flee and regain their social standing. Even if they managed to escape, where could they possibly flee to? The Empire and Slane Theocracy had no motive to offer them sanctuary, and even if they did, the exiles would spend many years as nothing more than outcasts before being granted any rights.

Seeking refuge in other kingdoms would inevitably result in a perilous fate, akin to signing one's own death warrant.

Contrary to the prevailing belief among Thomas and others, Ainz Ooal Gown's ascension to the throne brought about a positive transformation in every aspect of the Re-Estize, no the Sorceress Kingdom!

Under the new regime, the decaying ambiance of Re-Estize underwent a remarkable overhaul. Expedient and effective regulations were promptly established to safeguard the welfare of the populace. Moreover, seemingly insensible laws that nevertheless imparted purpose and significance to the citizens' lives were enforced.

The stark contrast between the present and the past invoked an inevitable question: Why had the former king failed to initiate such remarkable changes? Had he implemented similar improvements, Re-Estize would have surely thrived.

However, it would be remiss not to acknowledge the fundamental disparity between Romposa III and Ainz Ooal Gown.

Romposa III, an old mortal king, was limited in his ability to perceive all possibilities, while Ainz Ooal Gown, a Supreme Being with godly foresight who transcended mortality, could not be considered his equal.

Unlike the old king, Ainz Ooal Gown recognized the value of every one of his subjects, from powerful nobles to humble farmers, and ensured that each policy he created garnered full support. None dared to be so foolish as to obstruct or contest the edicts of a ruler who held sway over their lives and deaths.

Through a series of policies that promoted the growth of the agricultural sector, individuals like farmers, were not only able to survive but also to thrive.

Under the benevolent reign of Ainz Ooal Gown, Thomas no longer fretted about the cost of Elize's education as it was now freely accessible to all children.

Abundant resources and free labor supplied by skeletons facilitated the replacement of all farmers with undead workers. The original farmers were offered civil servant positions to oversee agricultural tasks assigned to the skeletons.

With this increased income, even a simple farmer could afford basic necessities and no longer lived in fear of hunger.

Over the years, Thomas witnessed firsthand the tangible effects of Ainz Ooal Gown's policies on not just his own existence, but also on the livelihoods of his fellow farmers within the village.

The eradication of poverty and the resulting increase in dignity and stability enabled them to lead more fulfilled lives.

Grateful for the changes Ainz Ooal Gown had wrought in his life, Thomas pondered over what set the Supreme Being apart from the rest of the undead.

Although some people have successfully used magic to transform into undead, they undergo a drastic change that alters their entire being, rendering them apathetic and indifferent towards their surroundings, even if they were to witness the murder of their own offspring.

Ainz Ooal Gown is a noble figure whose ambitions for change in the world were not only good, but have also been substantiated by Thomas's first-hand experiences of more benevolence under his reign than any other known ruler.

Ultimately, the choice between a mortal ruler holding power for a brief period and an everlasting ruler comes down to experience, with the latter naturally possessing more extensive experience governing a kingdom.

Under Ainz Ooal Gown's rule, farmers like Thomas were not only safeguarded against the constant threats posed by bandits and raiders, but they were also provided with necessary protection for their lives and livelihoods.

The establishment of a well-equipped and well-trained army under the king's reign effectively annihilated all external threats to the Sorceress Kingdom, guaranteeing the safety of every citizen.

Consequently, Thomas and his family not only enjoyed impressive economic growth but also experienced an improved standard of living, increased security, and the freedom to relish justice in a thriving, peaceful realm governed by Ainz Ooal Gown.

As the years passed, Thomas's unwavering commitment to his craft and his laborious efforts in enhancing the quality of the village's farmland earned him a reputation for excellence.

His remarkable perseverance culminated in the metamorphosis of his petite farmhouse into a thriving, well-regarded estate. Thomas's exceptional skills and resourcefulness did not escape the notice of Ainz Ooal Gown, who perceived in him an astute and discerning individual.

Ainz Ooal Gown greatly admired Thomas's contributions and continuously sought his counsel on agricultural concerns, demonstrating invaluable respect for his expertise.

In recognition of his unwavering devotion to farming and outstanding dedication to the kingdom, Ainz Ooal Gown granted Thomas and his family the remarkable gift of eternal life - a distinction solely reserved for the kingdom's most exceptional and exemplary subjects.

Empowered by his newfound immortality, Thomas continued to serve the Sorcerer Kingdom and Ainz Ooal Gown by imparting his invaluable expertise to younger generations of farmers. He adeptly navigated them down the same path that resulted in his triumphs, enriching the knowledge-base of the community and ensuring the perpetuity of his work.

Although Thomas lived for centuries, he never let his past struggles as a destitute farmer in a hostile and unyielding environment fade from his memory. He held tight to the enduring lessons he had learned throughout his trials: the resilience that carried him through the bleakest moments, and the hope that propelled him towards a brighter future.


Thomas sat comfortably, swirling a glass of red wine in his hand, admiring the kingdom's view with Elize beside him.

As they gazed over the kingdom's new features, Elize's posture was dignified, reflecting her status as an Area Guardian.

Elize's golden hair and blue eyes matched perfectly with her white dress and golden overcoat. However, her slender katana leaning on the table was a stark contradiction, leaving one unsure of whether she was attending a tea party or preparing to fight.

"Lord Ainz's arrival brought significant changes to the world, don't you think?" Thomas remarked, breaking the peaceful silence.

Thomas is a tall man with fiery red hair, a full beard, and a scar under his right eye, excluding an authoritative pressure that makes one hesitant to strike up a conversation.

Elize agreed, but her mood shifted as memories of her late mother surfaced., "It has, Dad. I just wish Mom were here to experience it with us."

Thomas tactfully diverted the conversation, reminiscing about the simpler times of farming. "Do you recall the time when we farmed without any technology?"

Elize replied awkwardly, feeling guilty for ruining the mood, "Those hours spent sweating under the sun, they were tough times in their way, weren't they?"

"They were stressful times but at least we had fun." A rare smile appeared on Thomas lips and a hint of gentleness appeared in his eyes as he reminisced. "However, with the advancements in technology, farming has been streamlined, and machines have made it far more efficient."

Elize agreed, "Lord Ainz's administration of the kingdom has been astonishing. Numerous illnesses have been eradicated, and the people's overall health has seen a tremendous improvement. It was indeed wise to serve such a monarch."

As an Area Guardian, Elize knew more than anyone how great Lord Ainz is. Her training consisted of learning the lore of the Supreme Beings, with Lord Ainz Ooal Gown, the Supreme One, being the most frequently mentioned.

Elize acknowledged, "I must say, I am amazed by how the world has advanced and how Lord Ainz has revolutionized the world."

"It is as you say. The fact that we've been bestowed with immortality is proof of Lord Ainz's recognition of our accomplishments."

Elize mused, "It's difficult to fathom that we get to live forever while everyone else experiences aging and death."

Thomas declared, "I understand, but it's critical that we make the most of our time and ensure that we are serving the kingdom's people effectively."

"Indeed, that's precisely what I had in mind. We must utilize our time judiciously and put our expertise and knowledge to good use for the well-being of the people," Elize agreed.

Thomas said, "It would be a perfect approach to repay what Lord Ainz and Nazarick have done for us."

"Let's brainstorm and come up with strategies." Elize proposed enthusiastically.

"The future has boundless prospects, and we must strive to make the most of them." Thomas concurred.

"Definitely. So, let's start right away." Elize said, feeling empowered and eager to make a contribution.


Human Race:

Name: Thomas

Title: Lord of Agricultue

Race: Immortal Human

Job: Chief of Sorceress Empire Agricultural Department

Residence: Iri City

Familial Home

Alignment: Good Sense of Justice 200

Job Level:

Farming 15 lvl

Merchant 5 lvl

Management 10 lvl

Hetermorpics Race:

Name: Elize


Job: Magic Researcher

Alignment: Neutral Good (200)

Residence: Great Tomb of Nazarick- Ashurbanipal

Racial Level:

Imp 15 lvl

Demon Sage 10 lvl

Job Level:

Wizard 10 lvl

Forbidden Arts Magic Caster 10 lvl

Bishop 5 lvl

Seeker of Magic 5 lvl

Other 7 lvl

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