Lady Wang said, "That's right. After so many years, there's no way that he's still alive. Otherwise, he would have come back by now."
Lady Gu said, "In that case, did I do anything wrong when I tried to find his wife another husband?"
Those words shocked Lady Wang.
A new husband for Feng Wu's beautiful mother?
Granny Gui almost spilled her tea.
Lady Gu had no idea what a terrifying declaration she had just made. She took Lady Wang's hand and said, "It's not just some random man. My brother fancies the lady and wants to marry her…"
Lady Wang frowned. "Wait a minute. Your brother, as in Lord Gu? Doesn't he have a wife already? I saw her only a few months ago. Has she passed away?"
Lady Gu said, "Of course not. That lady is a widow. Of course no one will want her as an official wife. She's going to be my brother's concubine."
Lady Wang couldn't believe her ears.
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