Therefore, when they stood hopelessly at the entrance of the fourth floor, they involuntarily turned to Feng Wu for help again.
"Are you nuts?!" Dugu Yamo smacked Feng Sang on the forehead. "Feng Wu is trying to figure out what to do. Once she has a plan, she'll be able to lead us forward."
Feng Sang glared at Dugu Yamo. "Are you sure she can come up with an idea? How do you know that she'll be able to lead us out of here?"
Dugu Yamo said, "I don't."
Feng Sang said, "Then why do you…"
Dugu Yamo found Feng Sang's question idiotic. "What's wrong with you? Feng Wu never promised that she would win the game for all of us. We made her the captain! She's not obligated to do that!
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