Feng Xun said excitedly, "Xiao Wu is still up there, isn't she? If she's smart enough, she'll lower the rope down now. We can then tie the sacks onto it, and she can pull them up. She can then empty the sacks onto the deck before throwing the sacks back down."
The more Feng Xun spoke, the more excited he got, and he clenched his fists. "Yes! That's how we can do it if Feng Wu is smart enough!"
The others gave it some thought.
"That's right. If Feng Wu is smart enough, she should have realized that by now and lowered the rope."
"But what if she isn't that smart?"
Feng Xun said, "That's okay. I can go back up first, then —"
Just then, Jun Linyun pointed above them and cried out, "Argh! Look!"
They all followed his finger.
Then they saw —
Something rumbled overhead, and a giant shadow blocked their vision.
The air seemed to warp.
Everything trembled.
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