"The poison has been neutralized, but Xiao Wu was so angry just then that she passed out again."
Feng Xun's eyes went bloodshot with rage, and he glared at Sefiro. "Is poisoning Xiao Wu not enough for you? Now that she has taken the antidote, you want to harm her by infuriating her! How can any woman be so malicious?! I can't believe that you're a princess! Is this what all princesses of the Senal Grassland are like?!"
Chieftain Senal felt so ashamed and embarrassed, but he couldn't say anything to retort to Feng Xun.
No one would have said such things to him, but now, Sefiro was at fault and targeted by everyone. Moreover, the evidence was irrefutable. So, what could he do?
He had no choice but to apologize with a wry smile. "Your Majesty, my daughter is spoiled. I promise I'll discipline her later as she deserves."
Emperor Wu only gave him a stern look without saying a word.
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