Feng Xun tugged at Xuan Yi and asked, "Don't you think Boss Jun has changed?"
"Has he?" Xuan Yi sounded confused.
Feng Xun said, "Yes! Haven't you noticed? Boss Jun has been talking a lot more."
Thinking about it, Xuan Yi realized that Feng Xun was right.
Feng Xun went on, "And haven't you noticed that Boss Jun is a lot more expressive when he speaks?"
Xuan Yi was still trying to think how Jun Linyuan had changed, when Feng Xun gave him an example. "Before, Boss Jun would only say 'move' in that cold way of his, but just then, he told Feng Wu 'let's go.' Can't you tell the difference?"
"Yes, but that only happens when he's around Feng Wu," Xuan Yi said grumpily.
Feng Xun gave it some thought and realized that Xuan Yi was right.
Boss Jun was still as unapproachable and reticent as ever with other people, but he was a lot more considerate toward Feng Wu.