"I said, move." Feng Wu's eyes glinted like cold blades.
But the guards still wouldn't move. They acted as if they didn't hear Feng Wu at all.
Feng Wu smirked. "I won't repeat myself again."
Her actions would speak for her.
Feng Wu raised her foot.
She kicked the guard in front of her, and he hit the door behind him.
The loud noise caught the attention of the people inside.
Lady Xuanji had always been as skittish as a bunny, and she jumped at the loud bang.
"What happened? What happened?" Qiuling rushed out of her room to find Feng Wu standing at the entrance to the yard.
And Qiuling would never forget that scene.
The arrogant guards were all rolling around and moaning on the ground.
And there were more of them than Qiuling expected; it seemed that they included those who had been standing along the walls.
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