"Times of peace and prosperity need wise rulers as well as reputable officials. My father said that a wise ruler is on the way and all they needed to do was become reputable officials! You know what? I was over the moon when I heard that! My cousin and I swore right there and then that we would become reputable officials that the wise ruler deserves!"
Feng Wu didn't know what to say. She had no idea that Jun Linyuan was so popular among the people.
"Unfortunately…" Ning Chenxi sighed. "Did you know? His Royal Highness almost had his reputation ruined by a girl named Feng Wu. How can a girl who lost all her cultivation become the crown prince's wife? There's no way she can be a mother figure for the empire in the future! She doesn't deserve someone with such rare talent like His Royal Highness!"
Ning Chenxi grew more excited as he spoke and ultimately clenched both his fists!
Feng Wu said, "… I thought the engagement was off?"
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