After she said that, Wang Yu couldn't help but felt a little embarrassed. Indeed, his state of mind and reaction to situations was far inferior to theirs. If he had been calmer, he wouldn't have fallen into danger.
He walked beside the two of them and secretly reminded himself not to make such a mistake again.
"Swish swish swish…"
There was a rustling sound which caught Wang Yu's attention. He went over to Feng Jiu and Leng Shuang at once and said: "There seems to be some movement."
Feng Jiu glanced around, her eyes fell onto a place and she said: "Yes, there is a fierce beast."
When he heard her calm voice, Wang Yu's heart tightened again. He grasped his sword at his waist with one hand and said: "Are we fighting? Or are we fleeing?"
Feng Jiu smiled, then she glanced at him and said: "You'll fight and we'll watch. We are counting on you for today's meat."
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