Cries of horror and misery came out as the entire group was violently lifted up into the air before their bodies were smashed into the distant trees and as they fell to the ground, one after another, blood spewed out of their mouths. They looked at the few people standing there with horrified gazes.
One of them wailed like a wolf, and the beastmen that fell to the ground quickly leapt up, not even seeming to have injuries and quickly fled.
Looking at their rapidly departing figures, Wei Feng couldn't help but be surprised, "These beastmen's bodies are actually this tough! Even after receiving that blow that contained such a mighty pressure, they can actually still be this flexible?"
"They should not dare to come back, let's prepare for the evening meal!" Luo Yu said, after handling those wild game that he fought back, he set it up on the fire and began to roast it.
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