Within the iron cage the size of a small room, there were eleven vicious looking strong men, some squatting, some standing. They were bare-armed and only wore a pair of shorts each. Their muscles on their arms and abdomen were well defined and there were multiple scars on their bodies. They looked like bloodthirsty demons, and at this point in time, they were staring at him in an unfriendly manner.
Ning Lang who was screaming and shouting scrambled to a corner and watched them warily when he realised that something was amiss.
The strong man who was sitting in the middle, raised his chin and signalled. The ten men on either side of him stood up scrunching up their fists and twisting their necks from side to side as they approached.
"You, what are you going to do?" Ning Lang retreated but found that there was nowhere else for him to go.
"What are we going to do? Now that you're in here, of course you need to learn the rules." One of them snorted coldly.
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