The three men answered as they looked at her. Du Fan asked: "Master, are you going back to Nebula Academy? How do we find you when we need you in the future?"
"The three of you have a jade letter tube in your bags. When you need to, you can send me a message. If you can solve the matter yourself then don't look for me." As she spoke, she threw out her flying feather. She sat on the feather and looked down at the three men.
"Xiang Hua, find a place to settle down, then go to Phoenix Empire and bring Luo Yu and the rest of them there."
"Yes." Xiang Hua replied. He watched as she nodded and flew away.
"Let's go too! I know a place that can deal with the starting point of Heavenly Dynasty Palace. I will take you there. " Du Fan said to the two men.
The two men agreed and left with him.
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