A teacher gulped and supported the person beside him, saying, "Other people advanced one or two ranks up. Say, how could he advance in one full stage? He went directly into the foundation building period and after the early stage of foundation building, she stepped into the middle stage without even stopping... "
"Can the Heavenly Foundation Building be the same as others? It must be different. "
"True. The academy hasn't seen a Heavenly Foundation Building for so many years. However, judging from the frightening pressure when Feng Jiu's advancing her ranks, it was really different from the ordinary Foundation Building cultivators."
At the front, the headmaster and deputy headmaster listened to the teachers talking behind them. The corners of their lips were slightly drawn out in an undetectable manner. They didn't know that Feng Jiu had the mystical energy body. Earlier, they mistakenly thought that the powerful pressure was Heavenly Foundation Building.
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