At that moment, a black robed guard came running to his side. "Family Head, we've searched the place inside out and did not find anyone else. Only the youth had ran out from the back but we have two of our brothers in pursuit."
At that same moment, Leng Hua who had run out through the back door found his way blocked by two black robed guards. When the two black robed guards saw that Leng Hua was a commoner without any cultivation, they looked down on him completely.
"You won't be able to escape! Just give yourself up!"
As he spoke, the black robed man rushed up reaching towards Leng Hua's to grab his at his wrist, thinking to capture him and bring him back to the front of the courtyard. Who would have thought the hand he reached to in a grab would in turn be grabbed instead, and in that momentary slip, he felt his entire body being pulled and then pushed, to crash into the other black robed man.
"Tsk! What the hell are you doing! ?"
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