The cry of pain had not even spilled out from Zhao Xun's mouth and Qiao Chu already had his hand over Zhao Xun's mouth. Zhao Xun's face immediately flushed red as the agony tore at him.
"Don't make me ask another time." Jun Wu Xie looked at Zhao Xun without the slightest tinge of sympathy, her eyes filled with a terrifying chill.
Qiao Chu slowly released his hand and Zhao Xun found that the hand that was gripped on his shoulder had shifted position and it was now clasped over his neck. The fingers flexed and Zhao Xun knew that Qiao Chu would only need to exert a bit of his strength and his neck could be snapped off easily.
Zhao Xun had never been put under such threat. He was a disciple from an ordinary academy and they were only used to stopping their battles at the first hit that landed in their friendly sparring matches, and today was the first time he had felt that Death was hovering so close to him!
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