"Hold it! !" Gu Li Sheng was overwhelmed, his head swimming with terms like "energy", "sequence", "equivalent exchange" and many more terms he had never even heard of before. He found himself bathed in sweat and he stood up in a flurry interrupting Jun Wu Xie's incessant monologue.
If he were to allow the kid to go on, he would begin to start having doubts of his very own Spirit Healing and think that he had gotten it all wrong.
"What is it?" Jun Wu Xie raised her head and looked at Gu Li Sheng. She did not usually speak much and only in instances within the sphere of academic speciality, would she show eagerness in engagement. And it was only through these professional terms and lingo that one would feel Jun Wu Xie was not as unapproachable as she seemed.
"I'm sorry, but I can't….. understand what you are saying." When those words came out through his lips, he felt strangely ashamed!
Just who was the Teacher here, and who was the disciple! ?
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