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2% Dragonborn Saga / Chapter 14: Tourism in Whiterun

Bab 14: Tourism in Whiterun

After a day from passing Valtheim Towers, we could see a large city in the far golden plains.

The caravan passed side to side with White River.

The hold and the city were both named after this river. White River starts from Falkreath in the south passing Whiterun and Windhelm all the way to the Sea of Ghosts. Sailing in it is impossible due to the waterfalls, else this journey would be really easy.

I was setting in the carriage comfortability, reading a note and learning few more techniques in magic. Other passengers got used to the fact I am a mage and didn't mind much of my strange looking notes.

I could feel the road under the carriage becoming smoother and better, which meant we are at a well-made road near to a major city or a town.

Looking at the road ahead we could finally see it. Whiterun City walls in the reach of vision. We were at the afternoon and so we would enter the city at sunset.

As planned Svidi will stay in Ysolda's house and we boys will manage it somehow. Girls get all the best treatment after all.

But I am so happy I came to Whiterun. This was my base of operations in the game and I hope I can get that old place. As long as it was modded of course.

I can't remember which house mod I installed in Whiterun but I always download 'Breezehome TNF - Elianora's Flavour', Elianora (The modder) just did a job well done in decorating the place plus, with original mod author remaking for the house, this place was just too good.

I close the note I was reading. It was about a new spell called 'Soulfire', its idea was to link the Magicka pool with weapons enchantment's power reserve. It would take the enchanted weapons to the next level.

As the carriage stopped, the sun has already gone down. Darkness will swallow the world soon so we said farewells to our fellow travelers and went right towards the city.

Unlike the game there were many houses outside Whiterun's wall, but that was also part of the city. The stables where the carriages stopped were to our right as we followed the road ahead and passed through the first gate.

After it, we walked and turned with the road to see a second gate that was well guarded. We had to pay the tax of entering the city as we don't have the identity of a citizen.

Identities are pieces of wood that are marked with the date of its issue. Ysolda has her citizenship pass so she was okay. That sort of thing happens in each city but the security in Riften didn't exist to begin with so things was easy.

Passing the second gate we headed straight to the last wooden big gate.

What met us in Whiterun was a very bustling place even though sun was going down. I don't remember that this city was like this. After asking around we discovered that Jarl Balgruuf the Greater has been blessed with a third child and it was a girl, so he threw a party to the whole town.

So that little sh*t was finally born, there is some bad blood between me and that girl, from the game of course. But I'm a pity person who takes revenge even on little girls.

Back to present, the city has 3 areas; The Plains District is the lower level of Whiterun; it is where the common-folk reside and trade amongst each other. The Wind District is the second level of Whiterun, and it is the home of the nobility in Whiterun, as well as, other notable groups. The Temple of Kynareth is located in the center of the Winds District, parallel to the Gildergreen Tree, an ancient tree that grew from the Eldergleam Tree of Eastmarch. The eastern side is the home of the Companions and the Skyforge. The Companions stronghold was the first building in Whiterun. Finally, there is the Cloud District, which is the home of Dragonsreach.

We passed the streets while looking at beautiful city, after a while we reach the market square that has been turned into a festival area.

Avoiding it and heading straight to a big building. That was it, my second home in game. The biggest inn in Whiterun, The Bannered Mare.

That was a good place for early players to stay and also a gorgeous inn. In real life that wasn't much different except for how huge it was. The number of tables inside and outside also the tavern bards and music. This was what you expect from a Nordic medieval inn.

We walked inside after Ysolda of course and looked around for a place to sit. A maiden with an unusual silver hair came and guided us into the inn, the place was good and nearby the fire pit.

Unlike other holds, Whiterun had 'fire pits' in every house. Other holds have proper fire places, gamers always tripped in them though.

Just as we sat Ysolda jumped up and held the silver haired girl to stop her from leaving.

The girl was surprised and turned around to look at Ysolda. Ysolda voice was soft when she said "Olfina?"

The girl looked at Ysolda with strange gaze that turned at once to wonder and screamed "Ysolda!"

Just as Ysolda was nodding, Olfina attacked Ysolda and hugged her tightly.

The inn turned silent for a bit and then few people harried over. The innkeeper lady and some other old women.

If I remember this is Olfina Grey-Mane, daughter of Eorlund Grey-Mane, the greatest blacksmith in Skyrim.

While I was remembering who was Olfina, a blonde boy said "Ysolda from nine years ago? Mathjar's and Bryfa's daughter?"

The inn turned into uproar at once, from what Ysolda told us, Mathjar and Bryfa were her parents who owned the General Goods store nine years ago.

As the people realized that all came to greet Ysolda.

Well that was warm and we were invited to many drinks. That blonde boy saved us in time though.

He called off the party and sat with us beside Olfina.

"I am Jon from clan Battle-Born, sorry for the late introduction. This is Olfina Grey-Mane and the innkeeper there is Hulda. We used to know Ysolsa since way back." He introduced himself and the others, what a polite fellow.

"Hello." the four of us spoke and nodded, then I looked at Ysolda to introduce us.

"This is Akara and she will stay with me from today onward. This is Svidi and her brother Wulfur. and This is also a Jon, but you can call him Jon Dare." Ysolda made introduction but she forgot something. "Ah they were with me in Honorhall." Then she remembered.

Olfina and Hulda made an "Ah!" showing sympathy for the poor little orphans, while Jon Battle-Born looked at me and said "Another Jon? It's hard to see one of our kind these days."

"Indeed." I raised my tankard to him and he raised his to me, we clinked laughed to each other. I always liked this guy as an NPC in game.

Few years from now the Battle-Born and Grey-Mane clans will have a feud, But Jon and Olfina who loved each other will remain true to each other.

Thinking about it and remembering how I changed the fate of Wulfur and Svidi. How about I try to change Jon's and Olfina's? these two must be wed before 4E-201. Or they will have it hard.

"So, how well do you know this city?" I asked.

"Been here all my life." Jon answered. The same answer from the game.

"You see, I don't want to be a bother, but I heard to many good stuff about this town and we need someone who knows the ins and outs." I made a request for a guide.

"HAHA, you found the right man for the job my friend. I am free all day long, all I do is training and singing." Jon's declared.

"A bard you want to be? Did you join the college?" Svidi jumped into the conversation.

"I am a bit in no hurry to go there, also if I left some things unchecked, they might get robbed away." Battle-Born made a vague answer.

"Oh!" I was taken aback. He didn't want to leave because the Grey-Mane clan might find a husband for Olfina.

"Well that's one's own choice after all. You said you train. You are becoming a traveling bard or something?" I asked him.

"Singing and fighting are the closest two arts to each in Skyrim. You want to be a good bard, you need to learn how to fight. Singing for the affection of wenches and boasting on no true heart is no Nord way." Battle-Born replied with a strong voice.

"Well said, truly." I acted as if I was impressed by his words and filled his tankard with mead.

Frankly this guy is honorable and smart, but he's a bit lax and laid back.

"So, what's the interesting stuff in town?" I asked.

"You can join the Companions if you want, they accept many young blood these days, their place is the Jorrvaskr. You can visit Skyforge if you went there too and you can see the Glidergreen in the square of the Cloud district. You can go hunt in the plains or go to Old Olava for a soothsaying. And finally, the inn, here old Hulda will sink you in mead if you asked." Jon made his brief introduction to the city and said "Rest for the night and I'll show you around tomorrow morning."

As we agreed to it, the celebrations outside cooled down. Olfina took Akara and Ysolda to the castle. Akara registered as a citizen and Ysolda took back the key and the title deed to her parents' house from the Jarl's Steward.

As they got back. Svidi went with Ysolda and Akara to that small house. Me and Wulfur stayed with Jon Battle-Born at the inn drinking all night, after paying for two beds, we headed straight into dreamland.


The next day, we made an early start even when it was snowing outside. The market square was empty so it was for the better. Jon Battle-Born was in the inn after breakfast and we went out the three of, 2 Jons and 1 Wulfur.

[A/N: I'll refer to him as just 'Battle-Born' from now on]

"So, first thing we go to the cloud district, you can see the castle from there, as well as the Temple of Kynareth, the Glidergreen, the old shrine of Talos, the Jorrvaskr and Skyforge." Battle-Born listed the day's program.

This will be a busy day but I'm still thinking about how to help him and Olfina. I had a plan but it's a bit of a gamble.

Let's just go to tour first, I urged the two slow guys and made our way to the Glidergreen square.

The tree was beautiful. It born from the branches of the Eldergleam Tree we saw near Darkwater Crossing.

I touched the trunk and I felt the same Magicka, yet compared to the Eldergleam, the Glidergreen was like a small lake compared to the ocean.

It won't be bad to meditate directly to the tree. After thinking about it, I move all my Magicka into the tree and absorb its Magicka.

Clearly not as good but not bad either. Let's just move forward.

After visiting the Glidergreen, the shrine of Talos was the next stop.

Talos statue was of a man clad in armor holding a sword stabbing it down on a large serpent that refers to Talos manteling Lorkan. How Nordic!

[A/N: I could not really understand the part about Talos and Lorkan in the lore, but all in all; Talos was a reincarnation of Lorkan aka Shezzar aka Shor then Talos used a method to ascend to goodlihood and replace Lorkan, correct me if I am wrong]

A man in a priest robe was cleaning around the statute.

"This is old Heimskr, he's the priest of Talos in Whiterun. He is having a hard time since the Empire banned the worship of Talos yet no one mind him here." Battle-Born said then led us to a building not far.

"This is the temple of Kynareth, the best place of healing in all Skyrim, and also a beautiful building." He bragged about the temple and how beautiful it is from the inside for a while. I already knew all that.

An hour later people started to walk in the streets and went through the just opened stalls.

I noticed some 'Shadow Marks' carved on some shops. These are some secret marks related to the 'Thieves Guild'. I looked for a fence and exchanged some items and information about the city. There seems to be a way for Battle-Born and Olfina to be together, but I need some preparations.

I went back to the boys and went to the Jorrvaskr, the headquarters of the Companions.

Have you ever seen a gym full of pros moving around and doing all macho stuff, that was it.

The Jorrvaskr itself was the mead-hall of Ysgramor and his five hundred companions. They came from another continent named Atmora, killed the Snow Elves (Falmer) that lived here before and built that place. How very american... I mean Nordic.

The true story that the continent of Atmora fell into civil war, people went south to a new continent and wanted to settle there. Elves were never fans of Humans because humans grew in numbers faster than them, they attacked the first human city 'Saarthal'. Ysgramor survived and fled back to atmora to find the war ended but it was freezing over so he raised and army and brought them back as his 500 goons in an event known as the Return, then drove the Snow Elves from Skyrim and established the First Nord Empire. The Snow Elves went to seek refuge to the Deep Elves (Dwemer) underground. The Dwemer tricked them into slavery that resulted for the Snow Elves to be turned into today's 'Falmer' or some rather call the 'The Betrayed'. A very mean and evil race that survived with bugs and guarded the Dwemer abandoned cities after the Dwemer themselves disappeared somewhere.

[A/N: That was the most brife verson of the story. There was more but I can't really write it all here, If I am mistaken somewhere point it quietly]

Thinking about that senseless story we start watching the Companions who were training their whelps (greenhorns).

I could see some familiar faces. The beautiful tomboy Aela, Farkas and Vilkas.

Moving on we arrived at the Skyforge next to the Jorrvaskr. It was a small stony hill and a forge onto of it. On top of it was a monument of a bird whose eyes and beak were opened in flame.

Wulfur was losing his marbles when he saw the large forge that was emiting heat from a long distance. that was a little bit too much in my opinion. He was thinking of going nearer but Battle-Born stopped him saying this is as far as people can go.

I on the other hand was immersed in my thoughts. I can't check this forge directly but there were a lot of Fire Magicka emitting from it. That may be a very good place to master fire magic. But without a proper training method it would be extremely dangerous.

When Wulfur knew that Olfina was Eurlond daughter he lost it once again. Too him, the daughter of Eurlond Grey-Mane must be a forge maiden not a bar maiden. This guy has a simple head.

Looking at Jon Battle-Born and Wulfur, I remembered my friends from my past life. Fatty and Four-Eyes, these guys should have given my corpse a proper burial, and never touched a VR headset ever again.

I smiled and moved these guys away from here. I went to the Jorrvaskr again and asked about joining the Companions, they told me that I have to stay in the city for a bit of time and become a 'whelp under guidance' for few days before they accept me as a 'full fledged whelp'.

I only have few days before the next caravan to Solitude, though. Let's do that after the coming of age ceremony.

I asked to train with the whelps for few days and they accepted it, I can use the training yard. Actually, they don't mind anyone as long as they know how to fight.

Jon Battle-Born lived to his family's name. He was a good swordsman. Wulfur was a shield bearer and an axe-man, his throwing skills were good too. He probably learned a lot from Balimund.

I showed off my bow skill to have a conversation with Aela. She showed interest and competed with me. That was a waifu from the game so I had a good time.

Her red hair was the same as Hilda and she didn't have and paint on her face yet, which meant she isn't 16 yet. Her armor was so clumsy and big for a girl with a small build, it reminded me why she chose the armor from the game.

Promising to train again tomorrow I went back to the inn dragging the two beaten up fellows. They gave me strange glances with their eyes, they were being beaten up by macho companions all day and I was having an archery contest with a girl.

Well, I am a handsome guy for a reason, so don't let me waste my pretty face on nothing.

We went to the inn and drank again, this night Battle-Born was too tired to walk home so he stayed in the inn.


Next day was a cold. The three of us walked under the cold light of day and helped cleaning the inn. We met the with Olfina, Ysolda, Akara and Svidi.

Compared to us the girls looked healthy and all well-rested. We were raving all night after all.

After breakfast we left, for the market as the girls wanted to buy stuff.

Girls were girls no matter which star-system they came from. We walked all noon after them, it was one of those nightmarish shopping when boys just follow girls and carry all the stuff.

During that time someone came to me and introduced himself with a codename. That was the Theives' Guild. As a member I can get some stuff I want from every cities' crew.

I asked for some time and followed the man to a desolate alley.

"So, what do you have for me?" I asked.

"Best 'Moon Sugar' in the city, if you hand it to that woman she will do it right." The man said.

"You sure she isn't some trickster old crone?" I double checked with the man.

"She is the real deal I tell you. She works better, the better 'Moon Sugar' she uses." The man confirmed the information.

I paid him and left.

That was some information about 'Olava The Feeble'. She is a woman in Whiterun who can see future reading for a price. 'Moon Suger' is an alchemy ingrediant from Elswyr, the main ingrediant to make the infamous drug 'Skooma'.

I was thinking about trying some Skooma once, but I train all day and Skooma is addictive effects can hinder me.

I returned to the girls and finished the shopping, then took the boys and went to continue our tour.

Battle-Born showed us his house and the 'Hall of the Dead' where Nords bury their dead.

After that we went to 'Olava the Feeble', for some future reading.

I acted excited and urged the guys.

She could do some future reading with many things that includes reading tea leaves, reading palms and cards. The 'Moon Sugar' is her trigger though. But seriously what's with old grannies doing drugs and seeing the future.

Olava welcomed people front of her house, she was an old and weak woman. I sent her someone from the guild and gave her some of the high quality 'Moon Sugar', I asked for a certain reading to be customized a bit.

She was not happy about it, but when she was promised more high quailty 'Moon Sugar' she agreed right away.

Battle-Born didn't like knowing about the future to not worry himself about it, I told him he can just ask about any worthless stuff since I'll be paying.

To make the play better, Olava was cooperating with an unusual way of a future reading that I suggested through my agent.

She used cards. That was a bit uncommon for her usual business.

"You are using strange paper this time." Battle-Born wondered.

"Your friends paid a lot of money for an accurate future reading my boy." Olava said.

We took a card each, they were empty but we had to write the first word that come to our mind.

I wrote 'Blood'. I don't know what the other wrote though.

While taking the cards and placing them in order I made my move. I switched my card with Battle-Born's card.

Olava knew about this and she moved to the first card, it was Wulfur's card.

She held it with two hands and asked Wulfur what does he want to know about.

"I want to know about Skyforge." Wulfur was stright as ever, Battle-Born laughed and I sighed.

Olava closed her eyes and hummed. She started talking "I see a path filled with fire, a fire that no human can approch but you have to walk that path. To reach the forge, you have to not only rely on your luck, but also on the luck of the boy who fear no fire, he will take your hand and name you his brother."

I was astonished. That was one vivid reading. I kinda felt scared now.

Wulfur was astonished. He found a hint to his dream. Suddenly he turned towards me and held my shoulders with his hands, his eyes were shooting beams of happiness.

"Did you hear that?" Wulfue asked.

"Yes, yes. Congrats! Now go find that unburnable man." I asked and tried to push him.

He was beaming with happiness knowing that he had a chance.

"Okay Okay, Geez. Don't droll on me. It's my turn now?" I pushed him away and looked to Olava.

"Now please my card." I said.

"What do you want to ask about?" She asked.

"I am asking about love." I said my request while joking.

Everyone laughed. Wulfur said somethings about why I sould stop playing around with girls. Who is that playing around? I just use my otherworldly gentleman style with my devilishly handsome face.

Olava held the card and made the same posture while humming then said "You are running out of time my boy. If you don't hurry and make the silver girl yours, her family will never approve of you. You have four winters."

"What? What silver girl? Who is that?" I made a dump face.

Wulfur and Battle-Born were startled.

"The silver girl you love." Olava answered.

"I don't know any silver girl." I replied.

Olava made uneasy face and looked at the card again.

Jon noticed the paper card and looked at it "Isn't that my card?"

"Oh, the cards were mixed up then. Wait! isn't the silver haired girl Olfina?" I made up a dumbfounded face.

"What?" Jon Battle-Born noticed and looked at Olava again. "Is that vision true?"

"The vision depends on the cards my boy." Olava said the b*llsh*t I asked from her.

"Damn! By the eight, why four years?" Battle-Born looked worried.

I apologized to him in my heart but it was the truth, No one will believe me if I told them that the biggest two families of Whiterun will have a big fued four years from now.

What made Jon Battle-Born believe it more is what he knew about the two families' beliefs.

The Grey-Manes were Talos worshippers and the Battle-Borns were not faithful to Talos that much.

The soothsaying of Wulfur was 100% Olava's effort. Battle-Born's was as we made in the deal.

Olava returned Battle-Born's card back and took my real card this time.

"You will still ask about love?" Olava asked, and I nodded.

Olava took the card and made the same stuff once again.

Then she lagged.

Hello! Anyone home?

I was about to say something but she screamed and threw the card away.

Okay, that's out of scenario. I don't know what she is doing right now.

"I looked at her..." She said.

"Yes? and?" I asked.

Olava glupped and said, "... and open her red blood eyes and looked back at me."


Perfect, really.

"So, I am having a horror-romance plot twist at some point." I made a speculation.

"That sound ominous." Wulfur said.

"Yeah, think twice before you think of following me around again." I mocked him.

We said our thanks to Olava and I handed her the rest of the deal.

She held to my hand and said "It's all true. The three visions are."

Her hands were cold and trembling.

I guess there is some truth to it.

It was not afternoon yet, so we took our time walking, but the three of us were thinking without speaking.

I looked at Battle-Born and asked him if he is okay.

"I am fine, it's just too sudden." Jon was a bit pale.

"So, you have four years." I reminded him.

"What to do then?" He was a bit in a daze.

"Get married." Wulfur said it.

Battle-Born froze, he had many things to be worried about now. I guess he won't get lax.

"That won't be easy, the Grey-Manes won't take me seriously." Jon was still negative, guess I'll give him a hand.

"If you want to, you can join the Companions and make a name for yourself. You can go to the Bards college and finish there quickly. You also can join the High King's tournament and make achievements there." I counted the opening opportunities for him.

He thought for a while and said he will think about it.

I told him to go home and take it easy, then meet us tomorrow at the inn with his decision.

"Let's head to the Jorrvaskr." I talked to Wulfur who nodded to me.

Walking to there, we entered the training yard and met with the other whelps.

It was the same as yesterday, Wulfur got beaten and I shot arrows with Aela.

She was only interested in my archery skills though.

She was faster than me but I hit the marks more accurate.

We told them we were leaving tomorrow for the High King's tournament and said our farewells.

Next day Jon Battle-Born came with a knapsack and a stiff face, he said he'll head to Solitude.

I knew he would do it. Olfina meant a lot to him and he had to step up.

Well, if I didn't do that he would have done nothing even after the beginning of the game's events, he is not even involved in quests, so helping him won't affect the other quests seriously.

Jon Battle-Born stood front of Olfina Grey-Mane.

"I am leaving." He said just that.

"Mhmm, I will be waiting." She said and nodded with a smile.

"Two years." He told her how long it will take him.

"Two years." She nodded with the same smile.

Akara and Ysolda were clinging to Svidi and saying their farewells to her and Wulfur. I lagged a bit behind until everyone finished.

I talked with them for a bit and said some words to Akara's ears secretly.

Here gaze turned cold and said "This one doesn't do fluff".

Dammit, so heartless. What is the point of being a Khajiit girl if you don't fluff.

As soon as everyone was done, the four of us left 'The Bannered Mare' and headed to the stables outside the city.

The new caravan started moving to the west and it had a smooth start.

The first stop will be the City of Morthal, and the second will be Dragon Bridge after passing Hjal River, then to our final distention, Solitude.

El_Don El_Don

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