As both sides started to retreat and disengage, the battlefield slowly started to die down. At this point, the people could see what the results were of the fight that they had. Dozens of corpses filled the pallor of the manor. The grass was filled with layers and layers of bodied and blood.
A heavy atmosphere surrounded the area as the two sides started to stare at each other. At this point, neither side could attack as they all were exhausted of the constant fighting and wanted to rest up a bit.
The troops of Francis, who were now under the command of Christopher retreated to the opening of the manor's outer walls. As for his own army, they had retreated to their original position. Knowing that there was an entry point into the compound, both sides started to focus their troops towards that direction.
Behind the walls, a bit deeper into the camp that had been formed, dozens of soldiers were being carried over to the field hospitals which were created.
Storming into the tent, a worried voice called out, "How is he doing?"
But there was not reply, instead a heavy sigh could be heard. At the same time, several of the people surrounding started to slowly shake their head, as they were looking down. Their faces were all darkened.
"I… I am sorry." In the end a hard and stuttering voice replied. "If… if only I…" the voice could not finish up its sentence.
Walking closer to the body which was lying on the field bed, James could finally see the body of Francis. There were numerous cut and stab wounds all over his body. The look resembled more a scene of a torture. However, they all knew that these were wounds inflicted by a battle.
"Is he… Is he alive?" James asked with a worried voice. He was not sure what to say. He did not know what to do.
"His heartbeat has slowed down. His breathing has become rather heavy. I fear tha…" The medic could not finish his sentence. He understood the atmosphere that the tent currently was in. The majority of the people understood the situation and did not press on anymore.
Not much time passed before Francis' breathing stopped. No one in the tent left his side during that period of time.
"Young master!" Victor was the first that burst in tears. He was the one that basically raised Francis. Having lost him was the same as having lost a dear son. He could not help himself from feeling defeated.
Even the rest within the tent could not help them from holding in their tears.
"I am sorry my friend." James said in a low voice as he stood next to Francis' body. 'It is all because of me! You have been my first real friend. If it wasn't for me, you would still be alive.' James barley spoke those words. His eyes were all watery as he looked down on the body.
"It is all because of you! If it wasn't for your stupid war, the young master wouldn't have died a pointless death!" Vincent took out his anger and sadness from James, as he started to shout while pointing fingers. "You stupid brat!" With those words, Vincent formed a fist and threw it towards James.
James did not react nor resist. He was fully aware that his problem caused the demise of Francis. He was the one responsible for all the bodies that had died today.
Before the first hit, Vincent was stopped by a few of the surrounding knights. "Don't Vincent. We know what Francis meant for you. However he would have not wanted to see you do something like this." One of the knights spoke in a sadden voice. "Instead, we have to band together to make sure that something like this doesn't happen anymore. We have to take revenge on the bastards that dared to kill our master."
Slowly lowering his first, Vincent nodded faintly. However his eyes were locked with James. The anger was still fiercely burning within the black of his eyes. "Fine! I will help them to take my revenge. However, do not expect me to fight side by side with that one over there." Vincent spoke, clearly aiming his words towards James. Instead he turned towards Christopher and continued, "I thank you again for brining the body of the young master to us. Please help us take our revenge young sir."
Quickly nodding, Christopher did not know what else he could do. The situation looked rather grim. There was a clear problem with the power play within the camp. James had lost the trust of the majority of the soldiers in the field. The best commander which followed, Francis, had been slain and everyone started to blame James. Even he himself blamed himself.
On the other hand, Edward, Christopher and Warren were the major pillars left that were actually holding up the army together.
And there was still ways to go before they could conclude the battle.