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2% 000 - What Makes The Sky Blue / Chapter 1: 01. Reincarnation?

Bab 1: 01. Reincarnation?

Heyaaaaa like i said in the synopsis please give me feedback which one i need to fix Like describe the situation more details ? Or something

and I'm kinda using AI to help me describe some situation because my English is pretty bad so I'm sorry

Thank You


Today is a bright day, with fresh blue skies to admire, and many people are roaming towards their workplaces or students heading to their schools.

Among the students, there are some people who are looking very serious staring at their phones, but upon closer inspection, one of the students is playing a game on his phone.

"Come on, just give me 1 grand, please just give me a new grand weapon... Damnit, another duplicate weapon! ughh do I need to spark again to get a new grand..."

one of the students speaks quietly, not wanting to be called weird by others people that walking close to him.

"Well, another spark it is. Ugh, there goes my 60k crystals. I'm gonna need to save more for the next free rolls."

"Hey Rei, are you still playing that game?" someone calls out to the student. The student, named Rei Nakawa, looks towards the voice calling out to him.

"Hey Leo, this game is really addictive. Do you know what it feels like to spend hours completing a raid just to get 1 weapon? But the weapon you want never comes, and just when you're about to give up, the weapon suddenly drops from the boss?" Rei speaks with enthusiasm.

"No, thank you. Unfortunately, I'm not a masochist like you who plays games like that," Leo responds.

Rei can only smile at his answer and continues playing his game while chatting with Leo.

The game that Rei is playing is Granblue Fantasy, a game released several years ago that tells the story of a captain (danchou) embarking on an adventure to find Eutalucia after receiving a letter from their (because you can choose your gender either male or female danchou) father waiting for them in Estaulica,

The legendary home of the Astrals. Where if someone can find that place, their wishes will come true.

Although the story is like that, Rei plays the game purely for its gameplay and grind, where he continuously completes raids and events just to earn crystals and weapons.

Afterward, the two of them arrive at their school, and the day continues as usual. When heading home from school, Rei goes to the supermarket to buy ingredients to cook for when he gets back, as he lives alone and his parents work abroad, leaving him to cook and do chores by himself.

Rei is used to doing these tasks since his parents are always busy and rarely at home, but at least he still communicates with them using his phone.

"Hmm, what should I cook today? Should I buy instant noodles again? Ah no, I had that yesterday. No more instant noodles for now," Rei thinks to himself as he enters the supermarket.

After buying the ingredients he needs, Rei heads home. As Rei walks back home, he starts playing on his phone again and reopens his game.

"Hmm, it looks like I won't be getting a gold bar today. In that case, I'll go back to fighting Lucilius raid."

Upon arriving home, he unlocks the door and enters his house, takes off his shoes, heads to his room to change his clothes and tidy up his belongings, then goes to the kitchen to cook the ingredients he bought earlier.

After eating, cleaning the kitchen and dishes, he returns to the living room, lies down on the sofa, turns on the TV, but pays no attention to it at all and remains focused on his phone.

'Lucilius, huh? If I'm not mistaken, he's one of the antagonists in event 000 part 3. It's been a while since I read that event. Maybe I'll reread it after this.'

Rei then reads back event 000 from part 1 to part 3.

"Heh heh heh heh! You're really into the rough stuff, Sandy. All about the power play with you,"

someone in the game says to another person named Sandy, or Sandalphon archangel created to replace Lucifer in case he dies or fails his duties.

"Ain Soph Aur!"

"...!" suddenly, swords and lasers attack that person without pause.

"Wow, puberty is just hitting you like a freight train, huh?" the person says with a smile.

"I'll finish this with my next attack, fallen angel," Sandalphon shouts at the fallen angel named Belial—a fallen angel and one of the first primal beasts ever created. Known for his cunning, he is called the "Serpent." He plays unfairly and disrespectfully, his mind wandering in immoral ways. The only man he reveres is his creator, Lucilius, to whom he affectionately refers as "Cilius."

"Hey, Sandy? Do you want to know how Lucifer died?" Belial said cunningly. Upon hearing this, Sandalphon suddenly stopped his attack.

"Hehehe. You must be curious. It was in that great hall in Canaan. Bubs ran Lucifer through with his black spear. That was pretty much it for him right there.

But didn't you find it strange? Even if Lucifer was mortally wounded, he should have been able to retaliate. His hands were tied. He was standing in front of an angel's cradle."

"A cradle? Where I was sleeping after the cataclysms." Sandalphon said shockingly.

"The only flaw in his perfect defenses... the only time he ever wavered... was cleaning up the mess you made, Sandalphon," Belial said with a smile. Sandalphon started to break down after hearing the truth from Belial.

"I... killed him," Sandalphon said.

"You heard his last words, Sandalphon,"

someone said loudly, waking up Sandalphon.

"(Danchou)... That's right. I made Lucifer a promise. No matter what anyone says... I will keep my promise!" Sandalphon prepared to continue his attack on Belial.

"I got the order wrong. I should have taken you out first, Singularity," Belial said, preparing to retaliate against them. Instead of attacking Sandalphon, Belial tried to kill Singularity first.

"Look out, (Danchou)! He's coming!"

Rei continued reading the story event 000 while thinking, 'This event is truly Kino. Every time I reread this part, it gives me goosebumps.'

Then he realized it was already past midnight, so he turned off the TV and went back to his room to sleep and prepare for the next day.

'Well, time to sleep. I'll continue reading the story tomorrow,' Rei thought as he turned off the light and drifted off to sleep.

"Probably the chaos is starting to seep in. The skies turning crimson will be quite the sight to see," Belial said as everything began to shake and crumble.

"Give it up already! We're not going to let you turn the sky red!" some Lizard exclaimed to Belial.

"Your blue skies, hm? Why are you so hung up on that? Don't you have any questions or suspicions about how the world works? Logic, causality, and the laws of physics are nothing more than tools of the gods' convenience," Belial said, slowly walking backward to the edge of the island.

When someone looked down beneath the island, they could only see a bright red color from the sky, as if there was no end below.

"There's no reason why the sky has to be blue," Belial said with a smile, falling into nothingness. "Enjoy the grand finale."


Everything looks dark, very dark. Rei thinks, 'Huh, strange, is my dream just dark?' Rei is confused because he can't see anything.

'Wait a minute, if this is a dream, why am I aware that it's a dream! Could it be that my eyes are losing sight? No, please, I still care about my eyes,' Rei shouts sadly.

But suddenly he sees a very bright light at the edge of his vision. "Huh? I can see the light? That means my eyes are still okay! Yeaa, I can still see," Rei looks very happy, but then he is puzzled about what is happening to him.

Why suddenly in a dark place and can only see that light. "Thinking about it won't help, the only way is to go towards that light," Rei then starts walking towards the light.

But the closer Rei gets to the light, the harder it is for him to see. He uses his hands to shield his eyes, but it's still useless because the light becomes even more dazzling.

Suddenly... Rei wakes up in the grass surrounded by large trees. 'Huh, where is this? I'm pretty sure I was sleeping in my bed?' Rei wonders, and then standing up and tries to look around, but all he sees are trees, trees, and more trees.

"Hey, are you okay?" Rei suddenly hears a woman's voice. She turns to the source of the voice and is startled to see a woman with short blonde hair and brown eyes, wearing a white and pink dress with iron gloves and long boots that reach her thighs.

'is that Danchou or Djeeta, why is she here? Wait, how can I meet her? She's just a character in a game, or am I still dreaming?' Rei thinking confused and his mind went blank

"Hello?" Djeeta waves her hand in front of Rei's face. She's confused because this person suddenly falls silent after seeing her.

"Hey, Djeeta, wait, don't leave me," a voice suddenly comes from another direction.

Djeeta then turns to face the voice. "Vyrn! I'm here," Djeeta responds to the voice.

A creature like a red-colored dragon or lizard with brown eyes emerges from one side of the forest. "Hah, why did you suddenly leave me? Huh? Who is this person?" Vyrn asks in confusion to Djeeta.

But since Djeeta doesn't know who this person is and before she can ask who he is, he's just remains still and just looks at her after he's turned around.

Rei begins to wake up and responds to their questions, "Oh, sorry, I was daydreaming earlier. My name is Rei. May I know your names?" Rei introduces himself to the main characters from Granblue Fantasy.

"My name is Djeeta, and this is Vyrn," Djeeta responds while pointing towards her companion or brother. As they grew up together, Djeeta considers Vyrn as her sibling.

"Yeah, just like she said, I'm Vyrn, and my favorite food is apples. So, if you have one, please give it to me," Vyrn said excitedly because he truly loves apples and is willing to do anything for them (except bad things).

Rei simply smiles at his behavior, as in the game, Vyrn always stays by Danchou's side from beginning to end, helping each other out. Even though his demeanor may be a bit over the top, Rei still likes Vyrn character.

"Nice to meet you, Djeeta and Vyrn. Don't worry, Vyrn, if I find an apple, I'll give it to you," Rei responds to Vyrn's introduction.

"Really? Once you've said that, you can't take it back, you know? I'll be waiting for that apple," Vyrn happily says while flying around them.

Djeeta can only smile at her brother's attitude before turning to Rei and addressing the question Vyrn asked earlier. "So, why are you here, Rei? Did you fall from an airship? It's pretty rare for someone to come to Zinkenstill."

Rei is confused about how to respond because he also doesn't know why he suddenly ended up there. In the end, he chooses to speak the truth,

"I also don't know. I was sleeping at home, and suddenly I woke up here without understanding why." Rei says, pondering why he ended up there so suddenly.

"hmmm, if you suddenly appear here, is it because you are involved with primal beast abilities?" Djeeta tried to find out why Rei suddenly appeared here.

"It seems not because in my place there are no primal beasts," Rei replied.

After that, they both continued to think about why someone suddenly appeared in Zinkenstill.

"Hey, how much longer will you two just stand there?" Vyrn woke them both up.

"Djeeta, we still have to hunt wind rabbits for our meal later."

"Ah, right, I almost forgot to look for those wind rabbits. What about you, Rei, what will you do next? If you want, why don't you join us?" Djeeta offered Rei to join them.

"Is it okay? Because I am a stranger, is it okay for you two to invite me to join you?"

"Haha, it's okay, besides, I am strong, so if you do anything strange, I will beat you down," Djeeta said proudly.

"Besides, even though your appearance looks suspicious, I have a feeling you can be trusted."

'Ehh, suspicious appearance? That's true, usually in reincarnation stories, they will have an appearance they requested from the wishes they received. But I didn't receive any requests and I didn't meet any gods who granted requests, so I thought I still have my usual appearance.'

Rei was confused and asked Djeeta, "Hey Djeeta, do you have a mirror? I want to see my appearance."

"Huh, a mirror? I don't have an item like that, but if you want to see your appearance, there is a small lake over there, I can take you there," Djeeta pointed in the direction into the forest.

"Ah, thank you, in that case, I will accept your offer," Rei happily answered her offer.


After that, the three of them walked (Except for Vyrn because he's just flying) towards the small lake while making short conversations with each other. But more to Djeeta asking Rei about his home.

"So you say you're from a different dimension? Suddenly appeared here? What is your world like?" Djeeta asked Rei about her world.

"Haha, my world is just a normal world but compared to here, there are no flying islands and flying ships for transportation, we use vehicles like cars, motorcycles, and airplanes to fly," Rei explained about her world to Djeeta, who listened intently.

'Huh, as I suspected, Djeeta is not surprised that I come from another world because in the world of Granblue Fantasy, people from different dimensions suddenly getting trapped in this world is common, and because Djeeta read her father's journal about meeting them frequently, she is not too surprised.' Rei was not surprised to see Djeeta's reaction.

"Hey Djeeta, Rei, we are almost there at the small lake, let's hurry so we can continue hunting those wind rabbits," Vyrn's voice was heard from ahead.

"Hehe, then let's continue our conversation later, Rei, let's hurry, we are almost there," Djeeta held Rei's hand and started running towards Vyrn.

Rei and Djeeta ran and finally arrived at the small lake.

"Here, you can use this water to see your appearance, you can also drink it if you're thirsty because the water is safe to drink," Djeeta said to Rei, letting go of her hand and going to Vyrn.

Afterwards, Rei approached the small lake and was surprised when he saw his reflection,

'Huh, that's... white hair, sharp blue eyes, and this face, this appearance is Lucilius! Why did I become an Astral who wants to destroy the world?'.

IamReallySalad IamReallySalad

Don't forget to give me your feedback if you have the time

thank you

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