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92.3% .The King. / Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty-Four

Bab 24: Chapter Twenty-Four

Magic, a force scarcely understood in the world, was entirely unknown to most people. It had been so long since magic was truly potent that people regarded it as mere superstition and rituals of questionable efficacy. But was it really so, or was there something more behind it? The Masters of the Citadel could earn a Valyrian steel link for studying magic and the occult, but the order believed magic had vanished since the Doom of Valyria, as there had been no record of its use in Westeros since then. Or maybe they didn't want any record of magic. In a way, they were right; magic was growing weaker. Valyria was the last ember, kept alive by the Targaryens and the dragons, the most magical creatures known. No being had more magic than dragons, but now they were extinct. That was until Harry was born. The small ember was rekindled, and with him, magic began to awaken. New magical creatures were born, and magic returned to its former glory, though it remained hidden.

Olenna Tyrell looked at Harry Stark in astonishment. She was one of the few who knew the true history of the Starks, people with magic, known better as wargs. Wargs were individuals with the ability to enter the minds of some animals and control them at will. Wargs could be either men or women and didn't have a specific animal; they could dominate any animal as long as they had a special empathy towards it. It was unknown if they had a limited number of animals they could control. There was an easier time entering an animal's mind when the warg and the animal shared some kind of bond. However, the interaction between the minds of the animal and the warg could influence both personalities, with negative effects for the human if the animal influence wasn't kept under control. That was all that was known about the Starks' magic, from what she knew. This was why the wolf was their symbol, and why the Citadel and the South, with the help of the Targaryens, wanted to weaken the Starks as much as possible.

Even though House Stark was the only one who didn't resist the Dragons, they feared the wolf. Everyone kept an eye on House Stark for any eventuality, even though they had a weapon like a Dragon. Since the Conquest, the Northerners suffered much pressure solely to weaken the Starks, but they never yielded. They endured everything, and then the Citadel weakened the dragons. They were responsible for the current desire to keep House Stark weak. Now Olenna saw with her own eyes the fear of the Masters. Magic had awakened in a way they could not have imagined. Harry sat down again, under the gaze of the two Tyrells, who were pleasantly surprised. Olenna couldn't believe it. Being the one with the most knowledge of all Westeros, it was obvious she knew every hidden thing in this place; any scrap of information reached her ears. But for someone like Margaery, it was something new. Instead of being afraid, which would have been the most obvious reaction, she was completely surprised but also interested, though both maintained their composure.

-"Surprised is a very short word to define what I feel witnessing that."- Olenna remained calm, as an intelligent person should. More than ever, she needed to hasten the union between Margaery and Harry because armies could be defeated, and ships could be united with a well-elaborated strategy, but how do you defeat magic? What kind of strategy do you use against that?

-"I know, I felt the same way when I discovered this."- Harry looked at his hand, where a blue flame ignited, forming the shape of a rose and then freezing. -"I still remember the first time I knew I could do this, I think I was six years old."- He obviously lied for his convenience in the most believable way. -"Then I found that place so desired by the Citadel."-

-"There were rumors, myths, that Winterfell housed a hidden chamber or library with information from even the First Men who set foot on Westeros."- Olenna looked at Harry. The Citadel even tried to tear down Winterfell to find that place, but even the Targaryens had limits and didn't believe in that nonsense. The place was never found, but apparently, Harry had discovered it. -"Tell me, how did you find it?"-

-"Before the last King in the North bent the knee, he hid that place, concealing all information. He was the last Stark to possess magic."- Harry was obviously lying like it was child's play because Olenna couldn't say he was lying. She saw proof that Harry used magic, so why not believe him? -"Only a Stark with magic can reopen it, and apparently, the combination of my father and mother awakened the magical vein."-

-"And does this have to do with our engagement?"- Margaery had gathered enough information to speak, perhaps thinking the magic needed to endure in the next generation of Starks. Maybe that's why Harry didn't say anything to annul the engagement, thinking that if he had children with a Northerner, they wouldn't have magic. -"Will you use me to give you as many children as possible, isn't that so?"-

-"You're wrong. Magic has awakened. Whether I have children with a Northern woman, a Southern woman, or someone from another realm, they will be born with magic."- Harry looked at Margaery, who was analyzing Harry with her gaze. Any expression he made would give Tyrell an answer, but Harry didn't flinch. -"I think our engagement benefits the Tyrells more than the Starks... The North has the largest naval military power in Westeros. Lannister, Martell, Arryn, Tully, and Baratheon... Do you think they stand a chance?"- The answer was obvious. It was easy to know they wouldn't stand a chance. The castles of those named were very close to the sea, unlike the Starks, who were in the center of the North. -"If I get tired of taking orders and start a rebellion, who will stop me? A golden lion, a seagull, a trout, a stag... or a rose?"-

Harry was hinting at the idea of wanting to conquer the Iron Throne, something Margaery desired. She noticed during the Greyjoy rebellion that Harry had that intention. She didn't know when, but at any moment, Harry Stark would want to rule Westeros. That only caused joy to Margaery because she wanted to be queen. Her plan was to control Harry so the North would rise in arms and rebel. She knew he had a good relationship with the Martells, so they would help, and her house would support her. She was sure of that. But Harry had that idea. It was good to know, but even so, she wanted to control him, to dominate him, to make them call her queen as it should be. Olenna, on the other hand, noticed what Harry was implying: either they join him, or he would crush them at any moment. It was that simple. They had no other choice. Margaery would marry him, but who says the Tyrells would support the Starks? That could worry Olenna since her son had a great dislike for the Northerners and the Starks. Even though it didn't seem like it, the Tyrells were never kings. They only occupied this position because they supported the Targaryens and betrayed the kings of the Reach at the time. The Starks arrived in Westeros and dominated the North.

-"So your visit isn't just to talk, is it?"- Olenna, with everything discussed in this small talk, already understood what Harry was doing in this place. He didn't just come to meet Margaery. He didn't just come to make clear his way of doing things, not to show power. -"You want to take Margaery to the North."-


King's Landing

Tywin had won. Jon couldn't do anything to counter the cunning of the golden lion in this small conflict of interests. The crown had no money to pay the Lannisters; every coin had been squandered by the queen and king on wine and prostitutes. It was not surprising that Tywin was a happy man given the situation. He was now on his way to fix one more problem: his daughter, who was surely somewhere drinking, even though she had a son to care for; an unnecessary expense.

Tywin saw a maid holding his grandson, which undoubtedly angered him, as his mother should have been the one holding her son until he learned to walk. His wife had never allowed anyone but herself to hold their children; not even he had the opportunity to hold them, because his beloved wife was very overprotective, like a true lioness. Seeing this felt like an insult to the memory of his beloved wife, but he would do nothing because the girl was doing a good job, as the child wasn't crying. Ignoring that error, he went to his daughter and indeed saw her drinking.

-"What do you think you're doing?"- Upon hearing her father's voice, Cersei spat out her wine. She hadn't been informed that her father was in the castle, showing the level of power the man possessed. Not even the servants disobeyed the man who had asked not to inform his children of his arrival. -"You have a son to take care of, my grandson, but here you are, getting drunk like a commoner."- Tywin walked over to his daughter, took the wine bottle, and poured it into a flowerpot, under his daughter's gaze, where fear was evident. -"I've heard about your behavior. I didn't raise a spoiled child; I raised you to be a queen, but I see you can't even do that properly."- The golden lion's words were cutting, even though he had never shown affection to his children, they felt deep pain at every word. -"From today, I am the Master of Coin."-

-"But Father, what will happen to Casterly Rock? Will you leave our home alone?"- Cersei knew opposing her father was dangerous, but it was much better to oppose him than to have him permanently in the castle, watching their every move and reproaching every second. That pressure was far worse. -"You won't leave the castle to Tyrion."-

-"Tyrion, even though he's a dwarf, has shown more brains than you and Jaime together."- Tywin said something even more hurtful. Cersei hated her younger brother; she couldn't stand him and even adored it when her father verbally hurt him. But one day, he began supporting him. -"If he weren't a dwarf, Tyrion would be my heir."- A harsh blow for Cersei, once again seen as a second choice because her father wanted her to have many children with Robert so he could secure his heir. -"And if you don't give me an heir next time, I'll ask Tyrion to do it."- Tywin made his points clear and was about to leave, but had one more thing to say. -"From now on, you will behave like a queen. Am I clear?"-

Tywin left the place, but before he could go anywhere else, he encountered someone he could consider an ally. Oberyn Martell was also in King's Landing, and it seemed he had enjoyed the show. Oberyn masked his joy, but it was clear Cersei was falling into a depression. He did not deny that the woman was beautiful, and his desire consumed him, especially the desire to sleep with a queen. The King's lover, it had a nice ring to it for his long list of conquests. It wouldn't be the first time he slept with married women, and there was a bonus of dishonoring a Lannister.

Oberyn saw Tywin, who looked at him attentively. The plan was proceeding as expected. Tywin, Harry, and he had met secretly in Pyke before setting off. Increasing the crown's debt, Tywin wanted to be a member of the council to eventually become the Hand of the King. Dorne and the North would allow it because it suited them. In exchange for this help, the crown wouldn't meddle in their respective affairs. The North would pay Dorne what it had asked from the crown, an amount that never existed.

-"Congratulations on your new position, Lord Tywin."- Oberyn had a smile on his face, not because the plan had gone as expected, but because the day would come when he would have this man's head as an ornament in the hall of Dorne or in his room. That was what amused him. -"We should celebrate, or will you get straight to work restructuring this place?"-

-"The crown's massive debt is Jon's fault due to his incompetence. I will destroy that incompetence."- Tywin would work from the first moment. He didn't care if the previous Master of Coin got in his way; he would crush him. The boy had been smart, buying brothels with the money lent to the crown. He wouldn't say anything because that helped with the indebtedness he was now taking advantage of. -"But we should thank our invisible partner. Who would have thought that man's ambition would be useful to us?"-

-"Petyr is so ambitious that he asked for my sister's hand."- Oberyn noticed Tywin was pretending. He noticed it when he said the word -"useful."- The golden lion thought he was using them, but it was quite the opposite. Harry and he were using the majestic lion, using his intelligence against him. -"Maybe I'll join King Robert and see what kind of prostitutes our partner has."-

-"I hope you enjoy your stay in the castle."- Tywin ended the conversation with that and left. He had a job to do, which amused Oberyn even more. He bit the apple in his hand and went to where the great golden lion's daughter was to have a little chat.


Winterfell (The North)

Roose Bolton couldn't believe it. His plans were destroyed, his servants betrayed him, his troops were massacred, and House Bolton was trampled. For years, the only house that could rival the Starks was now being spat upon. Roose was more than tortured; he was humiliated and used as a source of ridicule. He would have preferred a thousand times to be tortured, something he could endure, but not this. Roose was tied up in a stable, completely filthy and covered in animal dung. He was practically being treated like an animal. Periodically, some soldiers would pour water on him to at least clean him up so he wouldn't die from an infection, as advised by the master. Roose looked up to see the person responsible for this torture – no, this was worse than torture – Benjen Black Stark, who was smiling from the door surrounded by pigs. It was curious because this place was always kept clean, but this time, they let the animal droppings accumulate to dirty Roose even more.

-"Don't look at me like that. It could be worse."- said Ben as he looked at the workers who opened the door to let the pigs out. The pigs only came to this place to defecate, and the accumulated dung was used as fertilizer – a brilliant idea by Harry, with the master's help, to train the animals to come to this place at a certain time to relieve themselves. -"You could be suffering from hunger or thirst or even being tortured."-

-"I'd prefer a thousand times to be killed right here."- Roose muttered, feeling the rope tied around his waist being pulled, causing him to fall face-first into the pig filth, provoking laughter from everyone present. Roose couldn't untie himself; his hands were covered with heavy metal gloves. -"You'll pay for this... I swear you'll pay."-

-"How would you do that when my nephew returns from his trip, you'll be executed."- Ben said cheerfully. Practically every lord wanted to eliminate House Bolton. It was like the gift everyone wanted. Perhaps the only one not enjoying this was his brother Ned, who wanted to follow Harry's order not to harm Roose. -"It's true, Harry forbade us from beating you, but he didn't say anything about humiliating you."-

-"You thought you were untouchable, you thought you were superior to everyone. You betrayed the North. There is no greater sin than that."- said Lady Mormont, looking at Roose with disgust. The Mormonts were among the most loyal to the Starks and the North. Everyone here was loyal to the North; the Starks were their leaders. They had earned the respect of their ancestors and their own, and the North was their home. -"You tried to sell us out to the damn Southerners... if it weren't for my lord's order, my bears would have torn your balls off."-

-"Even my sharks didn't want to eat this filth."- Lord Manderly mocked, pulling Roose's rope to dirty him even more, as it was time for his walk through Winterfell, where people could see and mock the great Lord Bolton. They couldn't throw anything, just look and laugh, which was very painful for someone as proud as Roose. -"Come on, King Bolton, let's take your walk, Your Majesty."-

In the distance, Ashara, Elia, and Ned watched this. The only one displeased was Ned. He didn't agree with this but understood that they had waited a long time for this moment. Roose had committed the greatest sin – betraying the North. He sold information or tried to, as every bit of information from the South was intercepted by the eagles trained by the master to capture every raven that arrived. Ashara, on the other hand, saw this as normal; they weren't torturing the man, as that would disobey her son's orders. And since she was in charge when her son wasn't around, she couldn't say anything if those orders weren't broken. She found humor in the situation. Elia watched with amusement as well, a good way to break a person's pride. Imagining doing this to the great Tywin Lannister would be fun, especially since he had wanted to kill her before she set foot in the North. It would be amusing before throwing him into a pool of snakes to be bitten to death. Harry promised them they would have Tywin Lannister's head when it was all over.

-"I have to admit they have a great sense of humor, even if it's unhygienic."- Elia said, watching Roose being dragged into Winterfell. This place was outside the city walls, but the area was as large as King's Landing, much more orderly, and without the nauseating smell of the supposed city where kings lived. -"Do you think he'll last until Harry returns from his little visit?"-

-"Knowing my son, and I know him perfectly, his visit is to bring his betrothed to Winterfell."- Ashara said, a protective mother. Harry was her son, and she knew he could handle any situation. He was her son and Brandon's after all. But if that girl tried anything, she would end her politically, as assassination was not her style. -"We'll see how she earns the North's acceptance. Not many from the South can secure a place here."-

-"I don't understand how they agreed to this."- Ned continued, watching as the city gates opened. It was Jack Sparrow himself opening the doors with a bottle of rum, clearly enjoying his little break before returning to the sea. -"Harry will know what they did. This is like disobeying the orders he gave."-

-"Ben and the other lords won't do anything against Harry's word."- Elia observed from the moment she arrived in Winterfell. Unlike the Southerners who followed someone out of fear, they didn't follow Harry out of fear but because they trusted him completely. And so far, he had never failed. -"They trust Harry. They will follow him to their death; they did from the very beginning, without knowing if it would work or not. They gave him their trust, and look what Harry did. He turned the laughingstock of all Westeros into the terror of Westeros."-

-"Get used to winning in silence."- Ashara touched her necklace, a wolf pendant Brandon had given her when they were engaged. She remembered those words perfectly, the same words he used. -"And let the world think you're losing. Brandon always told me that. After much time, I understood why it wasn't good to turn your back on a wolf."-

But that wasn't all they were watching. Ashara enjoyed watching how new and seasoned soldiers were trained, as it was a moment of relaxation. Tormund was in charge of today's training. It didn't matter what you wanted to be, Persian, Viking, Spartan, Mongol, Roman, or anything else; everyone had the same intensive training, which was then modified according to the branch that suited you best. If you were fast, you'd most likely become a Persian. It was that simple. There were captains for each division. Sometimes Harry would train with them when he could, but as time went on, his ability to train with them decreased due to his responsibilities. But whenever he could, he was the first to be there. It didn't matter the weather – cold, heat, or storm – training was essential. Tormund watched as about three hundred new recruits did push-ups. No one could be left behind; everyone had to finish. If you finished first, you had to wait in the same position, with your elbows on the ground, because that demonstrated camaraderie. No one left without their companion.

-"If they stand behind you, protect them. If they stand beside you, respect them."- Tormund said, walking among the new recruits, echoing Harry's words. To him, Harry wasn't a child; he earned all his respect, a man in every right. Everyone saw him that way. -"But if they stand against you, show no mercy."- Tormund used that phrase often; it was his favorite. It meant that if your comrade was hurt, protect him, and if he managed to stand, admit him. But if you have an enemy, show no mercy. -"Feel the pain in your arms. This pain will prepare you so that when war comes, it will be just a game for you."-



Mace Tyrell was more than angry. What seemed like an unwanted visit turned into a nightmare. Harry Stark decided to take his beloved princess to the North, something unforgivable. He tried to stop him, but it was to no avail. He even managed to convince his children of this, but something happened that no one expected. Harry didn't react well; he was tired of being patient, and the wolf showed his fangs. Harry struck Mace and two of his sons for trying to get in his way. But he didn't just hit them once; he beat them to a pulp. Mace was on the ground with a broken nose, his second son, Garlan, was unconscious, and Loras also received his share. The only one of the brothers who didn't get involved in the fight was Willas, the eldest son of Mace and apparently the most intelligent, as he supported Margaery's decision to accept the offer to live in Winterfell. But Harry had had enough, and the wolf showed that he alone could defeat three men, two supposedly knights and one supposedly a commander like Mace Tyrell. Olenna could only sigh at this, her son having once again done something stupid.

You saw what my army did to the Greyjoys, you thought I'm a lord who watches his army fight and just eats – Obviously Harry to Mace's physical state that he didn't have to have, since he was a commander of an army, and the Lord . from an important house like the Tyrells, his sisters only watched the spectacle, Harry was the one who implemented the mixed fighting mode in the north, in a hand-to-hand fight, there was no person who could beat him, and even less if he was not trained as them – Listen to me, and I want you to do it perfectly – Harry grabbed Mace by the collar of his clothes, who had his nose bleeding profusely, although that didn't matter at all to Harry, who looked angry – I want winter to come... .

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