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4.76% .The King. / Chapter 1: Chapter One
.The King. .The King. original

.The King.

Penulis: Azeneth2523

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Chapter One

The magical world no longer exists, the reason a very simple one, the world discovered the magic, and as something natural, the human being was afraid of the unknown, and the war between wizards and muggles or non-wizards began. Anyone would think that the wizards would have a great advantage against the Muggles and their weapons, but it was wrong for the simple reason that the so-called mud-bloods joined the Muggles.

Pureblood wizards were extremely racist, when it came to magic, unlike Muggles, who were racist because of skin color, or any disease or defect a person has, wizards despised those known as mud-bloods. That made the scales even, many Muggle-born was extremely skilled, one had to name Hermione Jean Granger to know what wizards who came from Muggle families could be capable of, even becoming Minister of Magic. And to be considered one of the most powerful wizards that existed, and will exist since there was practically no wizard or witch alive, the world went to shit with this war, although there was a person who was still looking for life.

Harry James Potter, is a half-blood wizard and the only son of James and Lily Potter. The only person known to have survived the Avada Kedavra curse, doing so twice, to raise his name both times the spell was conjured by one of the most feared wizards of all time, Lord Voldemort.

So many things could be said about this man, there was no magical person who did not admire Harry, and before he married he increased his power and prestige.

Harry traveled the world learning and improving his skills, he had matured after Voldemort's death as he realized he was controlled by the person he most respected at the time. Now that child no longer existed, so he went out into the world to learn all he could. And he was never going to regret that decision, not only because he learned new cultures, but because he learned new ways of performing magic.

For example in Asia, not only did he learn to control the magic, but to control the mind, what that was for, for battle, an open mind, helped to think about what move was going to be the right one and trying to predict the moves of your opponent, that helped to become a strategist.

In America, it was the most entertaining part of all, as he learned how important imagination is in magic, and how fun and dangerous it could be, in America, they used natural magic. Although it was obvious that they used normal spells, wizards all over America preferred natural spells, at first it was strange, but then he got used to it.

He even learned not to rely so much on his wand, why create a fire spell, when you are surrounded by it, or something that is producing fire. It was surprising when he was in front of a fireplace, and one of the wizards who accompanied him had calmly controlled those flames, with his hand, without needing his wand, only with his hands, he made the flames that produced the fireplace form figures, or do what he wished. It was strange, but then he understood that everyone gave off magic, nature was the main source of magic, and it expects you to use it.

In Oceania he learned to measure the use of power, make his spells stronger or weaker, as well as which spell is more powerful than another spell, an example, it is obvious that a water spell was going to be more powerful than a fire spell, but what if the wizard using the fire spell had more power. So it was the place where he spent the most time, measuring the capacity of magical power when creating a spell was certainly the hardest thing to learn, but the most effective, although some spells escaped that set, spells that served to murder you could not diminish their power, because they were made to take life.

In Africa he learned the rituals, there were many rituals, but they were something extremely dangerous, your body had to be in the physical condition required by that ritual, and it was something extremely hard to do. But just imagine being able to see in the dark, like a cat, without the need for any light that could help you detect someone, to have the strength of an elephant, the speed of a leopard, but all that had an extremely high cost. The risk of dying was gigantic, each ritual had its costs and requirements you have to have, so although it is good to learn, I was not going to put it to use because of the risks it had. Perhaps for that reason, Hogwarts did not teach these spells.

In Europe, there wasn't much variety in what he learned at Hogwarts, but it didn't hurt to learn new spells that could be part of his arsenal, which he could easily adjust to his way of fighting.

And then he returned home, where he married Ginevra Weasley, better known as Ginny, with whom he had three children, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, and Lily Luna Potter. He works as head of the auror's office and head of the department of magical security.

Everything was going well, everything was going perfect until the magic was exposed, a boy who studied at Hogwarts went to a talent show, where he showed a series of magical skills, which did not draw much attention, and of course, he was never going to expose the magical world, so at first, there was no problem.

The problem came when he could not stand that he was defeated by a person who sang, and what he did was the cause of the war, the boy killed the winner, and used the evil fire, which caused all the people who were in that place, along with him to die, as the boy could not control the spell. That was the pillar, the purebloods wished to eliminate the mudbloods for the act of the boy, who was of non-magical parents.

The governments got the information, about where the schools were located, from the parents of the boy who died, because of the wizards, according to them. When they did not stop their son from participating in the contest.

The war between wizards and non-wizards began, and over time the non-wizards were overcome, their weapons were not as efficient with magic, and then came the betrayal by Muggle-born.

Harry and his family tried to keep a low profile from this conflict, they went to a place where no one was going to be able to bother them, in his travels around the world he saw something that was constant, in the Muggle world.

They were evil, they were much worse than magical people, he realized that to give an example pollution, while wizards were surrounded by nature, and did not affect its growth, muggles destroy and do not care for the environment. The only reason the planet was not destroyed by pollution, was because of magic.

So this war, even if he had the means to stop them, he was not going to intervene, because he had friends on each side, some supported the muggle-born, while others did not, so either of his choices were going to fall further. That was his biggest mistake, and his family was involved, his family died when he left home, and his wife fought bravely to protect their children, but she could not against five wizards and also a small group of military, it was too much for her and his family was sacrificed.

He tried to live in peace but was not allowed to, so he showed them who got to be the master of death. Something that in his time he regretted was breaking the elder wand, known as the most powerful wand that existed, as the rumor spread that Harry destroyed it in front of his best friends, but in his journey throughout the magical world, Harry found the two parts of the wand and with a spell, he could repair it, although it was not as powerful as before, it was still the most powerful wand of all.

Most of its owners, boasted of having the most powerful wand and were killed by other wizards who wanted to obtain the wand. From this it follows that the best way for its owner to keep himself safe from having it taken away from him is, instead of boasting about it, to act discreetly about it, not allowing anyone to become aware that the wand belongs to him. And with that, he became the first person to have all three death relics in his possession at the same time, and then the world came to know him, who was later called the wizard of death.

Harry since he got into the conflict, went from one place to another without anyone knowing where he was, only his friends knew he was wearing the cloak of invisibility, but they could not detect him. And when he appeared, no one could do anything, armies were destroyed, and no one was spared.

Harry sat on a rock and sighed watching the cloudy sky, a storm was approaching, and he had to reach a place to hide, even if it wasn't necessary, he could quietly make the raindrops not fall on him, but it wasn't his style. So he went on his way, thinking that now all Muggles thought that magic had disappeared, he recently had the difficult decision to murder his best friends, who went over to the Muggle side.

Ron was persuaded by Hermione, to join the Muggle side, they were forced to use a loyalty spell, and all the wizards who went over to the Muggle side were forced to take that oath, so even though they were sorry for their actions, there was no turning back, they were forced to fight.

As he walked to a place to rest better, he remembered that fight.



Harry arrived at the place that the Muggle-born used to plan some strategy to end up as victors in this war, everyone who stood in front of it, ended up dead, in total there were 86 wizards in this place, the last wizards helping the Muggle governments that also suffered the impact of their destroyed military forces.

The wizards facing Harry could not believe how powerful he was, how he cast spells, how he dodged attacks, and sometimes the lack of need to use his wand, they soon realized that any spell that required an element was useless against Harry, who controlled the spell and turned it against its creator.

Of those 86, only two wizards were left, Ron and Hermione, they had never faced each other before, they always fought on the same side, in Ron and Hermione's faces they were sorry, they also lost their children, because of that war, Harry could feel it, but he was not going to leave them alive, in their time they were his friends, now they are his enemies, this war changed him completely, so Harry kept his wand, and removed one that surprised his two former friends since they saw when he destroyed it.

- "It's time to end this."

Harry cast a spell that Ron tried to block, but even so, it flew out of the place, the elder wand was the most powerful because it increased the power of any spell, plus its ability to decrease and increase the power of each spell, the power of the wand was greater, although the wand was not one hundred percent because of his stupidity to break it.

- "I have matured, I have learned... and I have become more powerful."

Hermione seeing this cast a spell, but Harry calmly blocked it, although it may not seem so, the elder wand had something that made its bearers, divulge that they had the most powerful wand of all and show off their power, perhaps it was a spell that Death placed when he created this wand and one of the reasons why he did not use it until now.

If he killed these two, it had to be with the wand, because even though they never faced each other, he knew that if they fought it had to be with everything they had. And Harry blocked the last attack, to attack.

Hermione tried to stop the attack like her husband, but she couldn't, and she shot out and hit the wall, very close to where Ron was who hit his head.

Even so, they both got to their feet with difficulty and cast a spell together, Harry saw that and disappeared, he did not use the invisibility cloak because it was not necessary, and appeared where Ron was, and pointed his wand, before the look of Ron who knew that this was the end of him.

- "Sectumsempra."

Harry saw how Ron fell instantly to the ground, and could see the wounds that were caused by his spell, but it was not time to mourn the death of Ron, and Hermione tried to attack from behind, but he blocked it, and could see the tears that adorned the face of the woman in front of him.

- "Even if you suffer for Ron's death...the spell you used, doesn't allow you to stop until you die."

- "I regret everything that happened" - Hermione said between tears, she pointed her wand again towards Harry who was only watching her, his face didn't show if he was sad or felt something, this was what caused this damned war that got out of control.

- "Goodbye. Avada Kedavra" - It was only a whisper, but it was the whisper that ended the lives of his former friends, with that only he was the only wizard that existed, so this war was over, so he tried to cast a spell to make all mankind forget that this war happened.

But if he did that, how would they explain the destruction, several cities were destroyed, and the governments did not think twice about bombing several magical places that belonged to large cities, so if he did, the Muggles would fight among themselves.

So he lowered his wand and left the place without a trace.

End of Flashback


After that fight, he saw how the Muggles celebrated the defeat of the wizards, it was fortunate that the governments did not know of his existence, since he never left any survivors, so now, he was only looking for something, at least a creature or a remnant that would allow him to know that magic was not lost.

He went to several places, for example to the dragon sanctuaries, he went to the three dragon reserves, one in Romania, one in Sweden, and one in Finland, where he could find 7 dragon eggs, it was a joy that they were still intact, he was going to find the way to hatch them.

It was not the only place where he was, he also went to all the schools of magic that existed and removed everything valuable, gold, silver, diamond, magical objects, books, everything that could be saved, and fall into the hands of curious.

They were going to use them in a bad way, so he put them in a bag that had no end, just by putting your hand and thinking about the object it came to your hand automatically, it was like a black hole.

Harry came to a cave and made a small fire to warm himself before the storm came. But even though he lit the fire, the cold that was felt in the place, increased, so he took his wand away, thinking that it was the presence of the Dementors, who knows if they still existed, since he did not even try to look for them.

- "Harry James Potter" - A tenebrous voice made a presence, and the bonfire that Harry put up was extinguished, Harry was going to do something with his wand, but this was snatched from him as if nothing, but he didn't even feel a blow or something. - "I think you know why I'm here."

- "Yes, being the master of death, has its cost..." - Harry already knew who this presence was, so he sat down, without saying anything, although at first, he thought it was a dementor, dementors don't snatch your wand. - "So...how do we do this... do I suffer or do I fall asleep."

- "First I want to have a chat, with the one that mortals name the Master of Death."

It was strange to Harry, but he was in complete darkness, so he wasn't going to be able to see the true face of death, though he could tell he was mocking what mortals created, with that tale.

- "There are many gods in the world, and each one has his way of making mortals praise them, but none of those gods are saved from me...I exist forever...and when all the mortals, gods, and there is nothing left...I will still be there."

- "No one can have you no one was spared from death, everyone had their cycle, to be born, to grow, and to die, regardless of their fate"

- "But in one of the many worlds...there is a god...or rather some gods that play with this cycle of life, giving some people the ability to resurrect people and prevent me from taking them."

Harry was curious, they had to have balls to anger Death himself, who respected the rules since he didn't kill them just like that, everyone has their destiny and has to fulfill it and then be embraced by death.

- "Even I created a place where they worship me...and kill in exchange for a cost...to maintain the balance of that world."

- "With all due respect, what does that have to do with me" - Harry was curious, who in their right mind would think that he was talking to death itself, and he had not brought it to eternal rest, he had to make a book out of this, no doubt, but even in the darkness, he could feel the intense gaze of the deity.

- "With this war, your mind matured, I always watch the descendants of the families you carry my gifts, you hate being manipulated, and you want to be in control of everything, even if you hide it, that's your nature."

You can't hide anything from death, and Harry couldn't hide his true nature, he just had to remember that the Sorting Hat, had trouble putting him in a house, the only reason he was in Gryffindor, was because he asked for it.

- "That's why you are perfect, for that world...it will show your true nature, your memories of this world will be eliminated, but your way of thinking, the objects you have in your bag, will be with you" - Harry could see how a skeleton hand reached out, for him to shake his hand, so he only smiled, a new beginning, it wasn't bad, so he accepted - "We will meet again... when you accomplish your mission."



Winterfell is the ancestral settlement of House Stark, considered the capital of the North, which is located in the center of the northern province of the Seven Kingdoms. The North is the largest region of the seven kingdoms and was a sovereign nation until the war of conquest.

The North is almost as large as the other six kingdoms combined, but its population is scattered throughout the territory, with large portions uninhabited and filled with wild forests. Its common landscapes are pine forests and snow-capped mountains. The climate is cold and harsh in winter, with occasional snow in summer, making it a difficult place to conquer.

The only ones who managed to bring the northerners to their knees were the Targaryen, as they possessed dragons, magnificent creatures that also, brought with them fear and destruction.

The rule as kings of the Starks ended when Torrhen Stark descended from the North to the Land of Rivers, with an army to confront Aegon I Targaryen. Upon observing the enormous might of the Dragon King, Torrhen Stark surrendered. Since then, this king has been known as "The King Who Kneeled".

Aegon the Conqueror pardoned him and granted the Starks the lordship of Winterfell as well as the title of Chief Lords and Guardians of the North.

The Northerners had a rough and indomitable character, considered by the other kingdoms as a land of barbarians, but that comments did not bother the Northerners, because they knew perfectly well that they could defeat all the Southerners, there were no dragons to prevent the North to become independent.

But the time that the North was part of the seven kingdoms, at the hands of the Targaryen, the South took care to make the North weak. So much so that they could not depend on themselves, although it was not the only reason they called it that way, the north were believers of the Old Gods, and no Southerner could come here and bring his stupid faith to this part of Westeros because he was not going to be accepted, and expelled if he was very lucky.

Although the Southerners had something to be thankful for, no Northerner so far wanted to play the famous game, the northerners preferred to live their lives quietly as if to say we didn't bother you, we hope you don't either, but the South never complied, but still, the northerners continued. Waiting for the right moment to rise, because as the northern motto said, which even the southerners knew, "The north never forgets".

The Starks were the family that ruled the north for thousands of years, they were a fair house, good people, but not weak, they had a rough character, and did not let themselves be dominated by anyone, but over time there were several Starks, who was not very well regarded even by their own family, as they showed weakness, but that did not mean that they were going to leave them aside.

The Starks valued family, no matter what faults they had. One of the things that showed that the Starks became softer, was that to this day, they do not finish with the Boltons, or as they were called the red princes, for a long time, they did their best to take the power of the north, but they were always defeated by the Starks. But it was not the time to talk about that, for in the forest of Winterfell they were waiting for something extremely important, the birth of another Stark.

Richard Stark the current leader of the Stark house was trying to calm his son Brandon who was trying to escape from his bindings, as always Brandon showed that he was someone indomitable, even though he did not like to follow his father's own rules, and as his wife was having a baby, they had no better idea than to tie him in one of the trees.

Next to him, there was his daughter Lyanna Stark and Benjen Stark who watched a little comically the scene that his brother was giving.

- "Dear brother, I don't think Ashara will like it" - Lyanna tried to make fun of her brother, and the only people who made Brandon feel afraid were his mother and his wife, although the latter had an extremely rare form of punishment, which his brother hated - "She is giving life to your son or daughter, you have to be patient."

Ashara Dayne, that woman changed everything in Brandon's life, he was scheduled to marry Catelyn Tully, but Brandon met Ashara and Catelyn met Eddard Stark, Brandon's younger brother so any idea of marriage was undone no matter if both their parents got furious along the way.

Ashara was the same as Brandon, she did not like to take orders, so they quickly felt the chemistry between them and they got married, the northerners looked with very bad eyes that marriage since it was a Southerner, but Ashara covered everyone's mouths with her attitude, she was a southerner who looked like a northerner, her quick adaptation to the north was impressive, she followed the laws and rules of the north to perfection, she was practically a northerner who was born in the south. So the northerners were no longer bothered by what could come in this pregnancy, they were sure it was going to be a perfect match, and the cold was present.

Brandon's bindings loosened, and he automatically removed his sword, as did his father and brother, and rolled his sister, the Starks had a unique sense for sensing danger, the only one who unluckily did not feel that, as Eddard, who was sent south and turned him into a boy, kind and trusting.

- "Stark family" - A figure appeared behind the tree, it was a man with a black robe that covered him from head to toe, you could not see anything of the man, which put more on guard the three northerners, who were armed - "Your weapons will not work, I just come to leave a message" - The voice of that subject certainly caused concern in the four Starks, who watched him carefully - "The child, who is about to be born...is blessed by the gods... his name is Harry Stark."

The man went back to hide behind the tree and was chased by Brandon and his brother, but when they went behind the tree, there was no one, perhaps the Old Gods had grown tired of the mistreatment of the Southerners and finally heard their prayers. They did not understand very well what was happening, but one thing was for sure, what happened today, was only going to stay between the four of them.

At that moment one of the midwives ran to them to tell them that the child had been born, Brandon was the first one to run out to see his wife and son, of course, his relatives followed him, but they still had the words of that presence in their heads.


Unknown location.

The Faceless Men are a religious group of assassins who worship the God of Many Faces.

The group originated in the volcanic slave mines of Valyria.

Its founder realized that all the slaves of Valyria, despite their different origins, prayed to the same god of death, although at first, the order thought that all the existing gods were the incarnation of the god of death, this was discarded when death itself became present.

And he turned them into his servants, to balance life between the death of this world, since some people were breaking that balance, but they did not have the necessary power to assassinate one of those threats. But now the more than one hundred thousand-faced assassins were praying to the God of death, waiting for the chosen one to arrive.

When they knew it was time, when death itself warned them, for centuries death had not come to this place, but still, they continued with their work, to maintain the balance.

The followers of the God of Many Faces believe that death is a merciful end to suffering.

For a price, society agrees to kill someone, considering the contract of murder as a sacrament of their God.

And at that moment, an icy presence made the candles of the place go out, the men of a thousand faces, lowered their heads and closed their eyes, showing respect.

Although after centuries, death was once again present in this place, their ancestors described how to feel that death was near.

It was time to truly serve the god of death, they did not know how their work would be, and they did not know if any of those who were in this place, would be chosen to be their recipient or someone else, the only thing they knew was that they were going to fulfill the work that their God has recommended.

And the cold increased since they were in an enclosed place, the cold was much worse than when death appeared in an open place as it happened in the forest of Winterfell, but even these men remained still, so as not to disrespect their deity.

- "The chosen one is born" - It was the voice from beyond the grave, the men still kept their eyes closed, although they wanted to see their God in the eyes, nobody was worthy, only the chosen one, the one who opened and saw death was going to die, that was the rule of this religious group - "His name is Harry Stark...from today you serve him..." - They all nodded at the word of their God - "If you fulfill your work well...when all the balance of this world returns to normal, you will be rewarded."

And then everything returned to normal, the men and women who were in that place, rose to follow the order of their master, no matter how much it cost, they were going to raise their now master to power. For he was the master of death, the human vessel of the God they worshipped.

So they slowly withdrew from the place, they knew perfectly well where their newborn master was, in the west. So some of them had to go to that place, to take care of the newborn so that no one would take his life.


The Wall.

He could be anywhere he wanted, that was the good thing about being a God, right now he was in the immense wall that separated the undead from life, for him this undead was an insult.

He knew perfectly well how the white walkers were created, the fault of a child, not a human child, the three-eyed raven, he was indeed a God.

One that he could not stand because of his stupidity, he wished to have fun at the expense of humans, that is what they were created for, and every so often, he decides a human who is supposed to be the three-eyed raven, but only a puppet.

For that reason, he brought Harry into this world, he was going to interfere with the fun of that so-called three-eyed raven, and he was going to eliminate him, for breaking the rules, imposed by destiny, which was the only presence that he could not eliminate, although nobody knew that.

- "Very soon...all these souls will be free" - And those were the last words of death, before disappearing, it was time to leave, and he will only return, to look for the soul of Harry Potter, or as he was now called Harry Stark.





This story doesn't belong to me. I only Translate this story. @cb17thekiller

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Quotev: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/727089/the-king/

Discord: https://discord.gg/pmkqwvrkGm


Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).

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