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Bab 11: Ch 11 Fear The Dark

I Stepped out of the room and stretched a bit before yawning loudly.

Jamie was looking at me like a dog who had lost his lunch and I found it quite funny, I just ignored his moody stare and turned towards Pippa.

"Pippa see to it that the Lady Lannister is cleaned and the bedsheets are changed, please remain with her until she awakens."

"Of course lord Cathicus I will see to it immediately.." Pippa then stood from her chair and opened the door to the room before freezing in her place and looking back at me in awe before taking a step towards me and cheekily whispering.

"Very impressive lord Cathicus....I've worked in this palace for thirty five years and I've never seen something akin to this....are you sure you aren't half horse My Lord."

I Just laughed out loud and gave her a kiss on the forehead before telling her

"Aunty Pippa you've made my day, if you ever need anything for any reason please do not hesitate to seek me out, you've a friend in me for life with that sense of humor, and if you have any daughters which would like to enter my service please bring them to me and I will welcome them into my household. . . Take this as a tip for taking good care of her up since I know it won't be easy."

"She is in service to Princess Rhaella my Lord, which means she is now in service to you.

her name is Sarah and you may use her fully and as far as I know she is still pure..... since I know she won't find a more worthy man in the seven kingdoms." Pippa said with a sigh

"I will Pippa, and I'll come for you later." I told her

I handed her a large pouch of gold and walked off while Pippa rushed inside the room to complete her duties with a blushed face. She was older and a bit plump but I could sense that she would beat great lay.

Soon I reached Rhaella's room where outside the maids were still cleaning the bloodstains off the walls. when I walked by them they all stood and bowed while pressing their cleavages together and the pretty blonde head maid began to speak.

"My lord we....we are personal maids of Princess Rhaellas' retinue, and are forbidden from interacting with people from outside this wing.... We beg you please call on us to service you...we will be happy to help you in ANY~ way my Lord~"

The blonde leader of the group said.

I was a bit surprised at the audacity of this bitch so I took in their scents and realized they were all pure and untouched.

I hadn't expected them to be virgins since they were so beautiful, when I first saw them I assumed that some ugly noble would've gotten their hands on them already...but these three girls were like a gift wrapped present that I would surely take for my own.

"Anything at all my Lord~"

Said a tall brunette with wide hips and thick thighs.

"We mean it~"

Said the last shortest one she had a bob cut hair and had the largest breasts out of any of them I was honestly impressed at how such a small lady could have such giant watermelons and now they'll be mine

I gave each of them a quick kiss on the lips to which they turned bright red and squealed...I guess no matter how brave they're still innocent hehe.

"girls you belong to me now and no one will be allowed to lay their grubby hands on you.

I will take all three of you into my bed later this week."

"Right now I have important things to take care of."

"For now finish cleaning and remember to let me know if you need anything."

As I entered the room I noticed Rhaella and lily were laying on the bed, it seemed that lily was telling Rhaella about the time she met me.

". . .And then he cut a bandit clean in half just like he did with that fancy bastard Corbray!" lily excitedly spoke while I just stayed there and wondered what she would tell about me

"The he told me that he would fuck me silly once I gained enough weight!!! I'm Soo excited!!!" lily said as she was eating some figs.

"Hahaha" Rhaella giggled

'makes me sound like a predator when she puts it that way' I thought and smiled

As I walked in they both bolted off the bed before running to me into my arms.

They both jumped on me while calling out

"Master!!!" and "Husband!!!" I just hugged both of my women tightly for a moment before I took in their sweet scent.

After taking in their aromas, involuntarily my pupils narrowed into vertical slits and my razor sharp fangs elongated to be a few inches long.....I just noticed that I was quite thirsty and wine wouldn't cut it.

I had spent a lot of time holding back and now was the time to truly feast. There were more than half a million inhabitants in this city... I'm sure having a few dozen disappear will be off little consequence.

I will pay fleabottom a visit and get some tasty new victims, and I will get some sacrifices done while I'm at it.

"I will have to cut our meeting short my loves ,as you can see I am starving for some fresh blood and both of you don't possess enough to quench my thirst so I will need to visit the city, I'll be back before sunrise."

I said before french kissing both of them deeply and squeezing their bottoms.

"I'll miss you master....before you go could I get some snacks?"

lily asked with puppy eyes so I took out a box of chocolate Eclairs and gave them to lily who hugged me and rushed back to bed.

Then I looked at my beautiful fiancée and held her tightly. "I missed you my lovely dragon."

I told her.

"And I missed you Husband~" "Sooo will the Lioness become one of my sister's?"

"No, Cersei is quite beautiful but also rotten inside... it doesn't help that the girl is surely in love with me now. What's worse is that she also loves her own brother and Prince Rhaegar...she is a bit touched in the head to tell you the truth."

"Still, it is of little consequence since I will not marry her even for all the Lannister gold."

I kissed her forehead and continued

"Your future sisters will be the cute lily flowers over there, Ashara Dayne once she returns from Dorne, and my Mother once she crosses the sea for Westeros.... also she is the only person I have ever feared so try not to get on her bad side."

"I've heard a lot about your mother but where is she? ...if you don't mind telling." she asked

" Right now she is busy working on an important magical project so I don't know when we'll see her."

"Do you think your mother will like me?" She looked at me with uneasy eyes.

"She will love you, she told me she wishes for you to give me lots of grandchildren by the time she comes here, and she has a good reason for it too."

"You see, I was born using the blood of Sanguinius the Despoiler.

When my mother was young many men tried to marry and woo my mother since she is hauntingly beautiful and also a Royal Princess.

Since my mother was the most talented and favorite of my grandfather's children he dictated that she would marry whoever she decided....after seeing what the country of Aedirn had to offer my mother found no man worthy to touch her, so she decided to make a husband by herself..."

"she spent years searching for a way and eventually used a forbidden ritual and blood she discovered from the long lost tomb of Sanguinius."

"Who is Sanguinius was he a king or something?" she asked

"He was an ancient legendary figure similar to Azor-Ahai in your stories...the only difference is that Sanguinius is shown as an evil figure instead of a hero. It was said that he was able to kill hundreds with a wave of his hand and break castle walls with a word.... over time all men came to believe he was a myth but my mother knew better....."

"She found his tomb and his headless body inside with a stake in his heart.... the legends weren't all false, Sadly His blood was far too powerful for my mother to handle so after I was born she found her insides magically damaged, unable to bear children from her own son and future husband...as she had always wished."

"That never stopped the unending love between us however, I became my mother's lover and even now she is working on a magical cure in order to bear my children."

"My love for her is also the reason I was exiled....I flayed and mounted my uncle his wives and almost a dozen of his I'll born progeny on stakes in the Capitol.

He tried seducing her and that was unforgivable.....I was thinking of ending the line of that knight Corbray but I read into his mind and found his true motives for the insulting display, and I did not wish to make eternal enemies with the Lords of the Vale so soon after arriving in Westeros.

Last I heard My mother is nearing a breakthrough so when she returns expect to have another sister okay my love."

"Okay husband."

"We will marry in a Sennight, since many nobles are already here for your birthday it is reasonable to have them stay another week my love."

at knowing this Rhaella cried a bit and buried herself in my arms...."I always knew you'd come...and now I can hold you and kiss you. I couldn't be happier husband."

"and I couldn't be happier from getting another other wife you are truly perfect for me Rhaella."

After our moment I bade farewell to lily and Rhaella.

After my goodbye I changed into a long flowing black robe with a hood that obscured my face....only my glowing red eyes and bright white fangs could be seen from afar. then I grew out my long leathery wings and monstrous claws before approaching the rooms terraced balcony and jumping off.

I was in freefall for five seconds before spreading my wings and having them catch the air current and glide me forwards at great speeds.

With each flap large amounts of wind would be propelled downwards and I would rise higher and higher into the night sky.

After a few minutes of flight I was hundreds of feet above fleabottom.

I was in luck because it was an overcast dark and moonless night where a normal person would have problems seeing more than twenty feet ahead of them in an open area....the cramped light blocking buildings in fleabottom served to block even more light from entering the narrow alleys and passageways.

It was the perfect place for a hunt and there were plenty of victims tonight.

The people roaming the streets at the hour of the wolf in Kingslanding were exactly the type of people I saved lily from.

They prowled the alleys like predators native to fleabottom seeking to steal, rob and rape any who was stupid enough to wander fleabottom at night.

Although I don't usually care if someone is innocent or guilty if I am given a choice between either then I would offer the souls of the innocent to my Goddess and kill the evil, after all a white soul is worth more to the gods.

Soon enough I spotted a group of six men in an alley squatting around a bruised and beaten man and robbing him, they were removing his boots and the contents of the two bags he was carrying were dumped all over the ground and were being sorted.

I was thirsty but first I must fulfill my religious duty to Fortuna.

She blessed me with so much ... therefore I would do these seven wretches a favor and sacrifice them to finally give their meaningless lives a purpose....

I swooped down and landed just a few meters away from the group of men.

"did you hear that..." a short and skinny criminal who was carrying a dagger said in a whisper.

"Guys I think there's something there."

three of the men turned in my direction but it was so dark that they couldn't see more than a few feet.

"there is nothing there ya damn pipsqueak now shut yer mouth fore' I fill it for ya like I did last night". The leader of the group said and the others laughed

"But I swear I saw someth...AHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

I snatched the short one by his neck and dragged him into the darkness before breaking his legs so he couldn't run.

"Guys help me it's a demon!!!!! He broke my.. AHHHH!!!"

"Boss what the fuck was that?!??" a stocky man with a cudgel asked with a shaky voice.

While they were distracted I pulled another one away from their group and choked him unconscious.

"I don't know so get your weapons ready and line up...larky hurry up light the damn torch already...Larky!!!!! where the fuck did he go!!!"

"Boss I'm scared..." the stocky man said and he was in the process of wetting his trousers

"Shut up!!! on the count of three we run back to the base Larky and Slim can fend for themselves.....One.....Two...Thr... *Swish


all four remaining men dropped to the ground and began to scream like pigs in a slaughter.

I had slashed off their legs at the ankles.

I really didn't want to chase them through these filthy streets.

And although I could use magic to clean myself I really didn't want to get too much shit on my boots.

I grabbed the screaming men and brought them to where I had left the others in an open area just around the corner.

I cast immobilization magic on them which allowed them to scream as much as they wanted but be unable to fight back..... after all the goldcloaks did not venture into the deeper areas of fleabottom during the night.

I then proceeded to lay them all in a half circle with me kneeling over the innocent man they were robbing placed In the center.

They all began to plead and beg for mercy, to spare them of whatever I was going to do to them.

They told me how they had family and children...two told me of their pregnant wives and unborn children...others told me that the seven would damn me if I killed them, the leader tried to bargain and offered me his stash of gold and jewels.... But it was all for naught.

I pulled out a statue of fortuna and placed it at the head of the semi circle.

I withdrew my ceremonial dagger and cut the linen shirt of the man I was sacrificing while I used magic blades to cut the clothes of the other men. This is when they realized that they would be sacrificed here and now.

"Aah..Aahhhhhhhh" "Mother have mercy!!!"


"Damn you you fucking demon!!!!"

They all screamed different things as I slowly cut their stomachs open while taking care not to draw too much blood in the process.

I began my ritual chanting

"Fortuna vide hic i Alucard von Cathicus!!! hoc tibi offerat ut te in perpetuum regnes!!!"

I repeated thrice And cut their hearts from their bodies.

I reveled in the feeling of a warm beating heart in my hands, I had taken all they were and all they ever could have been then converted it into something far greater.

I felt all the power that was being withdrawn from them, it was their life essence.

luckily for Fortuna their essence was made far stronger from asking a rival god for their help ,The Seven had unwittingly lost far more of their power than if they had ignored the men and not tried to calm the minds of the men to take them to the afterlife... their very soul energy was taken forcibly and was to be used for a greater purpose...more important than their useless lives ever would have been.

I saw the light in the eyes of the men fade and then as if by magic I felt a sense of deep love pass through me and knew Fortuna was with me.

"For you my love I'll be with you soon."

I spoke aloud and I felt an ethereal force kiss my cheek.

I remained there for a few minutes basking in the bliss.

Then I regained focus and smelled the scent of all the blood and gore around me.

My vision turned red, all my teeth had elongated into razor sharp fangs as I floated all the hearts and gallons of blood from the slain men towards me.

I began eating and drinking ... they were quite delicious and each bite brought me into ecstasy and each gulp of blood refreshed my body and mind.

I lost myself In the bloodlust, I was covered in shadows, and my long leathery wings opened and flapped powerfully... I rushed into the sky while looking for more victims to devour. . .

The rest of the night passed like a blur as I would swoop down on whoever was out on the streets in the darkness.

My Targets were mostly the homeless and robbers also a few low class prostitutes, I made sure to avoid attacking the children however.

I would swoop down and shred them apart with my long claws and tear through throats with my mouthful of razor sharp teeth while drinking their lifeblood.

It was hours of screams all throughout the city.

In the end I ate and sacrificed a bit more than four dozen people on the streets of fleabottom.

Some bodies were torn apart by stray dogs after I left them behind drained of blood but in other places were body parts strewn around with the surrounding areas covered in gore.

In the end I'm sure the goldcloaks would ignore it or try to cover it up.

I looked to the sky and realized it would be sun up in one hour so I took to the sky again and swooped towards Rhaellas' room. I swooped up and landed quietly on the balcony.

I had to quickly burn my blood stained, and torn hooded robe.

I then cleaned my body of all the dried blood and bits of flesh tangled In my hair with magic.

I used a brush and toothpaste to get the flavor of human flesh and blood out of my mouth before quietly entering the room.

I saw my two beautiful women sleeping like babies without a care in the world. I would never become tired of the sight.

Rhaella looked regal and composed even in her sleep.

Her big pale breasts pushing on the silk nightdress that she was wearing and her long silver hair falling down her shoulders. she was stunning.

lily on the other hand was splayed out like a starfish with drool coming out and chocolate stains around her mouth.

I quickly licked the chocolate off of her lips and she just smiled in her sleep while mumbling my name.

I floated myself in between the two women kissed them both on the lips and quickly fell asleep with a smile on my face. . .

[Nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer; nothing is more difficult than to understand him. -Fyodor Dostoyevsky"]

[lmk what you would like to see in the future I don't mind some fan service if it goes with the plot and flow.]


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