Married into a cold, billionaire family at just 19, she never expected her life to turn into a nightmare. Her husband, distant and always away, leaves her to face the cruel treatment from his family. She’s bullied for being "too average" and "too fat," and the only people who ever show her kindness are her father-in-law, who eventually dies, and the youngest sister. Her world shatters when she finds out she’s pregnant after her husband forces himself on her one drunken night. Thinking this could finally bring them closer, her hope is crushed when she receives a photo of him with another woman. Heartbroken, she runs away, only to be hit by a truck and drown in the river. But fate gives her a second chance. Reincarnated with all her memories intact, she wakes up pregnant again and decides this time will be different. She escapes, flees abroad, and is adopted by a wealthy Swedish family. Now, she’s transformed—strong, successful, and no longer the girl they used to walk over. Years later, her husband tracks her down, discovering she’s not only alive but raising their triplets. He demands she comes back, but she’s not the same weak girl. She’s ready for revenge, and this time, she’ll make them all pay for what they did to her. A story of love, betrayal, and sweet revenge—will she break before she gets even?"He Wanted a Marriage of Convenience. She Shattered All His Rules." Arianna Costa never expected her life to be turned upside down during a routine medical check-up. Victim of a medical mistake that leaves her pregnant by a stranger, she soon discovers that the man in question is none other than Alessandro Valenti, the powerful and dangerous king of the Italian mafia. For Alessandro, scandal is unthinkable. Marriage, security, and control: he demands Arianna become his wife to protect his reputation and their future heir. But sharing her life with this authoritarian and enigmatic man will come at a cost. Thrust into a world of luxury, danger, and betrayal, Arianna begins to uncover an unexpected side to Alessandro. Beneath the mask of the mafia king lies a man torn between his need for control and his growing feelings for her. Yet danger lurks in every shadow. Alessandro’s enemies are determined to see him fall, and now Arianna and their unborn child have become prime targets. Torn between scorching attraction, conspiracies, and buried secrets, Arianna must make a choice: surrender to this forbidden love or escape a world that could very well destroy her.
Cuidado com as traições do destino. —---- Os olhos vermelhos flamejantes de Sterling perfuram o olhar aterrorizado de Faye. "Minha pequena borboleta, você não entende? Uma vez que um dragão recebe algo precioso, ele nunca o deixará escapar." ---- Faye Montgomery é uma jovem nobre de baixo escalão presa em um jogo de traição e morte imperial. Pouco depois da passagem prematura de sua mãe, Faye é informada pelo seu padrasto bêbado e depravado que em troca das crescentes dívidas de sua família, ela será vendida em um casamento contratado. Seu novo marido é o mais celebrado e temido comandante cavaleiro do Império Eastcarin... Duque Evan Sterling Thayer do Lago Stanhall. Em seu primeiro encontro com o guerreiro severo e gelado, Faye percebe que sua situação é muito pior do que ela originalmente imaginava. Ela percebe que já encontrou o Duque no passado. A jovem noiva agora acredita que a morte teria sido preferível a ser vendida nesta união desumana com o antigo adversário de sua família e o homem responsável por suas atuais circunstâncias desafortunadas. No entanto, com o tempo, mesmo enquanto ela luta para se libertar desse abominável homem, Faye descobre que seus fios vermelhos do destino são mais intimamente entrelaçados do que ela imaginava. Ambos se tornaram marionetes involuntárias do império. Com as muitas agendas ocultas e segredos daqueles no poder ao redor deles, terão de deixar de lado suas diferenças e formar uma aliança, caso queiram sobreviver. Este romance foi minha entrada no Concurso WPC de Julho de 2023! O apoio que todos mostraram é muito apreciado. A história está cheia de reviravoltas inesperadas que você com certeza vai gostar! … {AVISO: Conteúdo adulto R-18} A PARTE ERÓTICA COMEÇA APÓS O CAPÍTULO TRINTA. Aviso Legal: ISTO É UMA OBRA DE FICÇÃO. TODOS OS NOMES, PERSONAGENS, ORGANIZAÇÕES, LOCAIS E EVENTOS SÃO OU PRODUTO DA IMAGINAÇÃO DO AUTOR OU USADOS DE MODO FICCIONAL. A arte da capa é minha, então não a use. https://discord.gg/YbbR2dK6 email: RoseandThornbook@icloud.com
[Parabéns, sobrevivente Terran #99598, por ativar o Sistema de Assistência do Universo!] Althea, junto com o restante de 1% da população do seu planeta natal, olhava para a tela holográfica à sua frente, confusa. Sua galáxia estava aparentemente acabando, e de repente surgiam anúncios de um sistema alienígena em suas cabeças, dizendo que eles seriam permanentemente transferidos para outro mundo. Os sobreviventes estavam todos muito deprimidos. Primeiro, foram forçados a sobreviver em um apocalipse zumbi, e agora precisavam enfrentar um mundo completamente novo? Aconteceu de Althea ser uma das poucas pessoas a receber a Ficha do Senhor, o bilhete para controlar um território — um suposto refúgio seguro para o seu povo. Althea olhou para o seu ventre muito grande e suspirou por um futuro incerto. Ela seria capaz de construir um bom lar para seus filhos e compatriotas? E... ela e seu marido se reencontrariam após esse desastre? #Apocalipse, #Josei, #Romance, #BeladFL, #GalãML, #CasalPoderoso, #Infraestrutura, #EspaçoMágico, #ConstruçãoDeReino, #Aventura, #Gravidez, #ElementosDeJogo, #Sistema #LitRPG ____ Agora em E-BOOK~! Por favor, avaliem, né? VAI AJUDAR MUUUUITO~! Livro 1: AMAZON: https://a.co/d/hy7Rocr GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/203724162-after-surviving-the-apocalypse-i-built-a-city-in-another-world (Último) Livro 7 Link da Amazon: https://a.co/d/bceWSq0 Seria incrível receber as avaliações de vocês no Goodreads também! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/210710079-after-surviving-the-apocalypse-i-built-a-city-in-another-world se puderem, por favor, avaliem os livros seguintes também. Muito obrigadoooo Alteranos! ____ SALÃO DOS LEITORES AGORA ABERTO~! (Somente leitores, por favor!) https://discord.gg/w8qKw2yaNK
Lily est la fille d'un Beta. Et son âme sœur ? C'est le fils aîné des Alphas. Lorsqu'ils découvrent ce qu'ils sont l'un pour l'autre, il est un peu trop tard. Car son bien-aimé mate est rentré chez lui avec sa honte. Une louve qu'il a mise enceinte pendant qu'il s'entraînait dans le nord pendant l'été. Il a brisé leur lune. Mais la louve a un secret. Et Lily n'a pas l'intention de la laisser s'en tirer aussi facilement après avoir volé ce qui lui appartient. ** Cette histoire est pleine de rebondissements qui vous feront pleurer, rire, vous mettre en colère, jeter des téléphones, etc. C'est un voyage que vous adorerez, incapable de vous détacher de Lily, Eve et Zain. J'espère que vous aussi vous aimerez l'histoire et accepterez l'invitation à entreprendre un voyage qui vous laissera comblés et vous mettra un sourire aux lèvres.
[Dieses Baby gehört mir, und du auch", erklärte er und zeigte auf Kates Bauch, während seine tiefgrünen Augen Kate wie eine Viper anstarrten, die zum Angriff bereit war. Kate konnte nicht glauben, dass er - Henry Grant, ihr neuer Chef, acht Jahre jünger als sie - der Vater ihres ungeborenen Kindes war. "Wir sollten von vornherein zusammen sein. Aber ich werde dich vor die Wahl stellen. Geh und leide mit deinem Versager-Ehemann, oder komm mit mir und ich zeige dir den Spaß, den du verpasst hast." ===== In den letzten fünf Jahren ihrer Ehe hatte Katherine "Kate" Woods, 32, immer geglaubt, sie sei unfruchtbar. Sie war nicht in der Lage, ein Kind zu zeugen, und ihr unzuverlässiger Ehemann Matt beschimpfte sie immer wieder deswegen. Er nannte sie eine nutzlose Frau, obwohl er selbst nie einen Job gefunden hatte, und zwang Kate dazu, die alleinige Ernährerin der Familie zu sein. Und dann hatte er auch noch die Frechheit, sie mit ihrer eigenen Schwester zu betrügen! Mit gebrochenem Herzen flüchtete Kate spät in der Nacht mit vier Flaschen starken Rotweins in ihr Büro. Zu ihrer Überraschung war sie nicht allein. Ein gut aussehender junger Mann stand in ihrem Büro und beobachtete sie. Er weigerte sich, ihr seinen Namen zu nennen, bot ihr aber an, ihr die Nacht über Gesellschaft zu leisten. Da Lust und Alkohol durch ihre Adern flossen, gab sich Kate bereitwillig ihren niedersten, am meisten unterdrückten Instinkten hin und verführte den namenlosen, aber willigen Besucher. In ihrem Vollrausch erklärte sie kühn: "Wenn mein Mann mit jeder Frau auf der Welt schlafen will, dann können zwei dieses Spiel spielen." Es war ihr egal, ob sie es roh taten, da sie immer dachte, sie sei unfruchtbar. Nur um einen Monat später auf einen positiven Schwangerschaftstest zu starren. Kate Woods, die vermeintlich "unfruchtbare Frau", war schwanger. Der Fremde hatte in einer Nacht geschafft, was Matt in fünf Jahren nicht geschafft hatte. - Nun, da Henry sie vor die Wahl gestellt hat, würde Kate ihren Versager-Ehemann verlassen und sich mit diesem jungen Mann in das Meer der Ungewissheit stürzen? Oder würde sie bei Matt bleiben, ihrem Mann, der sie um ihrer Familien willen betrogen hat?
``` Méfiez-vous des trahisons du destin. —- Les yeux rouge flamboyant de Sterling transpercent le regard terrifié de Faye. « Ma petite papillon, ne comprends-tu donc pas ? Une fois qu'un dragon reçoit quelque chose de précieux, il ne le lâche jamais. » ---- Faye Montgomery est une jeune noble de bas échelon prise dans un jeu de trahison impériale et de mort. Peu après le décès inopportun de sa mère, Faye est informée par son beau-père ivre et dépravé qu'en échange des dettes croissantes de sa famille, elle sera vendue dans un mariage contractuel. Son nouveau mari est le commandant de chevaliers le plus célèbre et le plus redouté de l'Empire d'Eastcarin... Duc Evan Sterling Thayer du Lac de Stanhall. Dès sa première rencontre avec le guerrier austère et glacial, Faye comprend que sa situation est bien pire qu'elle ne l'imaginait à l'origine. Elle se rend compte qu'elle a rencontré le Duc dans le passé. La jeune mariée pense désormais que la mort aurait été préférable à être vendue dans cette union impitoyable avec l'ancien adversaire de sa famille et l'homme responsable de ses malheureuses circonstances actuelles. Cependant, au fil du temps, même en luttant pour se libérer de cet homme abomination, Faye découvre que leurs fils rouges du destin sont plus étroitement entrelacés qu'elle ne l'imaginait auparavant. Ils sont tous deux devenus des marionnettes malgré eux de l'empire. Avec les nombreux agendas cachés et secrets de ceux au pouvoir autour d'eux, ils devront mettre de côté leurs différences et former une alliance s'ils souhaitent survivre. Ce roman était ma participation au concours WPC de juillet 2023 ! Le soutien que tout le monde a montré à cet égard est grandement apprécié. L'histoire est pleine de tournants inattendus que vous ne manquerez pas d'apprécier ! … {AVERTISSEMENT : Contenu pour adultes R-18} LES SCÈNES DE SEXY TIME COMMENCENT APRÈS LE CHAPITRE TRENTE. Avertissement : CECI EST UNE ŒUVRE DE FICTION. TOUS LES NOMS, PERSONNAGES, ORGANISATIONS, LIEUX ET ÉVÉNEMENTS SONT SOIT LE PRODUIT DE L'IMAGINATION DE L'AUTEUR SOIT UTILISÉS DE FAÇON FICTIVE. La couverture est la mienne, alors ne l'utilisez pas. https://discord.gg/YbbR2dK6 email : RoseandThornbook@icloud.com ```
October is a woman who was cold and devoid of emotions. This was true, until she met Lexus who let her experience a whirlwind of emotions she never thought she had with a gift she never thought she'll receive. Lanna October Park is the calm and charismatic Assistant Director of the Halo Company. She talks only when needed and was not yet seen smiling by her colleagues which made her known as the Halo Company's Ice Director. But unknown to them, she was in fact the eldest daughter of the Park Real Estate Empire of the whole City D. Indifferent with her family's wealth, she decided to be independent and climb the ranks in the business world using her own capability but her stepmother is more threatened by her and so baked a lot of schemes to bring her down and make her unfit to inherit the business. Because October let her guard down for just once, she fell for one of her stepmother's schemes and was then became the talk of the city the very next day. Unbeknownst to her stepmother, the man she was with was in fact the notorious CEO, Lexus Song. Getting her innocence was one but getting pregnant was another making her career and work credibility being questioned. "I'll take responsibility." He said. "No need. I'm already responsible enough to take care of my child." She rejected and turned to leave but was then yanked back and bumped into his hard chest. "Then take responsibility to me." He said shamelessly as he leaned down to whisper in her ear, "You took my innocence so you have to take responsibility, dear wife."4.22
"Madisyn, I need to know!" Joey's voice trembled with urgency, her eyes searching Madisyn's for answers. "You don't deserve to know!" Madisyn shot back, her voice cracking as tears welled up in her eyes. "Not after you broke up with me!" Her words dissolved into sobs, her chest heaving with the weight of her emotions. "Please," Joey's voice softened, filled with desperation. "Just tell me… is the kid you're pregnant with mine or is it my brother's?" --- Madisyn had always envisioned a simple, colorful life. She dreamed of nurturing her children with love and being a devoted mother, building the family she had always longed for. After years of falling for the wrong men, she thought she had finally found the perfect one, the man who would complete her picture of happiness. But she had made a grave mistake. In her eagerness for love, she had handed over her heart too quickly, trusting too easily. It was a mistake that would cost her dearly when he abandoned her at the altar, leaving her humiliated on what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. As if that betrayal wasn’t enough, she soon uncovered the bitter truth: his love had never been real. He had faked every tender word, every promise of forever. But fate has a way of balancing the scales. Madisyn knew that revenge was a dish best served cold, and what could be more satisfying than turning to the one person her ex hated most? His own brother. Dating his brother wasn't just about moving on; it was about reclaiming her power. It was about showing him that she could rise from the ashes he left behind and find love in the most unexpected place—right under his nose."Tu es enceinte ? Comment as-tu pu coucher avec quelqu'un avant de trouver ton partenaire ? Qui est le salaud qui t'a mise enceinte ?" cria son père faisant sursauter Chloé d'horreur. Comment pourrait-elle dire à son père qu'elle avait couché avec les impitoyables jumeaux Alpha en même temps et qu'elle n'avait aucune idée de qui est le père de son enfant à naître ? En plus de cela, ils sont les plus grands rivaux de son père. Chloé, la parfaite petite fille de son père et la prochaine Alpha de sa meute, a ruiné toute l'image de sa famille et a perdu sa virginité lors d'une nuit d'ivresse. Elle a couché avec les deux Alphas playboys de la meute rivale. Sera-t-elle capable de découvrir qui est le père de son enfant entre ces deux Alphas diaboliquement beaux ? Tombera-t-elle amoureuse d'eux pour devenir leur Luna ? Ou réussira-t-elle à les dompter en tant que puissante Alpha qu'elle est destinée à être ?
"Du bist schwanger? Wie konntest du mit jemandem schlafen, bevor du deine Partnerin gefunden hast? Wer ist der Bastard, der dich geschwängert hat?", schrie ihr Vater und Chloe sprang entsetzt auf. Wie konnte sie ihrem Vater sagen, dass sie gleichzeitig mit den rücksichtslosen Alpha-Zwillingen geschlafen hatte und keine Ahnung hatte, wer der Vater ihres ungeborenen Kindes war? Noch dazu sind sie die größten Rivalen ihres Vaters. Chloe, das ideale brave Mädchen ihres Vaters und der nächste Alpha ihres Rudels, ruinierte ihr gesamtes Familienimage und verlor in einer betrunkenen Nacht ihre Jungfräulichkeit. Sie schlief mit zwei Playboy-Alphas aus ihrem rivalisierenden Rudel. Wird sie in der Lage sein, herauszufinden, wer von diesen beiden teuflisch gut aussehenden Alphas der Vater ihres Kindes ist? Wird sie sich in die beiden verlieben und ihre Luna werden? Oder wird sie sie als der knallharte Alpha zähmen, als der sie geboren wurde?
Sophia slept with a man in the bar and getting impregnated by him. Six years after she had given birth to twins, she returned home and accepts a job offer of a prestigious company- but she instantly regrets it when she finds out that the CEO is the man she slept with and the father of her twins. Alexander is a billionaire. He's got everything a man could ask for, good looks,a greek god body and unlimited bank balance. But he is harsh, cold and absolutely ruthless. To top it all, he has a dark past. He cornered me against the wall with both of his hands on either side of my head. I could smell his breath against my lips. we were so close to each other that single move from me would result in our lips smashing against each other. "The next time I see you getting cozy with another guy, I'll kill that guy and make your life a living hell, Sophia' Alexander whispered dangerously low in my ear, making me quiver with fear. "DO.I.MAKE.MYSELF.CLEAR?" He said, gritting his teeth together. I didn't want to nod, but I nodded. I didn't want to fear him, but I feared him. I didn't want to succumb but I succumbed. Alexander wants her. No, He wants to claim her. Will it be possible? Read to find out.
[Warning: strong mature content] Jasmine Everly was humiliated and thrown out of the house after being served with divorce papers by her husband, Sabastian Donovan, the only person she had ever loved, all due to a heartbreaking misunderstanding. She was so dependent on Sabastian that she had no one else and nowhere else to turn. Hurt and broken, she contemplated the end, but fate intervened when she discovered her pregnancy after enduring multiple miscarriages. This gave her the reason and determination to live. She worked hard to stand on her own just to give her daughter everything. After 6 years, she meets her ex-husband again as an investor in the design studio she works for, and he demands that she work with him for a month. What happens in a month? Why does he want her now? Will he find out that he has a daughter? Will they finally solve their misunderstanding and get back together? Or does he still love her? Will they have a happy ending? --------- He let my hands go and moved back a little, asking, "So she is not my daughter?" His voice was so calm, mirroring his eyes. It.... It's scary. Why did he suddenly turn so clam...? "No." I stood my ground, even though my heart was shouting to tell him the truth. All of a sudden, he grabbed my throat and slammed me against the wall, making my eyes widen. The unknown sensation spread across my skin like a wildfire. "So what if she is not my daughter? You still belong to me! But not in the fucking way I promised, but in the way you deserve!" His dark harsh voice vibrated on the edge of the earshell and sent a shiver down my spine, breaking out the cold sweat. "Wha...what....?!" My words were swallowed by his kiss, harsh unforgiving and hungry kiss. My body froze against his huge one as he pushed me against the wall with his, making me a sandwich between him and the wall. My eyes rolled back, and my mind stopped working as all I could feel was him, his body, and his lips. "You are always mine! Remember this, Jas!".
CQ 2024 entry. When Lithe Hildebrand hires Zen Starke to retrieve stolen property belonging to the Maximillian Tribe nothing goes according to plan. Lithe, a workaholic and perfectionist, convinces Zen to let him go on the dangerous mission with him for fear that if mishandled it could ruin his reputation and career. Intrigued, Zen is determined to keep his potential mate by his side at all costs. For he’s never met anyone as captivating and sensuous as Lithe. When Lithe’s life is threatened, Zen makes a bargain to protect Lithe if he pretends to be his fiancé. Pressed for time, Lithe agrees since Zen is nothing like the media portrays him to be. As a recessive omega he finds the dominant alpha irresistibly charismatic and fiercely loyal. The problem is the feelings are mutual. Despite their differences, the lovers embark on a dangerous quest that gets them more than they bargain for when they encounter murder, deception and the gift of everlasting love.4.4
* Editing and Uploading :- Ongoing * 18 years old very beautiful, brilliant & lovely teenager girl Avery. She is in her graduation's first year. Everything was going fine but suddenly one day something happens that changed her whole world. She suddenly becomes the wife of a young CEO. A Heartless, Ruthless business Tycoon young man. Let's see how she is able to play three characters simultaneously in her life. ***** Declaration. This story is completely fictional and if there is any connection to any place or person then it's just a coincidence. That's why do not take it to your heart because it's written for entertainment purpose. characters name, location name is truly base on an author's imagination so please don't take seriously. ***** Warning. The female lead in this story is weak. This story is full of suspense. This story has twists and turns so it requires patience. The important thing is that this story is under Editing so you can't expect 100 percent correct grammar. You are being told before you read and criticize. If anyone wants strictly 100 percent correct grammar, they should not read this novel and criticize the author. ***** Discord link:- https://discord.gg/E7ytgtA``` Le mariage n'est pas une solution miracle quand on tombe enceinte subitement. Loreen l'a appris par expérience. D'une femme de carrière, elle a accepté de devenir femme au foyer quand elle est tombée enceinte subitement lors d'une aventure d'un soir avec un inconnu. Mais après quelques mois, elle a fait une fausse couche. Ils ont essayé à nouveau pendant des années sans succès. Jusqu'à ce que cela les mène ici... « Signe ces papiers de divorce et fiche le camp d'ici, » exigea son mari. Doit-elle être divorcée et couverte de honte parce qu'elle ne pouvait pas avoir d'enfants ? Un mariage et une relation amoureuse ne peuvent-ils pas exister sans que le couple ait ses propres enfants ? . . . C'est lui qui l'a abandonnée. Mais attendez, 200 appels et 100 messages. 'C'est quoi le problème avec ce type, bon sang ?!' . . _________________________ Cadeaux et Bonus Magic Castle = 5 chapitres bonus Spacecraft = 10 chapitres bonus Golden Gachapon = 15 chapitres bonus *Note : Les chapitres bonus seront publiés au début du mois suivant ou après réception des cadeaux/s. Cela dépend des stocks de chapitres disponibles. Hihi. ```
``` —Su mayor venganza: sedúcelo, rompe su matrimonio, roba su fortuna y por último... déjalo. ***** La vida de Sabrina Williams se desmorona tras descubrir el engaño de su esposo y la adquisición deshonesta de la fortuna de su familia. Presumida muerta después de un trágico incidente, Sabrina resurge cinco años después con una nueva identidad y un ardiente deseo de venganza. Su regreso provoca un caos romántico entre el círculo íntimo del CEO, un deslumbrante desfile de solteros atractivos compitiendo por su atención. Sabrina Williams se encuentra en el centro de un remolino romántico con contendientes inesperados: su mejor amigo protector, un poderoso Jefe de la Mafia y su posesivo exesposo. El escenario está listo para un apasionante tira y afloja, un choque de amor y venganza con las emociones a flor de piel. ¡Todos los jugadores están listos, y el juego apenas comienza! ***** Cuando el escándalo con su exesposo se esparce en internet, los detractores la maldicen etiquetándola como Amante Sinvergüenza, Destructora de Hogares Inútil y Zorra Malvada... sin embargo, varios solteros poderosos se unen para defenderla. —¡Que se vayan al infierno los haters! PD: a esas modelos que antagonizaron a mi Diosa, les retiro el patrocinio de nuestra marca —dijo el CEO de la Compañía de Moda más Importante. —¡Noticias falsas! Tomaremos acciones legales por difamar a mi Diosa. Los artistas que la maldijeron serán vetados de mi compañía —anunció el Presidente de la Compañía de Entretenimiento más Grande. —¡Cállense, haters! ¡No pisen nunca uno de nuestros hoteles y resorts! —gruñó el Vicepresidente de la Empresa de Hoteles y Resorts más Grande. —¡Atrás! Borren esos comentarios maliciosos, o mi banda los perseguirá. ¡Mataré a todos los que se atrevan a ridiculizar a mi Reina! —amenazó el Jefe de la Mafia Dominante. —... —pronunció el mundo. Entonces, un comentario de confesión aparece de repente en medio del caos. —Todos pueden odiarte pero yo siempre estaré allí para ti. Sabby... te amo... te he amado desde nuestra infancia... Mi primer amor... y mi último —confesó el mejor amigo de la FL. Su exesposo ya no puede quedarse callado y declara al público. —Ella no es mi amante. Ella es mi esposa legal —afirmó el Exesposo Posesivo. —¡Esposa legal una mierda! ¡Muere ya, desgraciado loco! —espetó el amigo de la FL, Lanny. ```
"Take your clothes off. It's time to bathe." Hearing those words, fear overwhelmed me, and I felt as if I might wet myself. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around my body, unable to fathom removing my clothing. He rose from his seat, approached me with a sinister smile, and placed his hands on my hair. "Would you like me to assist you?" Trembling with fear, I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head, vehemently refusing while inching away from him. "Well, if you don't want to disobey your husband, do as I say." He returned to his chair and sat down, watching me intently, waiting for me to comply and undress.
Ace Carter Greyson, ihr langjähriger Ehemann, verlangte in der Nacht ihres fünften Hochzeitstages die Scheidung. Der Grund? Ganz einfach, weil sie keinen Sohn gebären kann. Phoenix flehte ihn an, zu bleiben, aber sein fester Entschluss war unumstößlich, so dass sie ihn schließlich gehen ließ. Ihr Leben wurde noch mehr erschüttert, als sie herausfand, dass er seit langem eine Affäre mit seiner Sekretärin hatte, die nun auch noch schwanger war. Nur wenige Monate nach ihrer Scheidung heiratete er die geschwängerte Sekretärin. Phoenix' Welt steht plötzlich auf dem Kopf, als sie entdeckt, dass sie im vierten Monat schwanger ist.
"Isla." Fixant avec une expression mêlée de soulagement, de regret, de bonheur et peut-être... d'amour, Isla ne pouvait croire que l'homme devant elle était son époux, même si son apparence n'avait pas changé depuis son évasion du Duché Hayes. Comparée à l'indifférence qu'il avait clairement exprimée pendant leurs cinq années de mariage, elle avait envie d'éclater de rire, alors qu'elle comprenait la raison de ses émotions dégoûtantes. "Duc, vous avez finalement décidé de me retrouver, après que l'enfant de votre épouse se soit avéré ne pas être le vôtre ?" Le sarcasme teintait son ton alors que de douloureux souvenirs refaisaient surface dans la tête d'Isla. Le Duc Hayes regardait sa première épouse, celle qui lui avait donné rien d'autre que de l'amour pur dans leur mariage. Cependant, il avait poursuivi un autre amour avec des intentions, et voilà qu'il était devenu le plus grand fou. "Isla, je sais que je ne te dois pas d'explications, mais pense à notre enfant." implora-t-il, désespéré. Il voulait les avoir, elle et l'enfant, de retour dans sa vie. L'enfant qui le relie à Isla, sa seule et véritable épouse. La personne qui l'a aimé et pour laquelle il ferait tout pour retrouver cet amour. "Notre enfant ou mon enfant, Duc ?" Isla rétorqua sèchement. Puis, avec un regard vide, elle avertit froidement. " Choisis tes mots avec soin, Dante." La Série des Amours Épreuves : Sa Duchesse Impitoyable. Sa Marquise Arrogante. (2024-2025) Sa Baronne Froide. (À paraître) Pour rester en contact avec moi : Noms d'utilisateur Instagram et tiktok : b.sowunmi Rejoignez mon serveur Discord : https://discord.gg/bkWcVw79cd NE PAS UTILISER LA COUVERTURE DU ROMAN SANS MA PERMISSION ! Commandé par r.voh.k sur Instagram.