A wonder falling down from heaven! A boy possessed by strange blood! Gods tremble! Demons flee! A boy from the land of Dong Zhou. A pink skull as his sworn friend until death. A story of a determined warrior struggling for power. A legend that shakes the galaxy and disturbs the worlds of god, demon and man.O Continente Árido, onde as artes marciais são supremas e a força é honrada acima de tudo. O prodígio de uma era, Ye Chen, surgiu com a técnica divina antiga e incomparável. Ele cultivou suas veias marciais, sobreviveu à tribulação do trovão, fundiu-se com o sangue espiritual de verdadeiros seres e sacudiu as seis harmonias e as oito desolações com seu poder marcial. Ele vagou pelos variados reinos e céus, lutando pelo mundo com o reino secreto de bilhões de estrelas que eram eternas e imortais! Um tesouro infinito de riquezas, mundos de maravilhas bizarras, seitas, clãs antigos, fadas, bruxas, amizades e inimizades, e batalhas acirradas — todo esse conteúdo está incluído.
``` Lin Huang était un garçon de 15 ans originaire de la Terre, sur la voie d'une vie dans un monde rempli de monstres. Ayant sa petite sœur à charge et avec seulement 91 jours à vivre, les chances n'étaient vraiment pas de son côté... Jusqu'à ce qu'il tue un vampire féroce, purement par accident. Avec un rebondissement dans son histoire, sa vie a été complètement bouleversée. Alors qu'il se battait dans ce monde avec l'aide de ses troupes composées d'hommes et de monstres, le garçon se fixa pour bien plus grand ambition de devenir le plus grand chasseur de monstres du monde ! ```
'Welcome to the New Era' Waking up in an unfamiliar world, Zhao Luo realized the changes in his body. In this distorted world, the lands that Zhao Luo once knew of, have changed into mountain ranges and every range has a Sect while the sect leader has all the power and control over the surrounding mountains. Zhao Luo's simple life as a traveler had already ended the moment he was trapped in a sleeping capsule. Now his goal is to become the strongest and reign supreme in this new world to achieve his ultimate goal of becoming a God. • Zhao Luo's potential attracts the attention of a mysterious old man. "Master, you are an Emperor, Emperor of Gods?" Becoming the Disciple of this old man turned out to be a blessing for him. • Receiving his master's most treasured books lets him meet even more incredible personalities. "What? The egos of the Ancient Emperas are overseeing my growth?" • Continuing on the path to rise to the top in the Xin Sect, Zhao Luo finds a Fist Technique. "Oh, he trained for 78 years to master this? But It only took me 4 days ^.^" Zhao Luo's journey will bring him to the top as he crushes down his enemies, and make friends with unusual characters, each with a background of his own. "She is mine." Going against one of the three Royal families, just for the sake of his beloved, this journey is filled with everything you need. ------- -------- -------- ---------- ------- Hazardous Gold Tier Winner of WFP#28 Every type of comment/s or meme/s on the chapter will be welcomed with open arms anPepepepe gif, so I can interact with everyone while laughing at them later on! Even though the novel is dying down but I want to end it one day and take the mc to his rightful place. The art is not mine. In case you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so. A work of Fiction by a Fictional character. Discord: https://discord.gg/8aMxzfBkRx This is The BEST discord Channel Ever ( bait ) For PM, Discord @The_Fake_God#9636 Instagram: @webnovel_t_f_gKaka: Huang Kai was the greatest hero of the Istanbul night, although he played only a little. Ancelotti: Huang Kai is a super genius, it's just too bad his body isn’t quite up to par. Maldini: Huang Kai is the most important player on the team. I suggest the club re-sign him for another five years. Barcelona: To sign Huang Kaiwen, we decided to demonstrate our sincerity by signing his cousin with an annual salary of one million euros. The veterinarians in Milan are no good; he won't get injured with us in Barcelona. Bayern Munich: We have the Divine Doctor! Huang Kaiwen, the biggest slacker in soccer. From slacking off every day, forced to make sporadic appearances, he ultimately was forced to become the team's savior. Football, anything is possible!
Cheng Yan viaja no tempo, apenas para acabar se tornando um príncipe honrado nas Idades Médias da Europa. No entanto, esse mundo não era tão simples quanto ele pensava. Bruxas com poderes mágicos eram abundantes, e guerras temíveis entre igrejas e reinos aconteciam por toda a terra. Roland, um príncipe considerado sem esperança por seu próprio pai e destinado ao pior feudo, passa seu tempo desenvolvendo uma cidade pobre e atrasada em uma cidade forte e moderna, enquanto luta contra seus irmãos pelo trono e controle absoluto sobre o reino. Junte-se a Roland enquanto ele faz amizade e se alia a bruxas e, através de lutas e até mesmo agricultura, repelir invasores do reino do mal.
He was weak, he was depressed, he was a loser. He wasn't even Lvl 10 in the game when Earth was destroyed in the Quake and the players of Redlands were transmigrated to the fantastic world of Zushkenar. But he lived, learned, and died again. Now, he was back on Earth, one year and three months before the Quake. Deciding to rejoin the game earlier and with greater focus, what changes would he bring with his actions? What life would he live? * There's a map for the lands of Zushkenar posted on the DeviantArt website: https://www.deviantart.com/kilrain/art/Hunters-Guide-map-cities-grid-b-877682076 It's not complete, but it'll give an idea of the general geography. * The background image for the cover is part of a landscape by moinzon taken from pixabay.comA alma do maior especialista em armas da Terra atravessou para um mundo alternativo, fundindo-se com as memórias do Imperador Marcial Renascido, cultivando a Técnica Soberana de Guerra dos Nove Dragões, varrendo toda a oposição com poder invencível! Capaz de refinar medicamentos, capaz de criar armas e conhece a arte da inscrição…. Ser habilidoso em todas as profissões é o caminho dos reis!
In the heart of Japan, Kazemachi Sota was a high school football legend, the fastest and most skilled quarterback the Nishikawa Hawks had ever seen. But a devastating injury shattered his dreams, leaving him to navigate a new life of uncertainty. Labeled "the bird with clipped wings," Kazemachi struggles to find his place in a world without the sport that defines him. Just as hope seems lost, an unexpected invitation from a spirited girl named Aiko reignites his passion. She invites him to join the school’s flag football team, a game of strategy and speed, offering him a chance to redefine himself. Will Kazemachi find a new way to soar, or will the shadows of his past keep him grounded forever? This is a journey of self-discovery and triumph against all odds.Após morrer de uma estranha doença terminal, Ling Lan renasceu em um mundo 10000 anos no futuro. Embora ela desejasse ardentemente poder apenas viver uma vida pacífica e sem eventos em seu novo corpo saudável, o destino tinha outros planos... Obrigada a se disfarçar de menino apenas para poder herdar os benefícios militares premium de seu falecido pai, a jornada de Ling Lan até a idade adulta foi cheia de desafios. Após muita dificuldade, ela finalmente chegou aos dezesseis anos, quando poderia abandonar a farsa. Mas antes que pudesse aproveitar sua recém-descoberta liberdade para se casar e iniciar sua própria família, uma reviravolta do destino a lança na principal escola militar para garotos da Federação. Com essas reviravoltas do destino, Ling Lan teve pouca escolha a não ser caminhar cada vez mais por um caminho sem volta, um de domínio frio e distante... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ryuxenji, o tradutor aqui. :3 Aqui estão algumas outras coisas que vocês devem saber: 1) Esta história NÃO é primariamente um romance. O sistema da QI atualmente categoriza todos os romances provenientes do site chinês de novelas para mulheres (起点女生网) como 'romance' sem falhas, independentemente de serem verdadeiramente romances ou não. Então, se você está aqui apenas pelo romance, talvez queira encontrar um romance diferente. Haverá algum romance eventualmente, mas a maior parte deste romance é de ficção científica/Xianxia com muita construção de mundo e desenvolvimento de personagem. 2) Eu uso ortografia britânica. Então, por favor, certifique-se de que erros ortográficos são realmente erros antes de reportá-los. 3) Não importa o que a taxa de lançamento no topo diga, a taxa de lançamento garantida no momento é de 1 cap/dia (também conhecido como 7 cap/semana). O resto é extra à minha discrição. (Eu tentarei fazer o meu melhor, mas responsabilidades da vida real vêm primeiro.)
Durin stroked the black cat on the armrest of his chair, sitting on the black leather sofa. Through the glasses perched on his nose, his gaze passed over the long table in front of him and settled on the man kneeling on the carpet: "I understand, you've made money in Naples, your business has been very successful, and you've led a happy life. You've had those secret police, friends in both the law and the underground, and even the Royal Family speaking on your behalf." "You don't need a friend like me, I know that. You're afraid of owing me a favor, and you don't want to get involved in troubles." "But now you come to me and say, 'I beg you, Mr. Durin of the Corleon family, please help me seek justice, so that my life and my family will not suffer and sink into despair.' Yet, in your eyes, I was nothing more than a second-rate artist involved in movies and music. Even at the brink of death, you still show me such disrespect, not even willing to call me by my title... Keeper of Secrets."
Uma história de um vilão, Fang Yuan que renasceu 500 anos no passado com a Cigarra da Primavera Outono que ele refinou arduamente. Com sua sabedoria profunda, experiências de batalha e de vida, ele busca superar seus inimigos com habilidade e astúcia! Impiedoso e amoral, ele não precisa se conter enquanto persegue seus objetivos finais. Em um mundo de crueldade onde se cultiva usando Gu - criaturas mágicas do mundo - Fang Yuan deve se elevar acima de tudo com seu próprio poder.
Lin Huang war ein 15-jähriger Junge von der Erde, der auf dem Weg war, sein Leben in einer Welt voller Monster zu leben. Mit seiner jüngeren Schwester in seiner Obhut und nur noch 91 Tagen zu leben, standen die Chancen überhaupt nicht gut für ihn... Bis er aus Versehen einen bösartigen Vampir tötete. Durch eine Wendung in seiner Geschichte wurde sein Leben völlig verändert. Während er sich mit Hilfe seiner Truppen aus Menschen und Monstern durch die Welt kämpft, hat der Junge ein viel größeres Ziel vor Augen: Er will der größte Monsterjäger der Welt werden!
Un récit d'un méchant, Fang Yuan, qui renaît 500 ans dans le passé avec la Cigale du Printemps et de l'Automne qu'il a affinée avec soin. Avec sa sagesse profonde, ses expériences de bataille et de vie, il cherche à vaincre ses ennemis avec habileté et intelligence ! Impitoyable et amoral, il n'a pas besoin de se retenir alors qu'il poursuit ses objectifs ultimes. Dans un monde de cruauté où l'on cultive en utilisant le Gu - des créatures magiques du monde - Fang Yuan doit s'élever au-dessus de tous par sa propre puissance.
``` « Même si cet univers n'est vraiment rien de plus qu'une forêt brutale, sanglante, ombragée, nous les Cultivateurs brûlerons tout ce que nous possédons juste pour produire une faible étincelle vacillante dans les ténèbres ! « Peu importe la faiblesse de chaque étincelle, sa brièveté, sa petitesse… Tant que les étincelles affluent sans relâche, alors un jour, l'une d'entre elles allumera un peu d'amadou, et cet amadou enflammera des branches tombées, et ces branches embraseront chaque arbre de la forêt jusqu'au dernier ! « Au final, même les plus petites étincelles finiront par mettre le feu à la forêt ombragée et illumineront le monde entier ! » ------ ** Qidian International et l'ancien traducteur, M. Strivon, ont trouvé un accord pour racheter les chapitres et les héberger sur notre site. Nous continuerons la traduction à partir du dernier chapitre traduit par M. Strivon ** ```
She had loved the boy since forever. She loved it when he said in that lovely voice of his, "I'll marry you when I grow up~" But...That accident changed everything. Years later, she came to see him... but he passed her by, as if, she was a stranger. A few years after that, they met again... He was heartbroken, but she was still in love with him.... The day marked the restart of their sweet love lore~ . . . One fine day... "Dear Wife... I wonder if you're my stalker?" She gloatingly replied, "hm!!!" "Well... I wonder if I should become the same?!" "No need~ I'll tell you everything about me~", saying this, she jumped on him and had her fill! ............. ............. Atsu's note: My first try on the Showbiz genre, yey~ Expect some face slapping, as this is going to be a totally different story from my other novels! Happy Reading! PS: Got the cover from the web~It all started with an accident that fortunately didn’t take a life. Frederick Keith Nighy and Leigh Ann Kimble, more popularly known as the country singer duo Brave Ad 65, rescue a girl named Aurora Hart from being hit by a truck. Since then, the couple takes care of her, treating her as their equal. And no sooner does the couple turn into a throuple – and the singer duo consequently turns into a trio – as Aurora becomes enamored with them both. But in order for the three’s voices and hearts to synchronize with one another, they must first conquer their own pasts. [Note] If you want to support the author, please buy him a Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/moonlightbomber
The secrets of the Brown's is way beyond anything Justin could imagine. The world his ancestors lived could only be considered true in a fairytale. After a failed assassination attempt by his uncle, Justin begins to come face to face with people who possessed abilities beyond the scope of his feeble mind. With new discoveries about himself and his family, Justin Brown in caught in the middle of a rivalry between two dangerous groups. A rivalry that had started before his time, and had only grown worse after the involvement of his family. With one group after his life and his sister's, and the other faltering in their efforts to keep him safe, how will Justin Brown fair without an ability? Message me through email:aniagbosomartins7@gmail.com Or Instagram @Chibuike_Martins Discord @martins#1843 *Book cover is mine, don't use without permission!4.29
Lu Qi was an undefeated top-notch assassin. Yet, she had cruelly died in the hands of her mentor and superior. After her rebirth, Lu Qi became the daughter of a tycoon in the Capital City. She had average looks, had a weak constitution, and was a pushover. How could she ever let her new life go to waste?! Lu Qi started to lose weight and rise up! She fought her way back to the killer organization and took revenge on her mentor. Then, she became the leader of the killer organization. With all the intel she had, Lu Qi realized that someone wanted to attack the Lu family. To repay their kindness, she started to investigate… and took care of her enemies. Lu Qi took her father's place as the CEO of the group and was prepared to live a carefree life. In the meeting room, the tall and handsome CEO Mo Chen held her hand. "I know your secret." Lu Qi tried her best to find out more about him, yet she never expected herself to walk into the trap that the man had set up for her. "Let's get married. I'll make your company big and strong!" As the two families were connected through marriage, the petite killer wife would eradicate their enemies while the tycoon chucked money and weapons at her. "Who made my wife unhappy? Beat them up!"