Volume One: His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy (COMPLETE) Volume Two: His Adorable Target is a Little Powerful (COMPLETE) Volume Three: His Spoiled Prince is a Little Difficult (COMPLETE) Volume Four: His Beautiful Teacher is a Little Naïve (COMPLETE) Book 1: His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy She has one desire: to live a normal life. Hu Lei decides to fulfill her lifelong dream by returning to Supreme City after more than a decade around the globe. Her brand new life starts on a bland note, but everything changes when she clinches a position as an interpreter for the handsome but reserved Zhong Feng. Zhong Feng thinks that his new interpreter is cute. Though her arrogance is a little too much, she has enough skill to back it up. He also realizes that she can be quite foolish and naughty. Still, he finds himself drawn to her, unable to extricate himself. Unfortunately, this harmlessly sweet girl has some secrets that could threaten the happy future he has envisioned. For example: She used to be a ninja. She might have killed a few people. Her father is a mad scientist. And she is a little crazy. ************* “Oh, is the evil emperor unhappy?” she giggled drunkenly. She leaned closer across the table. “If you keep sighing, you won’t find a girlfriend.” The immortal-like man did not respond to her childish provocation. “Are you angry? Don’t worry. If you can’t find anyone, I will be your girlfriend.” She declared proudly. “Why should I accept you as my girlfriend?” His deep voice to caress the girl, and it made her sink deeper into her intoxication. “Humph! You would be lucky to have me as your better half. I am incredibly cute with a huge rack. I have an incredibly high IQ.” Her voice lowered into a conspiratorial whisper. “And I have never had a boyfriend, so I would be completely yours.” “You have convinced me. You can be my girlfriend.” His eyes glinted with evil intent. “You think that will work? You are a hundred years too early to outsmart me. If you want me to be your girlfriend, you must show some sincerity. As an evil emperor, you must understand that my expectations are quite high. You will need to give me some treasures, feed me, dismiss your harem and entertain me. A cultivation manual would also not be bad.” “Very well.” He responded with a smile. Book 2: His Adorable Target is a Little Powerful Anyone who has met or even heard of Kaito knows that his interest is never a good thing. But Yamazaki Akira is not afraid of him because she is powerful [even though no one believes her]. When Takahashi Kaito [assassin extraordinaire, famous leader of Shadow Brotherhood and self-proclaimed senior brother of Hu Lei] takes up a mission to investigate Yamazaki Akira and her connection to a certain psychopathic doctor, his interest is perked up. He decides to unravel the secrets of Akira’s life. While she seems to be a perfectly normal young woman with a budding career as a chef, he has been in the underworld business long enough to know when someone is hiding something. Setting aside his busy life for the sake of satisfying his curiosity, Kaito takes up the role of the self-indulgent prodigal young master of the wealthy Takahashi family in Mountain Ridge City. Yamazaki Akira has always lived and loved an independent life. But in a moment of weakness, she allows her biological parents to find her. She is reluctant, but she agrees to move to Mountain Ridge City to reconnect with them. She thinks that it could not be too bad. In any case, she has been planning on opening a new restaurant in the affluent city. But things aren’t always so simple. And the main problem is the handsome man who keeps showing up before her and trying to seduce her, claiming that fate brought them together. Why does she feel like his evil gaze is hiding ulterior motives? Complete blurbs in 1st Chapter!4.93
Humans and Werewolves have lived together in this world for nearly four hundred years... Since the appearance of the first two werewolves, royals, given this power by the moon goddess herself. In a world where humans and werewolves live together in a tight and uncertain collaboration filled with mistrust and pretence, hunters exist to keep the peace while rogues exist to disrupt it. Two children are born... destined to put a stop to all the bloodshed and suffering, but not everyone likes the idea of a world with peace between the werewolves and the humans..... With the Moon goddess along with the Prometheus, the god of mankind only able to watch and provide assistance where possible without breaking divine laws, the question still stands. Will her Chosen Ones be able to accomplish the task at hand..... The Rogue King strives to keep the two from ever uniting, forcing the them to lead lives that can never be described as normal, but can be called interesting... ..................................``` —Vive la vida que deseas esta vez. Una asesina sin igual, nombre en código: Hua, ya había comenzado su carrera desde que era niña. Su historial de misiones era perfecto y aquellos que se consideraban sus enemigos acababan muertos sin saber por qué. Cuando la guerra terminó, fue enviada a una institución donde era vigilada estrechamente. El médico a cargo le dio una novela wuxia ordinaria para leer. Una avalancha ocurrió después de que terminó de leer. Cuando despertó, se había convertido en Nan Hua, la joven señorita de una poderosa familia militar en la novela que leyó. La chica también era la ex prometida del personaje principal, quien moriría por obstruir el amor del personaje principal. Ahora que ella había tomado el control, ¿quién se atrevería a actuar tan presuntuosamente a su alrededor? ¡Nunca sabrían cómo terminaron de manera tan miserable! Pero... personaje principal, ¿qué estás haciendo merodeando a su alrededor? ¿No deberías concentrarte en la guerra inminente y salvar a tu protagonista femenina? ¿Por qué estás intentando de todas las maneras ganarte su favor en cambio, eh? ... Historia situada en un mundo ficticio con cultura similar a la antigua China. Únete al discord para conversar con la autora y otros lectores: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB Agradecimiento especial para Jiyen (usuario de webnovel Cookiejiyen) que ha creado una hermosa portada *enviando corazones* ... PD: Esta historia también está publicada en Amazon, si la lees allí, por favor deja un comentario. Gracias ^^ ... Secuela: Flor Astral [en curso] ... Otras novelas: - Flores florecen del campo de batalla [completa] - Bajo el velo de la noche [completa] - 7 Caminos de los Lirios [en pausa larga] - 1 Año de Comienzo [completa] - Dama Villana [completa] - Ciencia y Fantasía [completa] - 2 Años de Reinicio [completa] - La Emperatriz Silenciosa [en curso] - La Pequeña Gata del Villano [en curso] ... Sígueme en IG: @sora100518 ```
``` “Viva a vida que você quer desta vez.” Uma assassina sem igual, codinome: Hua, já havia iniciado sua carreira desde criança. Seu histórico de missões era perfeito e quem quer que fosse considerado seu inimigo acabaria morto sem saber por quê. Quando a guerra terminou, ela foi enviada para uma instituição onde era vigiada atentamente. O médico responsável lhe deu um romance wuxia comum para ler. Uma avalanche aconteceu depois que ela terminou de ler. Quando acordou, ela se transformou em Nan Hua, a jovem senhorita de uma poderosa família militar no romance que havia lido. A garota também era a noiva do ex-protagonista, que morreria por obstruir o amor do protagonista. Agora que ela assumiu o controle, quem se atreveria a agir tão presunçosamente ao seu redor? Eles nunca saberiam como acabaram tão miseravelmente! Mas... protagonista, o que você está fazendo rondando por perto dela? Você não deveria se concentrar na guerra iminente e em salvar sua protagonista? Por que você está tentando de todas as maneiras conquistá-la, ah? ... História ambientada em mundo fictício com cultura similar à da China Antiga. Participe do discord para conversar com o autor e outros leitores: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB Agradecimento especial para Jiyen (usuário da webnovel Cookiejiyen) que criou a linda capa *enviando corações* ... P.S: Esta história também está publicada na Amazon, se você lê lá, por favor deixe uma avaliação. Obrigado ^^ ... Sequência: Flor Astral [em andamento] ... Outras novelas: - Flores Desabrocham do Campo de Batalha [completa] - Sob o Véu da Noite [completa] - 7 Caminhos dos Lírios [em longa pausa] - 1 Ano de Início [completa] - Lady Vilã [completa] - Ciência e Fantasia [completa] - 2 Anos de Recomeço [completa] - A Imperatriz Silenciosa [em andamento] - A Gatinha do Vilão [em andamento] ... Siga-me no IG: @sora100518 ```
Bai Mei Xing ließ sich nicht aus der Ruhe bringen. Nach ihrem Master-Abschluss in forensischer Anthropologie im Alter von 16 Jahren wurde sie die jüngste Professorin für Anthropologie in der Geschichte der Universität A und arbeitete nebenbei als Beraterin für die lokale und nationale Polizei. Alles in allem war sie ein hochintelligentes Mädchen, das seine ganze Zukunft noch vor sich hatte. Bis sie eines Nachts von Außerirdischen entführt wurde, während sie an ihrem Lieblingssee eine heiße Schokolade trank. Jahre der Folter später gelang es ihr, sich mit einem anderen Gefangenen zusammenzutun, das Raumschiff zu übernehmen und sich an der Besatzung zu rächen, die sie gefangen hielt. Im Angesicht einer völlig grenzenlosen Zukunft beschloss Bai Mei Xing, einen neuen Weg für sich selbst einzuschlagen. Aber sie würde ihr Leben nach ihren Vorstellungen leben, selbst wenn sie es mit einer zwei Meter großen Kriegerspezies zu tun hätte, die auf das Töten spezialisiert war. Nichts würde sich ihr in den Weg stellen. Schließlich waren die Schiffe von Star zum Fliegen bestimmt. Andere Romane: Dancing With Monsters--- Fortlaufend Wiedergeburt in der Apokalypse: Das dritte Mal ist ein Glücksfall--- Abgeschlossen Wiedergeburt in der Apokalypse: Kampf, Flucht oder Erstarren- Laufend Zwietracht: Sakura#6289 Discord-Kanal: https://discord.gg/CapanRmy Instagram: @devil_besideyou666
—Así que, así termina mi vida, qué pérdida de tiempo fue... . Estos fueron los últimos pensamientos de un joven, disparado por accidente en una pelea entre pandillas locales. Poco sabía él que pronto despertaría en otro mundo, ¡un mundo de cultivo! —Esta es la historia del bastardo de una familia rica, de un transmigrador que no tenía propósito en su vida anterior, de un demonio que hará del poder su razón para seguir viviendo . —Noah Balvan, después de transmigrar, tendrá que luchar contra su estatus social y las muchas dificultades del mundo en el que reencarnó para obtener el poder para permanecer libre en el cielo por encima de cualquiera! . Síganme en twitter: https://twitter.com/EoCNovels Instagram: eocnovels Enlace de Discord: https://discord.gg/CNh28NP Artista de la portada: https://digitalrowye.com/ Fandom: https://botds.fandom.com/wiki/Birth_of_the_Demonic_Sword_Wiki"
[Best psychological, thriller, and superpowers novel on this platform!] [Mature Content!] [Contains psychological romance. Crazy Love interests!] --- When Leon was eight years old, he lost his parents and younger brother in a terrorist attack. Fortunately, he and his older sister survived. Their custody was given to their uncle, who was the only available relative. However, their uncle was a thug, and he would often chain Leon and his sister and beat them mercilessly. That continued for ten long years. One night, when his uncle was beating him up, there was an announcement on the television. [Today's date- 12th September 20XX. Time- 18:18. Due to the increasing population and advanced technology, thousands of homeless, uneducated, unemployed, and criminals roaming in the country are a useless burden to the world. So the government has come to a solution that on every 13th of the month, from 12 AM to 6 AM, all the crimes, including murders, would be legal.] After hearing that announcement, something awakened inside Leon. One month later, he live-streamed the murder of a bigshot and became the world-famous— Secret Killer. Note- This is a psychological genre novel, so expect the unexpected. If you have a weak heart and you can't digest dark stories, then this novel is not for you. ==== Warning: MC is (experimented) superhuman. He is Evil and an egoist, with little to no emotions for anyone other than his sister. Disclaimer- The book cover is not mine.After eight years abroad, Wang Chao, a feared figure with exceptional medical skills and formidable strength, returns to the city. He starts working as a security guard at a beautiful female CEO's company. Along the way, he battles a variety of powerful and malevolent enemies while also falling in love with a variety of stunning women, including princesses, wealthy socialites, and movie stars. This is the beginning of Wang Chao's legendary journey.
Para Bai Mei Xing no había mucho que la perturbara. Después de graduarse con una maestría en Antropología Forense a los 16 años, se convirtió en la profesora más joven de Antropología en la historia de la Universidad A y trabajaba de forma simultánea como consultora para las fuerzas policiales locales y nacionales. En resumen, era una chica altamente inteligente con todo su futuro por delante. Eso fue hasta que una noche fue abducida por extraterrestres mientras bebía chocolate caliente junto a su lago favorito. Años de tortura después y logró aliarse con otro prisionero y tomar control de la nave espacial para ejecutar un pequeño acto de venganza contra la tripulación que la mantuvo cautiva. Enfrentándose a un futuro completamente ilimitado, Bai Mei Xing decidió forjar un nuevo camino para sí misma. Pero viviría su vida en sus propios términos, incluso si enfrentaba a una especie de guerreros de 7 pies de altura que se especializaban en matar. Nada se interpondría en su camino. Después de todo, las naves de la Estrella estaban destinadas a volar. Otras novelas: Bailando con Monstruos--- En curso Renacimiento en el Apocalipsis: La Tercera es la Vencida--- Finalizado Renacimiento en el Apocalipsis: Luchar, Huir o Paralizarse--- En curso Discord: Sakura#6289 Canal de Discord: https://discord.gg/CapanRmy Instagram: @devil_besideyou666
The warm blood ran silently along the cold lines of his scalpel. The heavy, metallic scent of death yet to drift away with the chilling night. His knife sharpened with the dying echoes of his victim. Almost reverently, he ran his fingers along the edge, watching in awe as his blood intertwined with that of that pitiful soul. Tremors burned like fire in his body, the pleasure of death almost orgasmic in its wake. It was beautiful. His face reflected the light of the moonlight, he was enchanting yet dangerous. Darkness lurked in his midst. Like an incubus in the night, he lured his victims, watching as they willingly devoted themselves to his blade. All to keep this beautiful demon alive. --‐-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mysteriously he was dragged into this game, the blood still dripping from his fingertips. It did its best, all to please this sinister creature. Because beyond the void, something even darker, more terrifying stared lovingly at his angel, waiting desperately for him to fall deeper into the abyss once again, Chu Yi... Chu Yi... He's waiting. Wolfish Yandere Gong x Tsundere Serial Killer Shou [Unlimited Horror Instance] [Vote and comment to support the author's work] 《Every 500PS= 1 Extra Chapter》 《Every 50 Golden Tickets= 1 Extra Chapter》 《The cover is not mine. All credits to the owner. Twitter @BloodyBeni (Pintrest) Please DM if wanted to be taken down》 Discord: TomatoesandCoffee#7004 (I don't bite) ^Want to support me more? Send me a kofi^ https://ko-fi.com/tomatoesandcoffee"Então, é assim que minha vida termina, que perda de tempo foi...". Esses foram os últimos pensamentos de um jovem, atingido por acidente em uma briga entre gangues locais. Ele mal sabia que em breve acordaria em outro mundo, um mundo de cultivo! Esta é a história do bastardo de uma família rica, de um transmigrador que não tinha propósito em sua vida anterior, de um demônio que fará do poder a razão para continuar vivendo. Noah Balvan, após sua transmigração, terá que lutar contra seu status social e as muitas dificuldades do mundo em que renasceu para obter o poder de se manter livre no céu acima de qualquer um! Siga-me no twitter: https://twitter.com/EoCNovels Instagram: eocnovels Link do Discord: https://discord.gg/CNh28NP Artista da capa: https://digitalrowye.com/ Fandom: https://botds.fandom.com/wiki/Birth_of_the_Demonic_Sword_Wiki
"Handsome, we must have met before. Was it in my bed... or was it in yours?" Shera Black asked, sitting on a snake-print sofa. She had her chin rested in her right hand as her left hand twirled a wineglass leisurely. Leo Qin who was standing before her narrowed his gaze. "Are all women so unrestrained these days?" "I don't know about other women." The woman's lips curled into a sinister smirk. "But, you may want to step aside. You are standing on a booby trap." Leo Qin was speechless. This woman stole his heart, and now she set a trap for him? Preposterous! ___ ... Falling from the grace of an aristocratic family, Shera Black's view of the world crumbled along with her state of mind. How does it feel to lose everything overnight? Heiress-turned-beggar? Unimaginable! The world was cruel... but it was much more cruel to her. Why?! Just because of some measly facts that were beyond her control and sins she didn't commit? And just when everyone thought she was done for... when they all thought she was on the brink of insanity or suicide, Shera Black unexpectedly rose right back up. Shera Black: Hello world, I'm back! Miss me already? World: Wait. Something's not right. She has become a villainess?! And this villainess was clearly not here to make friends. She was back to wreck harvoc and destroy the world! Not only that,.... She was pretty much done wrecking harvoc. Guess what's next? ... As the heir to the Qin Empire, everything was under his grasp. Yet Leo Qin would never have thought that the only thing he didn't predict was the calamity he had poked... and this calamity was coming his way. Looking at the female 'calamity' before him, he gritted his teeth and hissed. "Woman, you are playing with fire!" The calamity crossed her legs and glanced right back at him. "I am fire. How can I play with myself, Mr. Qin?" He looked at her crossed legs and frowned in disapproval. "Women shouldn't cross their legs." The woman leisurely tapped the armrest. "Oh? Are our legs too short to be crossed?" "It's disrespectful!" "Respect?" She looked at him curiously. "What's that?" Annoyed now, Leo Qin said, "If you continue being like this, no one will want to marry you!" But the woman just smiled evilly. "Who said I want to get married? Pfft, seriously, who still does that?" Leo Qin was speechless. God, can we have a chat? I don't want this woman anymore!!! Brace yourselves: Vicious Female lead. You may want to prepare yourselves for some of those things female leads don't usually do NOTE: THIS IS A SYSTEM BOOK ... Editor: May May ___ Discord: tinyurl.com/Avalorian Instagram: Avalorian_4.98
"Speaking of knowing things…" Kyle said slowly, "You still haven't given me a chance to tell my story." "I know," said Andrea. "I was having too much fun speculating. Finding you like this is a gift, and I don't want to tear the wrapping off all at once. ‘Building up the anticipation makes it better.’" Kyle blinked again, then gave a quiet snort of recognition at his own words being thrown back at him. "So what is your speculation?" Kyle asked. "Oh I don't know, probably something utterly disappointing. Did they pick you up for speeding on the way to the farmers market? I guess that wouldn't explain the uh…" she gestured at his injury again. "It wouldn't explain that now, would it. Oh, I know! You got into a fight over the last piece of bluefin!" Kyle just shook his head slightly. "No? I guess it's too much to hope you did something really exciting like rob a bank—You're not secretly a cat burglar are you, Kyle? Lose your balance breaking into an art gallery? No…?" Kyle looked unamused. "Very funny, Chuckles, would you mind taking this a little more seriously?" "Of course," said Andrea. "Very serious for a lawyer to have been arrested. You could be disciplined. Disbarred! Why, we might not see each other in court anymore. Wouldn't that be a shame." "Wouldn't it though," replied Kyle. "So that's the kind of guy you think I am? Stealing fine art and fighting in fish markets?” Andrea pondered some more. "I know!" she exclaimed. "Did you get into a fight with someone's boyfriend? Did it turn out that you were your young lady's bit on the side, and you ended up having a domestic dispute?" Kyle winced. "Is that it?!" Andrea had been teasing, but it seems like she had touched a nerve. To whatever degree Kyle had seemed like he'd been playing along, even as worn down as he was, that last remark had left him deflated. Kyle hung his head. "It wasn't like that…" "Oh sure, like you haven't been collecting notches on your bedposts." "I'M not like that." "You're not? That's not what your reputation says, out there collecting numbers and breaking hearts. I heard that you were a real ladykil–" "Andrea! I'm not–" Kyle shouted, grabbing her hands. His hands were strong, and his grip so tight it almost hurt. His expression so intense, frustrated and hurt and… scared? Andrea knew she had been twisting the knife a little into something that bothered him, but what had caused this reaction? It was only for a moment, then Kyle seemed to catch himself and let go. He slumped back in his chair and slid his shackled hands back below the table. Andrea leaned back as well, adding to the distance, and folded her arms, no longer smiling. She glanced at the duress button out of the corner of her eye. If Kyle had kept holding her as tightly as he had been, she wouldn't have even been able to reach it. "I think we're ready for storytime now," she said seriously. “I think you had better start at the punchline. What have you been charged with, Mr Wynn?" Kyle took a deep breath before he raised his head once more. "Murder, Ms Mason. First Degree Murder." *** Andrea Mason, a defense attorney who cares more about justice and protecting her clients than just winning cases. But the one man she hates to lose to is her rival, the arrogant prosecutor, Kyle Wynn. Kyle represents everything Andi hates about unscrupulous win-at-all-costs lawyers, and for years they have traded arguments in the courtroom and barbs in the hallways. Their paths cross again when they find themselves on a high-profile murder trial. As much as Andrea might despise Kyle, she can’t believe it when HE is charged with the horrific murder. But she is even more shocked when he asks for her to represent him at trial… *** #SLOWBURN #STRONGFL #CRIME #MURDER #FLIRTY #ROMANCE If you want to know what to expect, check the reviews! ฅ^-ﻌ•^ฅ Burrito says to join here: https://discord.gg/qr7eUnxT2F"Lebe diesmal das Leben, das du willst." Eine unvergleichliche Attentäterin, Codename: Hua, hat ihre Karriere schon als Kind begonnen. Ihre Missionsbilanz war perfekt, und jeder, den sie für ihren Feind hielt, starb, ohne zu wissen warum. Als der Krieg zu Ende war, wurde sie in eine Anstalt geschickt, wo sie streng überwacht wurde. Der behandelnde Arzt gab ihr einen gewöhnlichen Wuxia-Roman zu lesen. Nachdem sie die Lektüre beendet hatte, brach eine Lawine los. Als sie aufwachte, hatte sie sich in Nan Hua verwandelt, die junge Frau einer mächtigen Militärfamilie aus dem Roman, den sie gelesen hatte. Das Mädchen war auch die Verlobte der ehemaligen Hauptfigur, die sterben würde, weil sie die Liebe der Hauptfigur behindert hatte. Wer würde es jetzt, da sie die Macht übernommen hatte, wagen, sich in ihrer Nähe so anmaßend zu verhalten? Sie würden nie erfahren, wie sie so unglücklich endeten! Aber... Hauptfigur, was treibst du dich in ihrer Nähe herum? Solltest du dich nicht auf den drohenden Krieg und die Rettung deiner weiblichen Hauptfigur konzentrieren? Warum versuchst du stattdessen mit allen Mitteln, sie zu gewinnen, ach? ... Die Geschichte spielt in einer fiktiven Welt mit einer ähnlichen Kultur wie im alten China. Tritt dem Diskurs bei, um mit dem Autor und anderen Lesern zu chatten: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB ... P.S.: Diese Geschichte ist auch bei Amazon veröffentlicht, wenn ihr sie dort lest, lasst bitte eine Rezension da. Dankeschön ^^ ... Sequel: Astralblume [in Arbeit] ... Andere Romane: -Blumen blühen auf dem Schlachtfeld [vollständig] - Unter dem Schleier der Nacht [vollständig] - 7 Pfad der Lilien [auf lange Pause] - 1 Jahr des Beginns [vollständig] - Villain Lady [vollständig] - Wissenschaft und Fantasie [vollständig] - 2 Jahre des Neubeginns [vollständig] - Die stille Kaiserin [in Arbeit] - Die kleine Katze des Schurken [in Arbeit] ... Folge mir auf IG: @sora100518
This world is not only as the public knows it; there is an underworld that ordinary people don't encounter. Government agents handle troubles in the shadows, while corporate assassins privately deal with issues. Assassins, mercenaries, arms dealers, and spies exist, along with a dark web that ties this world together, and tycoons who attempt to control everything with money. Gao Yi entered the underworld, unbeatable in close combat, carving out his own domain. But there are guns in this world. Beyond seven steps (close combats), guns are faster. Within seven steps, guns are both accurate and quick. Only within three steps does Gao Yi's punch become faster. Unable to beat them, he chose to join them, aiming to rule them all. To rule everything, become the king of killers in the eyes of mercenaries, the king of spies in the eyes of assassins, the king of killers in the eyes of spies, and the king of intelligence in the eyes of arms dealers. Until he is crowned king by the entire underworld, Gao Yi is the ultimate firepower.
Pinning her tall body against the hard wall, he looked into her beautiful emerald green eyes as he spoke in a deep voice, "I have two options for you," his body came closer to hers as he continued, "Be my girlfriend. Or," his lips turned into a sly smile as he whispered close to her ear, "Be my boyfriend." He even dared to wink right before her as his dark orbs glinted amusingly. ----- There are plenty of things that break not just a heart but a person as a whole. Some people get broken by love and some by family. But she was broken by life itself. She left her clan to discover the world but she forgot something her grandfather once told her, 'The world outside is a scary place. It's filled with people who would want to befriend you only to devour you alive. People like us are an anomaly. And the world calls us monsters but they forget; they are also the monsters wearing a mask of an angel.' To grow stronger, she seized as much power as she could by Ruling Europe under the disguise of a man- Lord Alev Knight. But now, she's forced to come back to China where she buried her memories along with herself over a decade ago. What will happen when those buried painful memories will come to haunt her again. Will she choose the path to destroy the people who betrayed her or someone will alter her idea of revenge? And what exactly pushed her to live with multiple identities? What made her disguise herself as a man? Will she be able to find the hidden truths of her own existence? Or she'll be buried herself with those truths? Xiao Zhiren left China when he was a teenager. Now, he's back in China to find the answers that were left unknown as he watched his mother being murdered before him. Will he be able to find the enemies wearing the masks of friends? Or he'll have to wear a mask himself? 'I can conceive death but betrayal is not allowed.' She had left those words behind for him. Will he be able to find the person who left him with a promise to come back? Or like every promise, he'll be forced to believe that promises are only made to break you? ---------- Side Note: This book is actually a standalone book. You don't have to read my other book to know this one's story. ~~~~ This is the original work of the author, Xiao MeeHee. All rights are reserved to the author-san herself. ~~~~~ Other Works from the Author: "Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty" Completed "Imperfect Desires" Completed "Master's Untamed Wife" Ongoing "The Moon Mistress" Ongoing ~~~ Join Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/pxpTjqr Instagram: amaya_meehee4
After suffering so much on earth, Liam died with his heart filled with hatred for heaven and humans..... At the great void of reincarnation, he disobeyed a god and entered a different reincarnation portal.... He was reborn in a new world, possessing immersive bloodlines abilities.... With this he have finally started his journey of going against the heavens..He hated the man that drove him crazy and would stop at nothing to get him away from his sister. But yet, he found himself falling deeper under his spell, intoxicated by the forbidden affection he knew better than to covet. He had stolen the heart of the man his sister loved, and what was worse, he did not regret it
In the outskirt part of Sydney , a place where the Mafia are the government. There was a boy called Calvin. He is a final student at Brimford university Sydney , Australia.At twenty-nine he has achieved what an eighty years man cannot.He is a handsome guy and has a lukewarm personality not that cold , not that warm. He looked quite harmless meanwhile he is the leader and owner of "Leo GROUP" the most popular and dangerous mafia group in Australia. A group its name send shivers in people. A mafia group known for it ruthless operations , you are inviting death if you mess with them. He is basically a solitary person and don't interact much with people. He is also the top student in the whole school. Dorothy is a fresher who was mistakenly given a course she didn't want to study. All her attempts to change it were all in vain. To make matter worst the lecturers were all on vacation , the course was not an ordinary course. Accepting her fate she started looking for someone that will teach her the course. There was no one of could help her expect the lukewarm and isolated Calvin. Gathering all the courage she could muster , she approached him and told him her intentions.He agreed to help her but with a condition , he asked her to marry him. Due to her circumstances she agreed. Meanwhile , back in Highschool , Dorothy had it tough. Alexa Samson , Stephanie Wales , Marion Steve , Harold Evans , Jason Johnson and Raymond Levi were the devils in human form that made her pass through hell.They did all sort of things to her , even ganged up boys and raped her and they even recorded it. All these was because she testified against them about a young girl they buried alive. After Highschool Dorothy went to therapy to overcome the traumas and after one year she was better. And then she enrolled in the university , on her second year in the university , her enemies were transferred to her school basically all of them. To make matter worst , they are now top agents in a mafia group called "COBRA GROUP". They discovered Dorothy and continued from where they stopped not knowing they were inviting terror. What happens when Calvin finds out about them and starts dealing with them for touching his wife? What will be their fate? Follow me in this story and see all those that wronged Dorothy were made to eat the dust.4.72
The way of a Demon Lord- since the beginning of time, countless demons dreamt of it but few dared to tread on it, and even fewer reached its end. But the rarest of them all were some special demons who were not allowed to step on it, because if they were to become a Demon Lord- even the other lords would have to bow their heads. Abhorred and hunted by all, they could not do anything but hide till their lifespans came to an end. But for the first time ever, one such demon chose to do otherwise. Follow Adrian Darkheart as he uses his special demonic power, superior intellect and innate brutality to walk the path of chaos and destruction and become the greatest Demon Lord ever.