Synopsis: After an online debate with a mysterious stranger, a teenager finds himself sent into the complex universe of Dandadan under the name Mahito. He must prove that the Jujutsu Kaisen universe is superior to Dandadan's, but he only has Mahito's powers. Warning: harem!, anti-hero, perverted MC, selfish MC, Dark, R-18. Author's Note: The cover of this fanfiction doesn't belong to me, and all characters or story elements you'll see here aren't mine except for my OCs.
Michael Bianco is a Oklahoma Fanfiction Writer that is in a Financial problem, after that an entity offered him the opportunity to rewrite the ending of MHA in a more earthly way,Apart from that, you will be able to take half of the money you make into this new world. Reborn, new name, and with a rare quirk, how could this writer get out of poverty and be part of The Main Plot? Disclaimer:The first 2 chapters are consider an "introduction" and explain of The Main protagonist quirk, if You want to read only The Main Plot start in The 3rd chapter
Synopsis: A young man without any particular history finds himself, without any real explanation, in the body of Sehun Kang, a former minor antagonist and secondary character from Reality Quest. ## Author's Note ## A story born from a pure desire, which could well end the same way. And no, this is not a harem, and if there is a harem, it'll be with two waifus, but that's far from certain. (Why am I writing this? All fanfics of Reality Quest and Lookism end up dying, so I'm here to try to break this curse.) Bonus Info: I do not own Reality Quest nor the cover of this fanfic, and the protagonist has an AI chip like Leylin Farlier (not a system) or Nonomachi.
Aizen X Naruto - This is the story about a transmigrationer who transmigrated to the world of "Naruto" with the template of Sosuke Aizen from "Bleach" - Aizen: No one stands on the top of the world Aizen: Not you, not me, not even gods Aizen: But the unbearable vacancy of the throne in the sky is over Aizen: From now on, I will stand atop Heaven Aizen: Shatter, Kyoka Suigetsu~ (P.S.: The original timeline and plot will undergo various alterations.)