Kenjutsu is sword arts your thinking bojutsu.
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Anime & Comics · MaD
Honestly I read to chapter 88. So far the story is ok in terms of development. But the character designs and information that comes from no where really throw you off. For example, Lily was a good person in the previous experience but now she’ a backstabber who apparently planned a coup? But also she’s now attracted to another guy but is super faithful with her boyfriend? The MC himself just straight up steals which is fine, but the way he acts as if he’s all powerful us also infuriating.
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Anime & Comics · Jims_Rid
Pluto also taught Grodd languages that may help him make the apes' own language once all of them could talk. Because of the Ring of power, which is the Ring of Knowledge, Grodd has improved intelligence, and it will continue to improve as time goes on. He learned quickly and effectively, and he was able to practice the knowledge that Pluto had given him in an instant.
Movies · mark_kiple
Such classes have strength of a nuclear bomb. But the mechanic class apparently can’t make nuclear bombs. This just seems very ironic.
Be it Mages, Warriors, or Fighters, all of them had skills that were as powerful as small nuclear bombs. Mechanical professions were nothing compared to these professions.
Fantasy · Forward1on1
Can you explain to me the whole potential thing. Cause I assumed the order of colors were in reverse where red was the best and orange was the second best. But then you added the shiny growlithe but it’s potential is blue. So now I’m like is it good or not?
"I can make you as strong as a Ludicolo."
Pokémon Simulation: Hunting The Protagonists
Anime & Comics · Nahu_6182