In the era of the ruling elite, the ambitious and unstoppable Charlotte Benette goes head-to-head with the enigmatic billionaire Alexander Stone. Her investigation puts them into a world of lies, vice and danger and each discovery not only draws the noose closer around her but also the determination. While investigating further, Charlotte comes across “The Network,” a criminal organization at the core of Stone’s business that works as a part of an organized crime syndicate involved in everything from money laundering to political conspiracies. In the midst of it all, the mood raising tension and suspense, Charlotte’s social bonds are strained. Her friendship grows closer with her fellow officer, Jake Marlowe, creating a strong partnership despite the threat from enemies. At the same time, her editor, Mark Thompson, also faces a dilemma between the concern for her safety and the demands of the investigation that leads to passionate arguments and deep concern for her. Charlotte stumbles on a secret locker that contains all the proof material in Stone's office. As this becomes a matter of life and death for her, Charlotte has no other choice but to stay in the dangerous zone of Stone's world, powered by the desire to unveil the truth. When danger escalates and everything becomes more at risk, a suspenseful moment begins. A moment that will not only be a test of her profession, but also of her character, and of her feelings since she becomes attracted to the man she has been assigned to expose. What will she choose? Will she respect her feelings more than her values? "Investigation Gone Bizarre” is a work of mystery, crime, love and adventure that engages the reader at every step and put them on the edge of their seats waiting for the next disclosure of Charlotte.
A young journalist named Alex sets out on a quest that will reveal the mysterious underbelly that is hiding beneath the surface of a bustling city that is steeped in mystery and dark secrets. Her name depicts her character as being masculine (although she is a lady). This expedition will take place in the heart of the city. During the course of her investigation into a string of savage assaults, Alex's skepticism begins to change as she dives deeper into the world of werewolves that coexist with humans.
Alex's journalistic instincts come into conflict with her developing attraction to Lucien, the charismatic yet dangerous alpha of the werewolf pack. Alex is caught in a web of intrigue and danger, and her instincts are conflicting with her growth. As different factions continue to engage in heated battle with one another, the city devolves into chaos, putting allegiances and coalitions to the test.
Alex goes through a significant arc of character development as a result of the turbulence, during which he contends with his own internal conflicts and moral conundrums. She navigates a perilous path where truth and loyalty come into conflict with one another, with the assistance of a shrewd werewolf mentor and a skeptical detective mentor.
Alex is forced to confront her ideas and make a decision that will have a significant impact on the future of both humans and werewolves as the decisive confrontation draws near. What then becomes the aftermath?