
LV 12
2024-05-14 Joint Global
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Moments 40
5 hours ago

that is a death i would not want even on my worst enemy o_o

The charm lesson was... A charm lesson. Flitwick never betrayed himself, still having the same fun and cheerful way of telling the theory of some spells, demonstrating and brightening up with a story from life. A good story, or not so good. Or a very unfortunate one. I remember having an acquaintance in a former life who had studied medicine. This acquaintance sometimes talked with such enthusiasm about his teacher of normal physiology that it was amazing. This teacher could tell with humor and a cheerful smile about how a man ate orange with vodka and died from a severe allergic reaction. The man's esophagus swelled up so much that it almost came out through his mouth. Funny story, yep.

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan

10 hours ago

seems cole might have competition for killing this god xD this is rodcorte from death mage levels of fuck up

The room immediately went silent as every single God wanted to kill him on the spot. Gods that benefitted from Cole's hard work in his past lives hated the God of Reincarnation for what he had done. The Goddesses of Love and Fertility hated him the most as they adored Cole. Both of them had been following his actions closely and seen the good he brought about where ever he went. Cole's hard work saved countless lives as he brought people together to work together towards a common goal. Above all, it was his charity that touch him as very few Heroes were willing to forego food to help feed others.

Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit

Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit

Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon

11 hours ago
Replied to Edisonmc

they mention during the manga that when quirks appeared most technology just kind of got halted a lot

Acknowledging that grandpa's mental health wasn't in a good place at the moment, I knew my dad was right. Having grown fond of the old man, I didn't want to see him sent off somewhere alone after having lost his wife to cancer.

Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit

Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit

Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon

12 hours ago

would be funny if him traveling between worlds later causes the issues the god of creation was talking about xD

'The article said that I am recently privately educated…', I thought, 'I wonder what the fuck I am in for tomorrow. Fortunately, it's a Friday so I only have to sit through a single day before I am off for the weekend.'

Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit

Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit

Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon

4 days ago

yeah... that is the one place you would not want to get kicked

Spider-Man was shocked: "Maybe kicking the stomach is better after all!"

Marvel’s Disassembler

Marvel’s Disassembler

Movies · NeverluckySMILE

4 days ago

this guys danger sense is super human [img=strong]

"I'm well aware that you haven't an inkling about how much paperwork is involved in a [2319] Emergency Extraction entails, and quite frankly, I've not the time or will to enlighten you. So let's save time and get your questions out of the way, shall we. No, You are not dead. Your soul was scheduled for extraction and we were already far behind schedule. You were due to meet your end due to a fall from your bed early the morning prior and your senses proved to be sharper than we had anticipated. We made a two more fall attempts at the daycare and restaurant, but you avoided the hole in the park grounds and the wet floor a the restaurant. We changed pace after you entered delinquent status since the new day had begun and scheduled for a mugging turned stabbing in an alley, but you avoided that scenario as well. In a desperate attempt, we sent the legendary stupid child/ Truck-kun One/Two combo. Its success rate was legendary. We really thought we had you...but you managed to avoid that too! Imagine our surprise! Un-freaking-believable! So, after that, one of my staff members made a judgment call and issued a [2319] to clean up this mess once and for all. The only method left, since any attempts on your life set off your danger sense. Now! On to the conclusion. Since you are now officially a transmigrator, and not to mention your delinquent status, you are no longer eligible for reincarnation."

Planeswalker Magician

Planeswalker Magician

Anime & Comics · Damien_9976

8 days ago

wait... i dont know these two scp's

One was a black, skeletal statue. (holy sh-)

Marvel: I Started by Containing SCPs

Marvel: I Started by Containing SCPs

Anime & Comics · Zaelum

8 days ago

please its painful to read... why does he keep targeting the jewels

The remaining Orcs quickly gather and form a circle. They hold their crotches with 1 hand and their weapons with the other hand. Then they swing their weapons randomly in front of their crotches, hoping to hit the invisible enemy.

Un-Solo Leveling

Un-Solo Leveling

Anime & Comics · PeekACoo

8 days ago

because its a great counter...

"Ugh! Should I quit and take more jackets first? I feel like I'm going to freeze to death before I can clear this dungeon. Why would they send monsters that live in cold places to a hot place like this?"

Un-Solo Leveling

Un-Solo Leveling

Anime & Comics · PeekACoo

10 days ago

that technique alene is cheat level

Then he explained about the shadow clones and how it works.

Shinobi system in world of my hero academia

Shinobi system in world of my hero academia

Anime & Comics · SHADOW_WRITER506