Webnovel Author: PlayfulGod - Fanfic Collection



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Always stuck in creative mode playing God most times.

2024-05-07 Joint Global

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Moments 25


Ooo does he have Intuitive Apitude like Sylar? I’ve been looking for a fanfic with an MC that had that power so this seems interesting, especially when you combine that ability’s potential with stuff like vampires and the supernatural

I am unsure of why this is happening, although I feel as if a part of me is trying to adapt to my new bodies limitations, but it is not working out and then I adapt once more. Is my body maybe evolving faster than I am able to adapt to it?

Same Routine in Twilight

Same Routine in Twilight

Movies · Ikaru5


Wait could goblins in that anime actually dodge light? lol

"Can't even dodge light— Goblin slayer would be severely disappointed in your abilities–"



Anime & Comics · UndyingFire



Akeno: "I'm Akeno, what's your name boy?"

God of Play Crossover Sandbox

God of Play Crossover Sandbox

Anime & Comics · PlayfulGod



????: "hmmm... I don't think so? I'm Asia by the way, what's your name?"

God of Play Crossover Sandbox

God of Play Crossover Sandbox

Anime & Comics · PlayfulGod



I looked just like him with the only difference being I had minty colored hair, I was a mint haired Tet but otherwise looked like his perfect twin. 

God of Play Crossover Sandbox

God of Play Crossover Sandbox

Anime & Comics · PlayfulGod


This one pls, I like the reality warping one, it’s fun lol

Wait I can Warp Reality?( I'm definitely going to rewrite this one if picked, cause it was definitely a self-insert trash fic lol. Gonna make it a bit more realistic character wise, and slowly build up to the crazy universe altering shit.)

Wait, I can Warp reality?

Wait, I can Warp reality?

Anime & Comics · ForThe_Lolzs


I’d wanna be Tet too, being a free gamer and God of Play would be a dream come true

I know it's strange to envy a fictional character, but wants not to envy about the freest gamer. He lives his reality as a Dev and world-hopper, with no worries of a war ever appearing in his realm. 

The Grand Game through the Multiverse

The Grand Game through the Multiverse

Anime & Comics · CrimsonRoseDevil


He meant to taunt him into battle lol

There was a big grin on Gremmy's face as he clashed with Aizen. After all these years, fighting someone as skilled and powerful as Aizen Sosuke was exhilarating. He hadn't done that for a few decades. He was trying out a new katana, just because he could and so far, it suited him. He was not using any fancy technique, just pure swordsmanship. And he was good, he was so good, that he was dominating this initial clash with Aizen. There was no comparing the two fighters. 

Visionary - The Blank

Visionary - The Blank

Anime & Comics · Cedric_7512


Eyyy Hellsing abridged reference

"And I'm Carmen Sandiego. Guess where I am?" the boy snarked, interrupting her again.

Monster Girl Quest: Eeveelution

Monster Girl Quest: Eeveelution

Video Games · unfortunateGambler


Eyyy my boy Herobrine

The weather was always bad, food was scarce, every night was a blood moon, mutated mobs were normal, parasites, deadly insects, aliens, mindless vampires, werewolves, a giant unkillable sandworm, Herobrine, and other horror beings. Simply put, it was the worst possible place for anyone to be but we weren't just anyone.

Beyond Reality: Throne of Nothingness

Beyond Reality: Throne of Nothingness

Anime & Comics · LostWizard


For some reason I imagine them acting like those Stick figures from that Animation vs Minecraft series lol

Anti-Spiral had taken a liking to Redstone constructs and other machinery, mainly because Redstone didn't take up whole blocks here and he could build on pixel-level size.

Beyond Reality: Throne of Nothingness

Beyond Reality: Throne of Nothingness

Anime & Comics · LostWizard


Sometimes when you have ultimate power, it’s fun to go back to the basics every now and then as a breath of fresh air I’d imagine

Since we agreed to play this like the game was intended, we started by making basic equipment and building a starter base. It was more fun to build something so basic than someone like me who could create universes would think.

Beyond Reality: Throne of Nothingness

Beyond Reality: Throne of Nothingness

Anime & Comics · LostWizard


Let’s gooooo, the Eldritch entites SMP Lol

When we entered, we came into contact with a powerful law that forced anything to be cubes, including us. We could resist it if we wanted but we saw no harm in it so we decided to get pixilated.

Beyond Reality: Throne of Nothingness

Beyond Reality: Throne of Nothingness

Anime & Comics · LostWizard


I wonder if they’ll end up looking blocky while there because of Minecraft’s reality? lol

I was also looking forward to visiting Minecraft in person. Maybe I can even find a version of it with some Mods.

Beyond Reality: Throne of Nothingness

Beyond Reality: Throne of Nothingness

Anime & Comics · LostWizard

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