

LV 13

Hey everyone! I’m just someone who loves to read and write fantasy stories. I’ve been writing since I was young, and thankfully, I get better every year :) Thanks so much for reading my work :)

2024-03-23 Joint Global
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Badges 6

Moments 36
18 days ago
Replied to Mollyballsoup

19 days ago
Replied to Jemexoxo123

The Captain originally forced Kellen to guide him until he had 'taken away' Kellen's guiding powers. It's a compulsion that stems for the Captain's own powers. Does that help?

"Captain, are you forcing me to guide you?" Kellen asked, and the Captain pulled away from where he had been pressing his lips against Kellen's throat. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB

24 days ago
Replied to ChainedGhost

Fixed! He's 28 :)

Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
(BL)Alpha Made

(BL)Alpha Made

LGBT+ · CalyB

1 months ago
Replied to Vivian_Johnson_2029

Thank you ☺️

1 months ago
Replied to WickdDarknss

Remember, it's skin tight, slightly reflective, with leather straps. The Captain doesn't stand a chance.

1 months ago
Replied to ChainedGhost

Yes, but keep in mind, this was a training session meant for A Class Espers. Yes, Gunther is there as supervision, but, Kellen was an anomaly that wasn’t expected. Gunther stopped it pretty much in time. He also was probably in a little bit of shock.

"I'll think about it. The research team is who you really have to ask since it's their precious baby. And you'll need to get permission from him." He gestured to the Captain whose smile hadn't shifted from his face this whole time. Kellen swallowed. Kellen had not forgotten how he had reacted to the marks on his neck, even now. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB

1 months ago
Replied to Zachary_Patterson

At this point, everything is still up in the air. ☺️

1 months ago
Replied to ChainedGhost

Absolutely! There will be some balance soon :)

Kellen glanced over at Pamela who had been a witness to the whole thing and noticed how she was hiding a smirk. Then, he caught sight of the conference room. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB

2 months ago
Replied to ChainedGhost

You are probably right XD

  • (BL) Hunting The Field Guide original

    (BL) Hunting The Field Guide


    Récemment mis à jour

    Kellen Woods grew up never knowing a normal world. By the time he could walk, his mother and father had already sealed several serious gates that threatened the safety of his hometown. By the time his sister was born, they were famous worldwide. So the world held their breath for when Kellen and his sister came of age, waiting to see what kind of power they would awaken. His sister was just like his mom, same power, same class, while Kellen, woke up one day to find out what it meant to be special in a family the world watched. But in the worst way. Awakening weaker then your powerful parents wasn’t unheard of, but when your younger sister awakened at the same class as your parent, anyone would feel inferior. And Kellen, never one to ask for hand outs, left the comfort and safety of his hometown to become better than the weak brat everyone thought he was. Kellen went to the front lines, to where the gates normally broke out. From there, Kellen worked hard, and then worked some more until no one could doubt that he was good at his job. He got so good that even with his lower class, people would still hire him to help. But Kellen never took it to heart. He had learned a valuable lesson on the front lines. Classification only meant shit if you walked back out of the gate. Otherwise, shut your mouth and listen to those with more experience. They determined who made it out alive or not. But Kellen was tired now. He had gotten everything out of his system, and the fast paced life on the front lines didn’t suit him anymore. Now, he wanted to go home, buy a house, maybe find a nice man to settle down with, and live a normal life. All the while, the yellow eyes he’d met on the front lines haunted him, no matter how much he tried to forget about them. Especially since the Esper they were attached to refused to let him go.

    159 Chs 951 Collections

  • (BL)Alpha Made original

    (BL)Alpha Made


    3.7 Récemment mis à jour

    The world is diverse and flourishing. Humanity has changed, and with it, brought in a new era of prosperity. Males and females still exist, but the spectrum from which humanity is cast has broadened. With the introduction of alpha, omega, and beta, humanity has evolved even further. In such a word, Dr. Andrew Knox, known environmental researcher, is happy being a beta male. It has made his life easier by being middle ground, and as much as some wish he was one way or the other, he’s happy being who he is. Thriving even. He works in a world renowned research facility. He makes friends easily, and his projects are always funded. He even found someone who he thinks he could end up marrying if things continue in the right direction. That, and the vacant house next to his apartment building gets bought by a new neighbour. A cute, but cautious omega who relies on Andrew as a beta for help. Andrew couldn’t be happier. He loves being a helper, and loves when people rely on him. All in all, Andrew really thinks he has everything made. That is, until a research project with shoddy data is thrown back into his face that he has no recollection of working on, and all of his reputation disintegrates in between one heartbeat and the next. Heartbroken, it isn’t until Andrew wakes up, chained to a wall that everything becomes clear. He becomes a test subject to one of the scientists that he trusted. That he expected would never harm him. The life he had known, where he was a respected researcher was ripped out from underneath him. His identity and everything he’s ever known is stolen from him from a crazed researcher who he had trusted, maybe even loved. He has to relearn who he is, what he is, from scratch. Thankfully, he has one person in his corner. He just never expected to have to rely on someone whose shoulders were so small. This is an a/b/o story, and will have those tropes associated with it. I hope you enjoy :)

    34 Chs 89 Collections

  • Sword in Stone original

    Sword in Stone



    Artie had lived her whole life feeling like a joke. Whether it came to her full name, her parents ‘abandoning’ her and her next door neighbours taking her in, or finding out that her lover was part of a cult and was cheating on her. Said lover then stabbed her. It felt like she just couldn’t catch a break. So when she found herself in a puddle of her own blood, staring up at a fake painted sky, she could only find humour in the situation, and prayed that the next life was kinder. Only she woke up. In the same body, with the same stab wound, only in a world full of magic, swords, and a dead King Arthur? Yup. The round table existed, the knights existed, and so did everyone of legend that she’d heard about as a child. Only it was the beginning of their tales. Nothing had happened yet, except the formation of Camelot, the crowning of the King, and then the sudden death of the King of Legend, King Arthur Pendragon. She would have thought this was another cruel joke if everyone wasn’t wandering around in mourning clothes. If this was a practical joke, it wasn’t a very funny one. Artie was tired. She’d already spent almost a decade working as a police officer, and then a detective, so she felt like she had earned her peace. Especially after all the shit she’d been put through, but someone had different plans. And Artie’s life wasn’t quite done yet. In fact, it seemed like in the eyes of the creatures of this world, this was where she was always meant to be. The time she spent getting her ass handed to her in the other dimension? Just a warm up. And now she was expected to just…go along with what everyone else wanted her to do? Including magical beings who were responsible for taking her from one dimension to another. Artie felt like she was in over her head, even if there were several concerned, attractive knights around her. She wasn’t sure if she was going to run away from all the new responsibilities, or embrace them. She wasn’t a rule breaker by nature, but maybe now was the time to change?

    47 Chs 108 Collections

  • The First Monster original

    The First Monster


    Danu Douglas was tired. She was tired of running, tired of fighting, and tired of crying. She knew it was weak of her to want to give up, but losing Daniel had been her last straw. All she wanted now was a nice place to rest her head, a regular routine, and somewhere where her demons couldn’t find her. So when Daniel had offered her a place to hide with his dying breath, she felt that whatever god had given her this lousy fate was at least trying to make it up to her. Too bad she had been wrong. Just like she had always worried, she was pretty sure that there was no god. No one to call out to when she needed help. No one to rescue her when things got too hard, and certainly no one who was going to mourn her death. After all, she couldn’t die.

    3 Chs 2 Collections