The story takes place in the modern world with magic where vampires and humans defeated demons together and created a new world 2000 years ago...
In modern day the the 3rd princess of Vampire enslave a human by mistake... Only gods know what will happen now.
"We are trapped in a world where gods want us to fight each other to death, only the top 10 teams live" This story is about Tomoki and his team to survive in this death game will the live or die...
In the summer of 1914, six friends from a small town enlist in the Great War, their hearts filled with dreams of glory, honor, and adventure. But as the brutal reality of trench warfare unfolds, they quickly learn that war is not the noble endeavor they imagined. Instead, it is a harrowing test of survival, where every day drags on like a year, and the line between life and death blurs into a nightmarish haze.
"I was 21 when I started fighting," recalls the protagonist, now a shadow of the boy who once laughed with his friends and believed in the righteousness of their cause. As they march deeper into the heart of battle, the camaraderie that once held them together is tested by unimaginable loss and the growing realization that the war is less about glory and more about endurance.
One by one, the friends are torn away, victims of the relentless machine of war.
Diary of a Soldier is a gripping tale of brotherhood, loss, and the search for meaning in the madness of World War I. It’s a story of how the noble dreams of youth can be shattered by the harsh realities of war, and how, even in the darkest of times, the human spirit struggles to find a reason to keep fighting.
sure mate
I am forced to be the vampires SLAVE!!!
Fantasy · KindGhost7