She's close to being Awakened and it was mentioned that she gained strength with each meditation session. I personally think she's stronger than she thinks but didn't had an opportunity to realize this yet
The hand was the size of an adult human, and weighed quite a lot. Still, Rain's kick sent it rolling backward.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
Sunny dialogues are the best 😆
"It means just that. Why, do you feel insecure? Alright, alright… I won't insist that you become a goddess… just yet. But honestly, for a student of mine to aim any lower is a bit shameful…"
Fantasy · Guiltythree
It's also quite poetic. As Fire Keepers they are keeping their fire burning for as long as the live.
Each of the lanterns was a Memory belonging to one of the Fire Keepers. They had been left behind here for a reason. For as long as the master of the lantern was alive, their lantern would continue to glow. If they perished, the lantern would dissipate into a rain of sparks, destroyed with the rest of their Memories.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
Haha yes it was mentioned in chapter 1660. This was after Cassie saw Sunny's memory against the Winter Beast
"True. Then, there is your true body, the Lord of Shadows. Meeting him in person was quite an experience. The contrast between him and Master Sunless is quite striking, to say the least. I applaud your acting skills."
Fantasy · Guiltythree
You really caught me off guard with this one 🤣
"Be sharper!"
Fantasy · Guiltythree
Love this perspective! Such a great way to experience Sunny's strength from a mundane point of view
Inhuman howls. Chilling groans that sounded like… like the world itself was weeping. Eerie and revoltingly organic rustling, as if a mountain of flesh was ripping as it expanded while consuming itself.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
His towering body swayed slowly, and then collapsed.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
I'm just assuming it's already in use
The two of them entered the office.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
Damn, Sunny really selling this character the way he talks! If I didn't know better, I definitely wouldn't see him as the Lord of Shadows in disguise.
"I can tell you a lot, actually… but also not that much. I am ashamed to say that I don't understand my element well, myself. Which is a bit fitting, if you think about it, considering that Shadow God was also the god of mysteries. Shadows… are a unique concept. Someone considers them to be the opposite of light, but actually, shadows and light are just two sides of the same coin. One cannot exist without the other. It is true darkness that is their enemy."
Fantasy · Guiltythree
I think that shame can lead to change, maybe not instantly but certainly as it keeps adding up. More shame = more reason to fix it.
"Yes. It is that we are ashamed of our faults, while they are not. It might sound stupid, but that matters. It matters more than you can think."
Shadow Slave
Fantasy · Guiltythree