She didn't have anything against these two boys, but seeing her oldest daughter interested in one of them seemed, well… unlikely.
TV · Nathe07
"Guys' night!" Howard shouted as he entered Andrew's room with a big smile. It was the first time he had been invited to a friend's house, not counting Leonard. Plus, Andrew wasn't an unpopular guy like most of the nerdy classmates he knew—or like himself.
TV · Nathe07
I had thought of something like adding Jake as a teenager so that he becomes friends with Andrew, since Jake is very funny and half crazy. Because I can't think of a way to connect Andrew who lives in Los Angeles with the 99th precinct that is in Brooklyn.
Andrew felt a mix of surprise and confusion. So it was true. The characters from The Big Bang Theory were standing right in front of him, in the flesh.
TV · Nathe07
The average height for males in the United States is 176 centimeters. Andrew is 178 centimeters and only fifteen years old. So if he is tall
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TV · Nathe07
Look for a male TikTok model with an effeminate style that is to your liking.
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TV · Nathe07
Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic
TV · Nathe07