am I the only one confused. is this a flash back to the beginning or are these chapters out of place
this chapter is also out of place. the other Carter is in prison. is this all a flashback?
is this chapter completely out of place or are the names screwed up. Ethan Carter is dead
the constant name changes and mixup are really frustrating. also several pieces of this seem out of place and don't flow
who is Leah hamilton?
it was chicken not pizza. the editor really needs to proof this better
the mix up of names in this chapter is really confusing
again several issues with this chapter, Susan was there when Ethan died. she didn't find out days later
im assuming Christian Dalton is Ethan?
I loved the story and the ending. it was crafted in a way that didn't seem so sudden like so many of the books on here do. I would love a part 2 though. Does Alla find out who her parents are, Does Mia grow up to be the heiress of her grandparent's families, does Maggie find love. overall I loved the book.
Chasing Back My Contract Wife
Urbano · Audrey721