Webnovel Author: RiversideSword - Fanfic Collection



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2023-10-09 Joint Australia

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The twins and the Creevy brothers rejoiced as if in a silent movie, but the Headmaster's Silencio did not allow a single sound to leak out.

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan



"However, I have to admit that in my memory, this is the most extraordinary, and for the most part, completely unnecessary, invitation to the ball. For your work and demonstration of extraordinary skills in transfiguration, enchantment, and potions, I assign twenty points to each of you."

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan


That rhymed

"The words about the ground and the voices are not accidental, and given that the egg works in water, the hint is obvious," Hermione nodded to herself, folding her arms across her chest. Or should I say "under her breast"?

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan



<There's a tiny chance that the first plan will not work, in which case, transfigure into a monster and stupidly beat the dragon with our fists.>

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan




We could witness everyone's dislike for Harry throughout the day, and Hermione began to get annoyed with how many girls began to study me as we walked the corridors. So now, in the evening, while everyone was going to dinner, we were going to study, and food could be asked to be brought by our familiar house-elf, Timmy.

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan


Hermione just got friend zoned

"I'll tell you a secret - it's all for the sake of the library. May I have a note of permission for the champion and his friend?"

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan

Replied to Rimurum

You didn’t answer his question. He asked how he new of the real Moodys incident if he’s a fake. He didn’t ask if he was a faker or who he was.

In DADA class, Moody was furious. A pseudo-Moody, I should point out. He was sipping something from a flask now and then, and if you passed by at that moment, with my sense of smell, you could detect the distinctive scent of a polyjuice potion. It's strange because Wormtail is dead, the Ministry employee wasn't missing, Voldemort had no one to put him in the homunculus and nurse him. He couldn't make his stupid plan and send Barty Crouch here, but nonetheless, someone is under a polyjuice potion. And it didn't matter who at all. Anyway, Moody was scaring the students with the Unforgivables by demonstrating them on a spider. After that class, not without a hint from Dumbledore, Moody calmed down, but he explained everything clearly, showed a couple of simple spells, countermeasures, Protego of the three basic types, and things like that. He was a good teacher, to tell the truth - he followed the textbook and had time to add something from himself.

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan

Replied to Milkyone

So you do you think it’s Barty or moody?

The days flew by rather quickly. Rumors swirled around the school about how cool or cruel Moody was in class or about the strange new cat that had discouraged half of Hogwarts from kicking animals in two days. Some had cats as pets, by the way, and there were two theories - someone decided to protect their pet with amulets and artifacts. The second theory was that McGonagall, in the form of a cat, was cursing students with various harmless but terribly offensive spells because she is tired of fighting against the violation of discipline with ordinary methods that do not go beyond the rules.

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan



When I took a seat at the House table, I found myself in a kind of vacuum - Hermione was immediately taken in by Lavender and Parvati, and no one really wanted to talk to me.

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan

Replied to LoserIam


"Sporting events, lots of people, alcohol. The joy of victory, the bitterness of defeat. Wizards. Imagine regular soccer fans, but wizards. With wands and the ability to do magic."

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan


When’s max gonna turn into a golem


Hermione dragged me by the hand to the pavilion with some kind of fried overcooked meaty incomprehensible things, which we picked up with all kinds of vegetable garnishes and were happily eating them at one of the half-dozen tables under one big canopy.

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan



"Hohoho… I'm joking. It has only been like half an hour" She snickered.

Sussy Baka in MHA

Sussy Baka in MHA

Anime & Comics · The_Synonym



"In exchange for any wish from me, what I ask from you is..."

Lord of Dreams - A Multiverse Fanfiction

Lord of Dreams - A Multiverse Fanfiction

Anime & Comics · Houssem

Replied to DemiLich


"In exchange for any wish from me, what I ask from you is..."

Lord of Dreams - A Multiverse Fanfiction

Lord of Dreams - A Multiverse Fanfiction

Anime & Comics · Houssem

Replied to shadowsnake_13

You dumb

Malfoy and his companions were quiet again, but ignoring Potter and Weasley was beyond his abilities. Every now and then, there was a verbal altercation, with Draco grinning haughtily behind Crabbe and Goyle and Harry holding back Ron, who was turning red with anger. Of course, it wasn't just the third year who had a confrontation between Gryffindors and Slytherins - there were conflicts in the others, too, and Madam Pomfrey wasn't out of a job. However, it seemed to me that only we have the same people who were causing conflicts and minor skirmishes almost every day. Other third-years didn't even have to do anything, if they wanted conflict, they could just wait, and something would happen during the day. Well, what about me? I pretend I don't know any of them. So far, so good.

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan



After a shower and other hygienic measures, I sat down in the common room. Hermione was one of the first to come out and looked visibly sleep-deprived. She blushed a little at the sight of me but immediately got it under control.

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan

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