Ohhh, except after Daima it is revealed that the Kai’s are just tree people and not actual gods. Dam it daima!
However, Ajax couldn't escape the truth: he didn't know if such a wish could be granted, given his limited understanding of the Dragon Balls' full range of capabilities. The uncertainty gnawed at him constantly, until he finally made the calculated decision to take the safer route. He diligently drafted two versions of his plan, one tailored for a Saiyan and the other for a human, each path filled with its own set of challenges and opportunities.
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
The journey towards overcoming impossible odds, isn’t that where all the fun is?
As for what Life Ki is exactly... well, Ajax is still trying to figure that out, so no spoilers! All I can say is that once Life Ki is revealed during the Cell Saga and after, these past DBAs will take on a whole new meaning...
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
Yep. He wished for the adaptation because he intended to use Kaioken, not the other way around like some other readers might have thought
Why hadn't the Kaio-Ken become more common among fighters in the canon? The answer was obvious. Like the Eight Gates, Kaio-ken's power does not come cheap. After a certain point, the technique turned into a double-edged sword, demanding an impossibly high level of physical excellence. As powerful as the technique was, there was a finite limit to how much strain a fighter's body could endure, which created a ceiling that most simply couldn't break through without suffering severe consequences.
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
Ah, that would not be good for his social life. Its also a deus ex machina ability as he could just stay in there long enough to beat anyone
In every story featuring a human, the same patterns played out: they either became Saiyans through some improbable twist of fate, gained a system, had reality or logic manipulated by their authors to make them stronger, or the story was abandoned halfway through, never reaching a satisfying conclusion.
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
Is that stated in an official source? Cause I don’t remember that exactly when I wrote the scene.
Chapter 105 – Unblockable, Undodgeable, Undefendable
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
That’s completely true! At one point, its just pointless. But then again, don’t forget, energy don’t just disappear after an explosion. It’s dispersed over time. And there’s no rule saying that you have to use your own energy! Saiyan arc Goku could defeat final form Frieza if we give him enough time to charge the spirit bomb. Cell arc Goku could probably do the same to Majin Buu. Of course, it’s unrealistic in combat because they won’t have that long to charge, but the possibility is there….
'If you master Ki, you can find solutions to problems that others cannot solve. Things you never thought possible become possible—for you.'
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
Hmm, I have plans for it, that’s for sure! We shall see!
But in spite of the intense pressure, Ajax felt an unexpected calm. The world around him seemed to recede while also becoming increasingly clear.
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
Oh most definitely
Perhaps but I am but a builder of sand castles playing in another author’s sandbox
Frieza's tail swayed lazily behind him, but his eyes gleamed with murderous intent as he addressed Ajax directly. "I'd be a fool to let you live any longer. So, tell me—how do you wish to die? I'd suggest something... excruciating."
Dragon Ball Alternative
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox