Black_Reeper - Profile



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2023-08-18 Joint Global

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The author is really pulling out every bit of Chinese cringe writing talent he has for this chapter…

Xuanyuan smacked his chest loudly, so loud he almost didn't notice everything in the arena was silent. Everyone, regardless of whether they were in this batch of disciples, the Rank 3 Gu Master referees, the audience in the stands or the Elders sitting and watching above, watched Xuanyuan roar at Tai Yin.

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Anime & Comics · Bruhdamante


Huo Jin just keeps getting violated, poor guy…We’re re about to see the most Chinese villain stereotype character ever created from the way he’s been described…

"He is not trash. And his Talent is beyond praiseworthy. Unlike Huo Jin", the disgust barely concealed in her voice. Her mind going back to the appearance of Xuanyuan's eyes, so bright, yet so dark...

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Anime & Comics · Bruhdamante


ChatGPT when I have an assignment

Xuanyuan felt something drip down his nose but suppressed it as dozens upon dozens of Shadow Thoughts emanated from his shadow. Shadows As Thought Gu was created dozens of different thoughts, different variations, calculating the possibilities of Xuanyuan's theory.

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Anime & Comics · Bruhdamante


So darkness path is an assassin while shadow path is a spy…

"Shadow Path on the other hand, is much more illusory and transient. It cannot exist with Light, although behaves and appears more like Darkness. Shadow Path can be used to create shadowy illusions, or create constructs from shadows. Additionally, the Shadow Path can be used to obscure or conceal things other than just oneself".

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Anime & Comics · Bruhdamante


Can we stop meantioning the higher tiers and just write about what he’s gonna do now…

Xuanyuan didn't have to worry about not being fated to become a Rank 9 Gu Immortal. He was already half an otherworldly demon, and once Fate Gu was destroyed, he, alongside any other Rank 8 Gu Immortals could ascend to Rank 9 without having to worry about Fate Gu intervening.

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Anime & Comics · Bruhdamante


So is he actually forgiving them or is he waiting to get stronger?

Lu Guo seemed wary of Xuanyuan, probably as much as the rest of the Villagers were, but he didn't sense any malice or hatred coming from the other boy. Seeing how much importance Tang San placed on Xuanyuan, he felt slightly intimidated, but was relieved that the other boy wasn't as vengeful as he originally thought.

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Anime & Comics · Bruhdamante


I like how it went down, realistic and helps build character growth for MC, very well done.


In the next moment, he dashed into the rain, gaining speed. The rain hitting him evaporated instantly, forming a long trail of steam—Like a scorching blade.

Life of a Villain Starting from The Naruto World

Life of a Villain Starting from The Naruto World

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoNamingSense


So the author really wants go the hand to hand combat route….

— Isn't that quite tempting? From observing you suppressing the monsters, I could tell. You don't rely on a sword.

The Extra Villain in the Novel

The Extra Villain in the Novel

Anime & Comics · mew_96


I really hope the missions won’t all be saving people and going against gangs cuz that’s unrealistic in cyberpunk, cuz most of mercenary contracts are issued by those poeple…

'I never liked most of Padre's questline. He pretended to be a religious leader, but in the end, he was just part of a gang, and all his gigs focused on increasing his influence and Valentino's on Night City. That leaves me with only one option left.' I looked around, my eyes zoomed on the little terminal to my right.

Cyberpunk 2077: A flawed Timeline

Cyberpunk 2077: A flawed Timeline

Video Games · SmutNovel01


If he saves them, that would change the future events massively no? Let’s see what the author does…

Among them, Yahiko, as the founder and leader of the Akatsuki, can almost be seen as a young Naruto Uzumaki—passionate, valuing friendship, persistent about his dreams, resilient, and very... naive.

Life of a Villain Starting from The Naruto World

Life of a Villain Starting from The Naruto World

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoNamingSense


That was slick


Remiel huffed. "You know, normally I find talking to people difficult because they don't say what they mean. You just say a lot of mean things."

Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey

Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey

Video Games · ISpyExp


Is the author assembling the children power rangers?


Although the boy lowered his head, Brian's impression of him was deep. He was Alan, the child who dared to face the barrel of a gun without fear.

Surviving The Last Of Us World

Surviving The Last Of Us World

Video Games · kibishi718


That’s a good thing in his situation…

Rubbing his stiff, frozen hands, Brian queued up outside the supply distribution point. He couldn't help but notice the sudden generosity of the adults around him upon seeing him, a child. They kindly made way for him, but Brian didn't feel particularly moved; instead, he felt a strange sense of unease. Perhaps he was becoming too cynical, no longer believing in the inherent goodness of humanity?

Surviving The Last Of Us World

Surviving The Last Of Us World

Video Games · kibishi718


Thx for the chapter

AN - The next chapter would introduce the first fixer and some familiar characters along with the first official gig. I know the updates have been irregular but I have been trying. Thanks for the support though!

Cyberpunk 2077: A flawed Timeline

Cyberpunk 2077: A flawed Timeline

Video Games · SmutNovel01


Good from the author to do this kind of stuff, else the power ups would be too robotic…

A string of curses filled Ryota's mind. 'An eraser? Freaking eraser? The fu*k am I going to do with this? At least give me something to write on or with! What will I do with just an eraser? Stuff it into my ass or something?' A huge frown appeared on his face as he stared at the small, seemingly useless object.

Transmigration: In the world of ONE PIECE

Transmigration: In the world of ONE PIECE

Anime & Comics · Word_Alchemist


Here’s something I don’t understand about One Piece in general, like by now everyone should know what happens when the Celestial Dragons come to town, hide every women in basements underground and only keep ugly old men to keep the dragons company…

Overwhelmed with desperation and unable to bear the shame, the princess pulled out a hidden knife. With a quiet apology to her brother, she ended her own life to escape her fate. This act enraged the king and his remaining sons, who, driven by grief and anger, rushed to avenge her. But they were quickly overpowered by the guards, unable to reach the Celestial Dragon.

Transmigration: In the world of ONE PIECE

Transmigration: In the world of ONE PIECE

Anime & Comics · Word_Alchemist

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