Funny how the unicorns were already whales with unicorn horns😅
They mated and intermarried with the melodious, beautiful, and delicate Sea Demons and subsequently gave birth to beings resembling whales with unicorns — the Elves sometimes referred to these whale people as "merfolk."
Eastern · Blue Medicine
Thanks for the chapter☺️☺️
Nonchalant in expression, but this kid actually dared to insinuate I'm old,in a roundabout way. Well, he might actually serve as a good mouthpiece in the future. If those elders keep pressuring me to marry, I'll just send him over to bite them, and maybe he could infuriate those old fossils to death.
Eastern · The Tail of the Full Moon
Please what does this mean
Nonchalant in expression, but this kid actually dared to insinuate I'm old,in a roundabout way. Well, he might actually serve as a good mouthpiece in the future. If those elders keep pressuring me to marry, I'll just send him over to bite them, and maybe he could infuriate those old fossils to death.
Eastern · The Tail of the Full Moon
Huff, thank goodness 😮💨🥲
Oh no, My best number is 4 and I just kinda have this good match vibe with it, like I could...... I don't know, It's just a feeling and now I'm seeing what, SYMBOL OF DOOM or something like that 🤯😫😫😖🤕🥶
OK, because my mind wandered to some places🥹😅
"I see." Lily-Mae nodded in understanding. It was probably the unavoidable nature call.
Fantasy · YuuZu
O wind spirit, you have such a dirty mind, and to think I didn't even see it that way 🙈🙉🙊🐵🥲🤣🤣
Her body was so hot! In terms of temperature, not something else, of course.
Fantasy · YuuZu
Please share, what call🥹🫠🙃😅😗🤣
"I see." Lily-Mae nodded in understanding. It was probably the unavoidable nature call.
Fantasy · YuuZu
Woah, it's been a month already, Author-chan, are you still there, are you good, It's getting alarming now, we haven't heard from you, no comment and all, for months, hope you're good 🥺🥺🥺
Reincarnated as a World
Fantasy · SolitaryMonarch