
male LV 4
2023-07-12 Joint Global
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1 days ago

As I have said, more Warhammer parody than Starcraft parody.

"There is no need for apology as nothing happened to me. That being said, what caused you to enter into that state?" I inquired. A faint sweet pheromone came of the agitator again as she remembered what she saw before composing itself. "This one told you earlier that the hive through consumption Of creatures myriad, it has gained almost all forms of Psionic power. Therefore, it is able to also determine what powers another being can use this is why. This one went into your Mindspace to discover your ability, and what we found only further proved that you are our mate. Apollo-mate has the purest form of Psychokinesis almost tapping into Omni kinesis. Apollo-mate has the potential to wield all manner of Psionic power with enough training."

The hivemind is conquering for me?

The hivemind is conquering for me?

Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell

1 days ago

this is totally Warhammer 40K parody

"What about in other sectors we can observe any news from the coalition?" "Yes your grace" A blue humanoid said from the far end of the table "Our spies in the traitorous coalition have reported similar events occurring, no other information at this time."The king looked at the blue alien 'Ugh what was king Lysander thinking passing the bill allowing the filthy xenos permission to join our mighty military? If I can find a way to assassinate the civil king Dickon and replace him with a puppet, I could flip the bill and remove the filth before it festers.' Shoving his racist thoughts to the back of his mind till later, the king continued.

The hivemind is conquering for me?

The hivemind is conquering for me?

Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell

1 days ago

I'm surprised he didn't threaten with the judges again

"I didn't say anything!" Wang Zhong raised his voice, "Don't put words in my mouth!"

Cannon Fire Arc

Cannon Fire Arc

History · Count Constantine

1 days ago

Balaha would be India or Egypt?

As a Ceresan, he indeed could not bring himself to respect Balaha.

Cannon Fire Arc

Cannon Fire Arc

History · Count Constantine

6 days ago

I understand this feeling buddy.

"Oh, so it's not a mass execution," Yegorov said, clearly disappointed.

Cannon Fire Arc

Cannon Fire Arc

History · Count Constantine

6 days ago

honestly... I don't know if they deserve this humane treatment.

Wang Zhong sneered, "Don't equate us with you! You are beasts; we are humans. We shot in the shoulder in the past because we didn't have time to take prisoners, and we couldn't let them go to kill our soldiers, so we had no choice. Now, we have the conditions to take prisoners, and I assure you that you will receive treatment in accordance with the Geneva Convention!"

Cannon Fire Arc

Cannon Fire Arc

History · Count Constantine

8 days ago

A Power sword, a bolter, Power armor and a chainsword. A complete kit.

Wang Zhong was reminded of Warhammer 40K when it came to reciting prayers on the battlefield. Was he also supposed to nail scrolls inscribed with scripture onto his armor? Then, first, you guys need to give me a power sword and a bolter!

Cannon Fire Arc

Cannon Fire Arc

History · Count Constantine

13 days ago

Din't be so greedy man, this isn't even their war

All the fault of the Federation.

Cannon Fire Arc

Cannon Fire Arc

History · Count Constantine

13 days ago

Serious question: How do secular factions view saints if they don't really believe in God?

While the workers were discussing among themselves, the foreman turned to the station master, "See, there's no need to worry about their enthusiasm. Everyone wants to perform well in front of General Rokossovsky. After all, the church is nearly promoting him as a saint."

Cannon Fire Arc

Cannon Fire Arc

History · Count Constantine

14 days ago

And "Spiritual Treasures" aren't the same?, almost nobody known How they work, only that they can be used at some type of cost, usually.

"Mysterious Objects" in "Era of Mystery" could be understood as "Spiritual Treasures" from fantasy martial arts novels, but unlike "Spiritual Treasures," these "Mysterious Objects" were even more bizarre and uncontrollable. Their origins were unknown, their mechanisms of effect were unclear, and their characteristics and uses were all mysteries...

I've Become the King of Villains in the Game

I've Become the King of Villains in the Game

Games · Radish balls

  • The vengeful God in another world is me?! Wasn't it just a game?! original

    The vengeful God in another world is me?! Wasn't it just a game?!


    Récemment mis à jour

    ‘How did this happen’ The young man, practically a boy, looked at the scene in front of him. In just one glance it was possible to see dozens of people, more closely he was sure there could be hundreds or thousands of people prostrating themselves in front of him. From the center of the city square to the adjacent streets in front of the temple, with a frightening similarity to what happened in the Vatican when the Pope gave a speech. The young man sitting on a throne too big for him, inside a marble temple he could see expressions of happiness, reverence, gratitude and in some a small hint of fear. Not that he paid much attention to the others, his attention was mainly drawn to the group directly below the throne. This group was made up of people of various ages, from old men with gray and wrinkled hair, but with strangely healthy bodies and postures upright like poles, to young people of various ages including children. What this group in particular had in common was their expression, which could only be described as fanatical as they looked at the young man. The only thing that was going on in the young man's head, with all this excessive attention, was simply... ‘How did things get like this?!!!! I was just playing a game!!!!’ In a room in an ordinary apartment, in an ordinary city. A seemingly ordinary young man could be seen lying in bed with a cell phone on his chest. The cell phone was on and showing scenes from what appeared to be a game. With a small and intriguing coincidence that the young man sitting on a huge throne inside a marble temple was completely identical to the sleeping young man. ********************************************** Thanks to ImagineArt for the image

    54 Chs 46 Collections

  • O Deus vingativo em outro mundo sou eu?! não era só um jogo?! original

    O Deus vingativo em outro mundo sou eu?! não era só um jogo?!


    Récemment mis à jour

    ‘Como foi que isso aconteceu’ O jovem, praticamente um garoto olhava para a cena em sua frente. Em apenas uma olhada era possível ver dezenas de pessoas, mais atentamente ele tinha certeza que podiam ser centenas ou milhares, de pessoas se prostrado em sua frente. Desde o centro da praça da cidade até as ruas adjacentes na frente do templo, com uma similaridade assustadora com oque acontecia no Vaticano quando o Papa fazia algum discurso. O jovem sentado em um trono grande demaia para ele, dentro de um templo de mármore podia ver a expressões de felicidade, reverência, gratidão e em alguns uma pequena pitada de medo. Não que ele prestasse muita atenção nos demais, sua atenção era atraída principalmente para o grupo diretamente abaixo do trono. Esse grupo era composto de pessoas de várias idades desde velhos com cabelos grisalhos e enrugados, mas com corpos estranhamente saudáveis e com posturas eretas como postes, há jovens de várias idade incluindo crianças. Oque esse grupo tinha em particular tinha em comum expressão que tinham, só podendo ser descritas como fanáticas enquanto olhavam o jovem. A única coisa que se passava na cabeça do jovem, cento dessa atenção desmedida era simplesmente… ‘Como as coisas ficaram assim?!!!! Eu só tava jogando um jogo!!!!’ ——————————— Em um quarto de um apartamento comum, em uma cidade comum. Um jovem aparentemente comum podia ser visto deitado na cama com um celular sobre o peito. O celular estava ligado e mostrava cenas do que parecia ser um jogo. Com uma pequena e intrigante coincidência de que o jovem sentado em um enorme trono dentro de um templo de mármore, era completamente idêntico ao jovem dormindo. ********************************************** Obrigado ao ImagineArt pela imagem

    54 Chs 7 Collections

  • I have created a funny, but deadly Dungeon in another world original

    I have created a funny, but deadly Dungeon in another world


    Many think of the afterlife, some think they will face the judgment of God, some think they will only fade away in the darkness of nothing or that they will be reicarnated in another world. Like any nerd and otaku, Kaio belived/hopped that will be the last option that would happened to hum when he died, and that's what happened to him, he just didn't expect it to turn into a dungeon. Now he will have to adapt quickly, if he want to survive in this new world, that seems like a mixture of a western fantasy world and eastern cultivation, as possibly the only Dungeon in the world.

    36 Chs 33 Collections

  • Eu criei uma masmorra divertida, mas mortal em outro mundo original

    Eu criei uma masmorra divertida, mas mortal em outro mundo


    Como qualquer bom otaku e nerd, Kaio sempre imaginou como seria reencarnar ou ser transportado para outro mundo como um herói, e explorar lugares novos, aumentar a tecnologia de um mundo e claro conseguir garotas. Por mais legal que isso pareça no papel na realidade isso seria uma coisa bem dificil, ainda mais quando você não pode se mover, você não é o herói ou humano pra inicio de conversa. Ser uma masmorra, geralmente o responsável por tragedias não é um bom ponto se você quer ser herói. Sorte ser herói não era a maior prioridade dele, e depois de considerar um pouco viu que ser uma masmorra, do jeito dele, pode não ser muito ruim, mesmo que existam pessoas ansiosamente esperando para destruí-lo e conseguir um pedido de Deus.

    36 Chs 4 Collections

  • The Age Of Magic That Began After The Apocalypse original

    The Age Of Magic That Began After The Apocalypse


    Lucien is a human..... At least he considers himself one. Even though after his DNA was altered as much as his was thanks to a new type of radiation, genetically he could not be considered human, but from his perspective he is one, as are his few friends, possibly the last humans in the universe. . Until new ones appeared, but... a little different than the humans they remembered. ------------------------------------------------------------ New Chapters Tuesday and Thursday. The first 5 Chapters in 24 of December as Christmas present.

    26 Chs 17 Collections

  • A Era da Magia que Começou Depois do Apocalipse original

    A Era da Magia que Começou Depois do Apocalipse


    Lucien é um humano..... Pelo menos ele se considera um. Mesmo que depois que seu DNA tenha sido tão alterada quanto o dele foi graça a um novo tipo de radiação, geneticamente ele não poderia ser considerado humano, mas em sua perspectiva ele é um, assim como seus poucos amigos, possivelmente os últimos humanos do universo. Até que novos apareceram, mas... um pouco diferentes soque os humanos que eles lembravam.

    26 Chs 9 Collections