Jean, a little girl who became an orphan at a tender age and detached from reality into a world of despair and loneliness meets an extraordinary friend who turns out to be her saving grace. Twinkle, who's a highly advanced humanoid robot from a mystery galaxy, came to earth on a mission to find Vicky, a humanoid robot who got lost in the world of magic on earth. With time Jean and Twinkle built a very close friendship until one day when they got separated by circumstances.
Afterwards, Jean meets Fred. An exemplary young man from a filthy rich family who reminds her of how it felt like to be loved. The two embark on a journey to build a love castle amidst a stumbling block by Fred's weird big sister, Winnie. Jean's life takes a beautiful turn and just when it was at its peak, she gets reunited with Twinkle.
Twinkle gets to rescue her friend Vicky with the help of Jean, Fred and Winnie but in the process Fred loses his memory. Before departing from earth, Twinkle wished to fulfil one of Jean's most cherished desires. Jean is left at a crossroad. Will she choose to embrace her past and leave all her current happy turnings or will she let go of her past for her new found love?