

LV 4
2023-05-05 Joint United States
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3 days ago

Time for more Ben shenanigans


I'll try to think in more chapters but the next release will be a mass release of 10 chapters. That's my promise to all of you readers that have stuck with me since the beginning.

Reincarnated in the DC Universe with the Omnitrix.

Reincarnated in the DC Universe with the Omnitrix.

Anime & Comics · ZackDKaizo

3 days ago


Genichi paused and said, "Let's call it... [The Wheel of Time]."

Jujutsu Kaisen: Journey to become The Strongest Sorcerers

Jujutsu Kaisen: Journey to become The Strongest Sorcerers

Anime & Comics · ArthasV2

8 days ago

One winged angel starts to play


First off I think I'm going to use Hairpin with mid air objects unlike how Nobara set them up as a trap around her enemy. I'll call it C0 My second idea is that maybe I can use it on a dagger to extend and sharpen it into a sword! I think I'll call it Rapier as I plan on using it mostly for stabbing With that it'll be able to bypass other swords unless their also containing cursed energy which most sword users will have. But it still has its benefits. it retains the lightness of the dagger due to cursed energy being weightless and since I choose the size, I'll be able to extend it past regular swords. It wont be something like Goku's power pole but It'll be enough to catch people and curses off guard and give me a slight advantage and who knows maybe I'll be able to fuse it with my resonance.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Straw Dolls Rebirth

Jujutsu Kaisen: Straw Dolls Rebirth

Anime & Comics · jace_rurangwa

8 days ago

You just need to spin it!!!!


I've been watching movies and I can tell my control is getting better so I decided it was time to try and figure it out how to use reversed cursed technique. I remember Gojo saying that it was mashing cursed energy against itself but I feel that description is wrong and right. I'd say its like spinning your fingers in different directions (you can try it at home its actually a little difficult to do) and each time they collide it creates reversed cursed energy that is how it felt to me anyways. the feeling of splitting up the cursed energy your using for it and doing the process of spinning and mashing to mix them into reversed cursed energy is pretty cursed energy expensive. I'm happy I told the god that I should have enough cursed energy to use the reversed cursed energy effectively. Luckily it all comes easier to me due to my wish so most regards of cursed energy usage shouldn't be too hard to achieve for me aside from domain techniques and maybe maximum techniques after all the ability to use reversed cursed energy requires quite a bit of control which due to my wish will come a lot easier to me. So the only thing I need to do now is train!

Jujutsu Kaisen: Straw Dolls Rebirth

Jujutsu Kaisen: Straw Dolls Rebirth

Anime & Comics · jace_rurangwa

14 days ago

I wonder just to send a message is he gonna do that public trap between the cheater and the two guys she was cheating on just to show who exactly he really is targeting since I bet that would put the idea in people what he’s doing.

14 days ago
Replied to Ariel_Seary

**In that game

16 days ago

What about other types of golems like crystal ones or other crystal like beings that can create their own type of magic or emulate others or their bodies can magnify magic to help out those scholars he made for a example

16 days ago

Also can’t forget you get mutations that are unstable like good old angry pickle dino the deviljho


Usually, mutations in a species were beneficial but in this case, not so much, the only reason they survived is due to their own higher reproduction rate. Though to be fair in some species cases that's all that is needed for them to survive. Unless an outside predator or anything not native to the local environment were to interfere. The humanoid monsters didn't have a problem dealing with them, and while it was rare they even killed one everyone in a while. 

Marvel: Typhon the Maker

Marvel: Typhon the Maker

Anime & Comics · Dr_Insane001