"Not gonna lie, he's kinda… hot?" (...ok)
Video Games · AmbitiousTransltor
he's him
The God-like happy with himself, but something once again bothered him, who could he understand himself without a name that would represent him... He didn't know how powerful he was... And it didn't give him much of an option of names... Perhaps The One who watches. Or Just Him...
Anime & Comics · Unbotheredcreator
As the file uploaded, John noticed the name of the group chat—"A Man Among Us?".
Video Games · AncestorX
I couldn't be more mature
"It's a mature handgun now; it can reload itself..."
Video Games · KingTL
I wasn't that hungry because I had a light meal of a hamburger at the airport.
Anime & Comics · RYUSuke
Alexei's tone grew graver. "Overnight, joint operations between the Gendastrerie and several tactical teams led to raids on several insurgent bases. We've captured more than 60 prisoners and confirmed over 200 eliminations. Most of the prisoners are researchers. O5-4 has suggested forming Research Task Force Sigma-4, made up of captured researchers and scientists from various hostile groups. They'll be used in dangerous projects where disposable researchers are required."
Sci-fi · phamtom3000
"So... am I cooked?" D-9942 muttered nervously, half to himself.
Sci-fi · phamtom3000
"We die in the Shadow so that humanity may live in the Light," he said, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air. "We are the SCP Foundation. We secure, we contain, we protect."
Sci-fi · phamtom3000
Ojiro chuckles. "A bad author indeed."
Anime & Comics · Dracule_mihawk
Once Artin found her, she used a dagger that Alex had given her to cut the rope. It was a type of dagger called a British Naval Dagger. When she asked where it came from, Alex simply said 'The Brits', but she didn't even understand what he meant by 'The Brits'.
Becoming a Dungeon Core
Video Games · whatisthisname