Is from the pov of Winston, so he doesn’t know. In fact in the following paragraph he suspect something
However, they failed to make through with the victory? How? Quant in a move that even surprised Winston ran all the up the chasm without the usage of shinsu.
Others · Yesnth
Better when he is mini-Rack
"No... I just... it's not that... I'm not worried about the black turtle... I just came to see if my prey is okay! It's just food check!" Rak replied awkwardly.
Others · Yesnth
I don’t know Rachel, but from someone that have never ever see the Sky it must be a beautiful dream, Just see how Bam react to the false Sky in the Tower. Said that, for me you can piss on the dream of that bitch
"The top of the tower?" He continued. "You mean the legend that one can see the infinite sky at the top? And the stars that shine within it?"
Others · Yesnth
I thougth of The Knight King Who Returned with a God manhwa
"My ancestor's idea may not be the best, but it does hold some merit." says Aemon as a memory sprouts into his mind. A memory of a particular manhwa where knighthood is an integral part of a kingdom's society without being shackled to religion.
Anime & Comics · Servant_Ambrosius
I was waiting to see his reaction
– Jon Snow –
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
I don’t know the other but Baam used black march one of the 13 Sword of the princesses, it was Yuri Who gave it to him
"Welcome to Tower of God. Mr. Winston."
Others · Yesnth
I take it back, he changed it
A gigantic fish like creature with a long tail and two appendages floated silently in the air, swimming in the waves.
Others · Yesnth
I don’t think a guardian can change a floor’s test
A gigantic fish like creature with a long tail and two appendages floated silently in the air, swimming in the waves.
Others · Yesnth
Akemi Miyano
Clearly, by controlling Miyano Akemi, they could have easily controlled Miyano Shiho. So why did the organization choose such extreme measures?
Anime & Comics · Junkdog
I see. I understand. He grinned a bit as he looked on towards Quant. His movements aren't just exceptional for a human. No, this man in front of me... he's no longer a human.
Tower of God: Sequence Strength
Others · Yesnth