This time, his new vessel wasn't human—it was a cat. Not an ordinary cat, though, but a magical feline with innate flying abilities and the power of speech.
Anime & Comics · GreekGreenGlass
couldn't he copy other Susanoo abilites?
Shin grumbled. His Susanoo only had a katana, and it didn't have any special abilities.
Anime & Comics · DragonnX
so no Hollows?
Harry kissed her forehead, "Love, I've had some ideas about that. We could contact the goblins about buying the old Riddle place, that would save that caretaker's life as well. Purchase the Gaunt shack that's next to it and the goblins can rip it apart, disposing of the ring without us having to go anywhere near it. I was thinking of building a garden centre on the site, something really muggle to piss Tom off if he ever makes it back,"
Movies · Earthly_Writer
If the doctor who took over 200 YEARS to make some half baked possession shit that barley worked and still failed. if you think he can replicate the Super Solider Serum that hundreds people worked on in the whole of marvel failed to do IS AN ASS PULL NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS!
No harem
Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
Anime & Comics · _TheWatcher_
Yeah! great work would recommend it if you like the lucifer character and not just a Self-Insert with god-like power. ................................
why is the Super Soldier Serum still in the items?( is it an inventory?)
[Items - Deluminator, Wand, Sword of Gryffindor, Salt, Japanese Steel Katana, Super Soldier Serum (consumed)]
TV · ArtoriaPendragon_
darkseid has a daughter???
Granny Goodness, ever-devoted, stepped forward. "The search for your daughter has been long and arduous, great lord. If Earth holds the key to her whereabouts, then it shall burn for daring to keep her from you."
Anime & Comics · PEKABOT_2005
-_- why.... it was going so well until now
"You are such a smart man, you will make a fine Lord in the future. Ok, the party will start in about 15 minutes and Daphne will be on your arm when you enter the ball, as your future bride." Walburga stated as she took a step back and admired her work. "Arcturus will be the one introducing you to the lords so he will explain all the people to pay attention to. He will also point out other suitable candidates for Mistresses. That law was passed yesterday forcing you to have a wife or at the very least a mistress for each of the noble houses you hold, so you will need 4; one for Black, one for Bodewig, one for Dumbledore and the last for Grindelwald.
Book&Literature · TheGreatestWall
Thanks for the chapter
A Flugel's Gacha
Anime & Comics · Ezras_Hargrave