Iron Man, it would help him Mature as an actor the same way that Iron Man had to mature when everything happened to him. Keeps him funny but also makes him take on something more serious.
Suggest Roles suitable for Joey to play
TV · Adams2004
I'm trying not to spoil it, but Rosalie will have her happy ending. Just wait.
Lol, Yeah I can't even see it.
A/N: Character looks like Urek Mazino from Tower of God.
Movies · Flaming_Lines
Yeah, unless I put a description, then it is like that for all of them.
Kassidi on the other hand looked to be in pure bliss, her cheeks were bright red as she held the one that Carl kissed, her eyes looked like stars were in them as she gazed at him. Her mind was playing out a million scenarios about what their future would be like.
TV · Flaming_Lines
I'm enjoying this so much, good work!
Relaxing in Shameless and Beyond, it was one that was dropped.
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TV · Shane_Town
Dude!!! This is and OC from another Shameless fic on here
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TV · Shane_Town
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Greatest Of All Legends
Sports · Sphire1707