Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Supernatural
Cormac Etzell is an expert in understanding the feelings of others. But out of all the people, Etzell sometimes can't understand a woman's feelings. That's why he wanted to keep learning so that he could understand them.
One day, Etzell saw a woman sitting in a park chair crying. Feeling sorry for her, he tried to comfort her and approached her. But who would have thought, when approached the woman turned into a strange and terrible figure. And strangely enough, she claimed to be a spirit who was ready to kill Etzell.
At the same time, the park became very dark and tense.
"What the hell is going on?" muttered Etzell in confusion.
Every question must have an answer, at least that's the principle of a teenager named Satomi Adney.
He has several questions that he thinks have not been answered at all, for that he will attend the Highschool of Genius in order to get the answers.
From what Satomi knew, the school was just an association of many geniuses. But after finding out more about it, it turned out that the school was more troublesome than he expected.
Genre: Drama, Game, Romance, School Life, Sport, Psychological
Setiap pertanyaan itu harus memiliki jawabannya, paling tidak itulah prinsip dari seorang remaja yang bernama Satomi Adney.
Dia memiliki beberapa pertanyaan yang menurutnya belum terjawab sama sekali, untuk itu dia akan bersekolah di Highschool of Genius agar bisa mendapatkan jawabannya.
Dari yang Satomi tahu, sekolah itu hanya perkumpulan dari banyak orang genius. Tapi setelah mengetahuinya lebih dalam, ternyata sekolahnya lebih merepotkan dari yang dia duga.
Genre: Drama, Game, Romance, School Life, Sport, System, Psychological
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, School, Slice of Life
"A-anu, kau menjatuhkan ini."
Pada saat itulah, Yuuta Maru merasakan sesuatu yang sangat kuat. Sesuatu yang belum pernah dirasakan olehnya, yaitu perasaan cinta.
Sebuah pertemuan singkat yang berawal dari jatuhnya setangkai bunga tulip ungu. Ini adalah kisah tentang dirinya yang jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama dengan seorang gadis yang bernama Eru Chitose.
thank you for the review. you're right, Jujutsu Kaisen was my inspiration to create this novel and I hope you will continue to enjoy it!
Spirits of Destruction
Fantasy · Ftomic